A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Mark your calendars !!!!!!!! - see msg

Posted: Oct 11, 2011

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2011:   Occupy Together - a Global Protest
PEACEFUL  protests, occupations and open dialogue will be held nationwide, so if you've had enough of the farce that is the U.S. corporate reality today, which has forced us into the dire realities we all face in our own lives, then make your presence felt! 

Even if you don't attend  a protest, DON'T WORK ON SATURDAY.
Even if you're not in agreement with everything the movement is protesting about, that's okay!  There are so many grievances workers face today, there is at least ONE that fits our own personal financial realities, the OFFSHORING OF AMERICAN JOBS.
If you're worried about what refusing to work for one day does to "patient care", then all the more reason not to work on Saturday - to prove your point. 
And finally, if you feel you absolutely MUST work on Saturday, then try to do only straight transcription, and REFUSE ALL EDITING JOBS.  Even that small action can make a difference.  It's time to let our employers hear loud and clear that offshoring American work is WRONG, and it's time for it to STOP.

offshoring is wrong, but 2 wrongs dont make a right - sm

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You cant "teach them" by refusing.

India wont Refuse.

You are pushing the drugs right into the drug dealers hands.

Sorry... this is nonsense.

Agree. Don Quixote tilting at his windmills - Off shoring is here to stay

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That ship has sailed. Getting rid of off shoring means you will pay a whole lot more for your clothes, electronics, medicines, etc., all of which are produced overseas and that the US imports.

I have a job that I like - yes, it's MT - and it pays me well. I'm not doing ANYTHING to jeopardize it.

Not only that but .. - anon

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Notice at the end of the post after claiming this is all about offshoring, the poster then states if you're going to work don't do any editing. Of course, editing has nothing whatsoever to do with offshoring. Just like offshoring, speech recognition is here to stay.

What they ignore is that Indian companies selling their services are no different than American companies (such as Microsoft, Apple, Boeing, Coca Cola, etc., etc., etc.) selling their products in India. If America says no to offshoring, then India (and other countries) will simply ban all American products.
For every person who posts they think changing - the system is "nonsense", -sm
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(or every suit POSING as an "MT" trying to keep us all under their thumbs), there are probably more MTs who, without fanfare or posting their intentions, are probably going to not show up to work on Saturday.

Editing has a LOT to do with offshoring. I edit just as many Indian-typed reports per day as I do VR. And VR is better than the Indians, which isn't saying much about the quality of either.

Still, if you feel you MUST be a good little worker-bee, and edit everything in your queues on Saturday, then how about just slowing down? It may be just a drop in the bucket, but the ocean is made up of millions of tiny drops of water, and it's one of the most powerful forces of nature.
No slowing down for me. - Sancho Panza
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I love how you bring out the "suit" moniker again. So original. NOT.

Yes, I will be a good little worker bee on Saturday. It's how I pay the bills and keep a roof over my head.

I still haven't heard any really good suggestions as to what things are supposed to change by all of this.

Protest away, folks. Just be careful what you wish for.
"Sancho Panza" - haha! Thanks for the laugh. Best nickname in a long while. - nm
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the only "millions of tiny drops off water" - sm
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Are going to be the tears of those who listen to this garbage!

Slowing down, refusing to do ASR or taking the day off will get you fired! That is adding to the problem, not a solution.

There is no solution until the US stops offshoring work. Plain and simple. A few transcriptionists skipping work for a day is not going to fix that.

Come into 2011 - not an MTSO or suit
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Not sure what company YOU work for but I can tell you there is working coming out of India that's just as good as many, many American MTs' work.

Not sure what program you do VR for, but the company I work for has a pretty good rate of accuracy. Perfect? No, of course not. But damn good.

You are trying to change a profession that is designed to evolve and eventually go away, just like many professions before us. If you think a handful of MTs not typing on a Saturday (do you even work on Saturday?) is going to stop this evolution, then I have a bridge I'd love to sell you.
Wow. You guys are SO beaten-down. It's such - a pity what greed has done to all of us.
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Pretty sad.
There's a difference - offshore jobs versus products
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Does Indian companies offshore their jobs to the US? No?

This about an American company producing something with workers from another country who will do it for a fraction, and then selling the product back to Americans for probably the same price as if an American worker produced it, keeping the profits for themselves.

Oh, I see, so the CEOs aren't taking the offshoring profit for themselves - Probably no difference.

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There wouldn't be a price difference unless the CEOs/suits would use their tremendous profits from offshoring to reduce prices rather than give themselves bonuses, mansions, cars, servants, etc.

Continuing on with the "status-quo" is nonsense. - So is slaving away for 8 cpl.

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Mark your Calendars - workinggirl

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I believe in order to stop offshoring we need to work and quit complaining. America needs to wake up. Stop the bail-outs. Stop giving companies big tax breaks to send the work overseas. The more Americans work the less there is to send overseas. The only way to make a buck is to earn it.

We should not work for companies that offshore more than half of the work.

That's what they WANT you to do: keep quiet, - dont think, dont speak, just work.

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Don't be part of the problem, be part of the SOLUTION. Join the REVOLUTION!

I don't think so.....sm - Old Woman

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You can go right ahead, if you wish, but where would my work go if I took Saturday off and got fired as a result? To India....or Pakistan....or the Philippines......

This is NOT the way to effect the desired change in our profession. It IS, however, a sure fire way to force more companies to seek employees in foreign countries who are able, willing and eager to work.

No matter how loyal we are, or how hard we work, - its going to happen anyway, unless -

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all of us do something to change the system.

