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Clarification - Jay

Posted: Sep 17th, 2016 - 1:14 pm In Reply to: Sledgehammer approach - Violet girl

The point of the article is that managers should take the time to deal with issues on an individual basis in a calm and reasonable fashion to solve problems, rather than impose sweeping policies on everyone to avoid having to actually manage individuals. For instance, let's say one or two people are submitting an unreasonable number of reports to QA, or leaving blanks because they don't want to take the time to listen more than once or look up previous reports. I believe an effective manager should address the issue with those individuals in a constructive, non-berating way and try to resolve the problem. But a lot of managers don't want to do that, so they send out a group memo that is often harsh or threatening in tone and gives the impression that ALL personnel are guilty of abusing QA or sending in too many blanks. Not only is that is TERRIBLE for morale, ironically it probably will not solve the problem!

Regarding your other comments, I'm not the owner of WahlScribe. The purpose for writing and posting the article in numerous places frequented by MTs was not to promote WahlScribe or recruit applicants. The purpose of the article is to provide MTs with information that will help them recognize poor management practices and hopefully take a stand against them, as well as to challenge managers to take an honest look at how they are managing.

As far as the information regarding compensation, benefits, etc., that was provided in response to specific questions from a reader. If I had dodged those questions, what kind of impression would that have given? In any case, I believe every MT looking for potential job opportunities should absolutely be asking those kinds of questions, and I personally would be put off by a company which was not forthcoming with such information. Evidently there are others here who share that sentiment, because since I posted the article and responded to questions, we HAVE been inundated with applications, far more than we currently have openings for.

I don't think it's unreasonable or arrogant to conclude that the message of the article must have resonated with quite a few readers here, Naturally that's gratifying, but honestly I just expressed what a LOT of people in our profession have been feeling for a long time. Ironically, so many MTs have been mistreated for so long by so many companies that when someone in a position like mine tries to speak out on behalf of working MTs, some people are instantly suspicious, like this is too good to be true. Believe me, I get that! I TOTALLY understand why people feel that way. There have been times when WahlScribe MTs coming from other work environments have expressed surprise and almost disbelief when they are treated with respect and actually have the opportunity to ask questions or make suggestions. That's how bad it has become in our industry, sad to say.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. I just wanted you to know that I respect your point of view enough to acknowledge and respond to your comments as honestly and reasonably as I know how to. It's important to me to demonstrate as best I can that there are still some decent executives and managers in this business who aren't trying to crush working MTs under their jackboots; WahlScribe isn't the only example of that.


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