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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: What I Did.. (Views: 35)

I'll do my best to answer your questions. - Jay

Posted: Sep 15th, 2016 - 7:34 pm In Reply to: I would be very interested to know what WahlScribe pays its MTs - sm

We hire only employees, from the U.S. MTs/editors are paid on production, QA staff are paid hourly. Our line rates are about average for the industry, maybe a bit higher. We use a tiered compensation matrix which increases line rates as productivity increases. We pay on a 65-character line including spaces for everything an MT creates or edits anywhere in a report. Fortunately we don't have a lot of downtime, but if it's more than 10-15 minutes we make sure our employees don't lose compensation. Full-time employees are eligible for health, dental, PTO, and 401(k) benefits. The company pays the majority of the health insurance premiums for both the employee and any dependents. For employees who choose not to take benefits, we pay a higher line rate, which is only fair. We have both full-time and part-time employees, and we go out of our way to be flexible with scheduling. We have a secure internal instant messaging system which we encourage our employees to use to ask and answer questions and generally stay connected with one another. That one thing alone has proven to be HUGELY popular with our MTs, as a lot of other companies basically forbid their people to communicate with each other, or only allow communication by email. To me that mindset is totally counterproductive and the benefits of allowing the team to communicate in real time far outweigh any disadvantage.

Speaking of things we DON'T do, we don't penalize for blanks or for sending reports to QA. Our QA feedback is positive and not punitive. If someone is struggling with productivity or quality, we take the time to work with them individually--one of the benefits of a small company. My door is always open to any employee who has a question, concern, suggestion, etc., and they use that opportunity on a regular basis. No one ever gets chewed out or scolded, for any reason, period. That is company policy and it applies to everyone. We don't tell our employees what they can or can't post on social media; they're free to express their opinions openly without having to fear any kind of repercussions.

On that note, there was a discussion thread on the Medical Transcriptionists United! Facebook page a few days ago where someone asked about WahlScribe, and a few of our employees responded. I didn't even know about it until someone mentioned it to me after the fact. The link to the thread is https://www.facebook.com/groups/3728240106/permalink/10157611660675107/. It's a closed group, so you have to ask to join, but I think they're pretty good about letting people join. Anyway, you can read what the WahlScribe employees had to say for yourself. I don't know if any of our MTs will participate in this discussion, but if they do, they can speak for themselves about how they're treated at WahlScribe.

I'll finish up by saying that for someone who started working on production part-time in the evenings 17 years ago, sweating for every line, pounding the keyboard hour after hour, the opportunity I have now to build a new MT service from the ground up is a dream come true. I don't know very many VPs in this business, especially men, who have actually worked in the trenches themselves, and in my opinion that's one of the things that makes WahlScribe different (and better, frankly). We treat our employees with the dignity and respect they deserve, and that is just as important to me as making a profit for the company owners, who thankfully share that same mindset.

I hope this answers at least some of your questions. I'm happy to get an opportunity to talk about the good things we're doing for MTs at WahlScribe.


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