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Question about adding RAM to a laptop - MT

Posted: Jan 09, 2012

I have 2 GB of RAM on my laptop and want to add 2 more.  There is an open slot to add it.  My question is do I have to take out the 2 GB already there and replace that too?  I have seen the memory sold in pairs, so they are made by the same manufacturer.  Do both cards have to be the same?  Can I just plug in a card by a different maker than the one already there?  Any help appreciated.

RAM - itpro0115

[ In Reply To ..]


I have included a link to Crucial memory scan.  This will tell you what you have on baord and what will work with your system.  They are resonabily priced to purchase from.  You do not need to replace the current onboard memory. 


Keep in mind that if you are using ANY 32bit version of Windows it will only see and use 3.25GB of RAM.  There would be no point in installing or purchasing anything over 4gb as It would be useless and a waste of money.

Hope this helps.


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