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Very happy WahlScribe employee - KSMT

Posted: Sep 15th, 2016 - 8:24 pm In Reply to: I'll do my best to answer your questions. - Jay

I for one am very happy to be part of the WahlScribe family and am so thankful Jay hired me. We truly are like family and support each other. It's so nice to actually know who your co-workers are and able to communicate with each other and ask questions. QA is very helpful, and if there is an issue with understanding a particular doctor, they help to contact that doctor for you and make it better. I've never had another company do that. For me personally, the pay rate is a little higher than my previous employment, and I make more because I'm not trying to keep up with several accounts and account specs. I now have a job that I enjoy doing without all the added stress of being threatened if I didn't bold that heading on this account or if I dared send a job from one of the many accounts I was just thrown on to QA. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner because I was scared to learn a new system.


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