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Please don't let the cat - out of the bag

Posted: Oct 27th, 2015 - 8:16 am In Reply to: TTS defenders, I have a feeling they are higher ups at TTS - Like a tornado

I joined TTS after several years at the big "M" I will tell you right now I accepted a lower line rate. However before I was not being paid for spaces and now I am. Big difference. I also do not have 6 different accounts in my work pool to juggle like I did previously. So, when TTS adds a new account, please don't let the secret out of the bag. That they use eScription. They are always adding new accounts. They have decent healthcare plans to pick from with United Healthcare. That I get direct deposit every other Friday. That I have 15 PDOs every year that I can schedule myself. Oh yea, we get spaces, headers and footers. PLEASE, when they post an ad do not go on here and let the cat out of the bag, I like staying busy and not chasing jobs all day long.


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