Will it change overnight? No.

Will it change in our lifetimes? Possibly not, especially for those of us who are retirement age and beyond.

But is this the kind of working life you were hoping your kids or grandkids were going to inherit? And we're not just talking MT, either, but ALL fields.

I saw an interesting interview last night with a woman who was an administrator at BofA. She talked about what her job had devolved into over the past 6 to 8 years. It was no longer about managing subordinates, or workflow, or customer accounts. It was all about predatory practices involving clients calling about mysterious "late fees", planted to reel them in and sell them other account types and services they didn't need, or weren't aware they would be billed for.

I've had my bank (Wells Fargo) pull the same number on me. They claimed an electronic payment I made on my account caused it to need "overdraft protection". They transferred $25 into my account, which I didn't need, as my account was NOT overdrawn, without my permission. Then they proceeded to bill me $35 for this action I never authorized, because I had already removed "overdraft protection" from my list of banking services. When I made the call to get it straightened out, I was given the same high-pressure hard-sell for not only overdraft protection, but life insurance, identity-theft insurance, you name it.

I stopped using my Mastercard because they kept "conveniently" neglecting to post my payments in time to keep it from getting "late charges". Now I only use my debit card. So now they're considering charging me $15/mo. just to HAVE a debit card? Nope. I'm taking my money out of WF and putting it into a small local bank, instead.

Will we change the whole system? Probably not. But if even ONE thing that is currently wrong is at least partially fixed, it will make a difference that might begin a slow domino effect of positive change.

I agree - old hand

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Certainly, things need to change. But should you take a notion to do this, your numbers are small, and taking into consideration your bosses are most definitely aware of what is going on, you are running the risk of being labeled as a trouble maker and an agitator, and just might get yourself fired, accomplishing nothing whatsoever except you don't have a job and you might have a very tough time finding another.

Sometimes if you want things to change, you have - to assume some risk. If this were - sm

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a job that actually paid me a wage I could live on, afford healthcare on, and put away some savings to retire on, then maybe the risk would be too great.

But when your pay is so low that taking a day off means you're only out $48 GROSS pay (before 25% is taken out in taxes), then what's to lose?
As someone who was unemployed for over a year....sm - Old Woman
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I can tell you there is a LOT to lose. Jobs don't just grow on trees these days, and if a person is fired from their MT job for walking out on Saturday, they may not only find themselves jobless but also blackballed in the industry. And don't think it doesn't happen.

As for me, I will be sitting in my chair in front of my computer working away on the work that will be left behind by those who choose to participate in this demonstration. I care enough about my job and the patients I serve not to jeopardize either one in what is likely going to be a futile attempt to gain a little recognition.
The jobs WILL go away entirely if we don't - fight for them to stay in the U.S.
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I agree, too. - weneedtoberealistic

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And this is not going to help anyone. I do hate watching people shoot themselves in the foot.

dont shoot yourself in the foot by underestimating - how big this moving is going to get.

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these protests are just warning shots. they've got bank of america in the crosshairs, and the cyberpower to bring them down. if bank of a. can go down, dont think for a minute the same thing cant happen to your friendly neighborhood MT company

WHERE'S MY POM-POMS? - You WILL send 200.00 missed pay and

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and do lets exchange job info to apply for each other's job once fired, shall we?

Good idea..don't work! That means.... - More Work for ME! YAY

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LOL! Love it! - YAY!

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Yes it does. Selfish attitude, but yes, you probably - WILL have more work. Enjoy!

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This again?? Really??? - Think for a minute

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I am all for the protests going on about the lack of jobs and the rich getting richer. Your answer to this is for an MT not to work and lose a full day's pay? Are you for real? Do you think this has not been discussed and debated before? Do you not see the lack of logic behind this?

First of all, if there is a work slow-down ever - MORE work leaves the country!! You are basically encouraging the need to do so. Secondly, there are plenty of people in the U.S. and elsewhere standing in line to take your job - probably for less pay. Thirdly, in this economy, do you really think MTs want to lose a whole day's pay when they are not making enough as it is? And lastly, the very few MTs that you reach on this board are not going to make one bit of difference by not working or slowing down on Saturday.

Did you ever think that there are some happy MTs who make a good living? My company pays fairly, I have a flexible schedule, good benefits, reasonable expectations placed upon me, and plenty of work. My company does not off-shore. Do I have a "selfish attitude" because I am happy and do not want to protest against a company I am actually happy with, and I do not want to lose the pay?

Rather than asking ALL MTs to do something this ridiculous, losing pay, and risking their jobs, a more productive action would be for those same MTs who are unhappy, under-paid, and have low work loads to find another job. Refuse to be put in that position. Jobs are posted on this site and other sites every single day. Yes, I had to work in an unhappy situation for 4 months while I found the right company/account for me. It can and does happen. If those MTSOs lose enough good MTs, perhaps they will take a look at why.

Again, I believe in the protests going on but what you are suggesting is actually counter-productive.
Why many MTs will not do this. - Very Happy MT
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I sit at home in my PJs working. I do not have to buy work clothes, and I do not have to drive/buy gas. I work 7 to 7-1/2 hours a day, M-F, benefits, PTO, good account, and I make $35,000 to $40,000 a year. Why would I want to do anything to hurt my company for a few MTs, who I do not know, that may or may not be the root of their own problems and can not or will not obtain a better position for themselves? How does that become my responsibility in any way.

No, the wages are not what they once were. Too bad. I make a good living and I like my job. You will find very many MTs who feel the same way. Those who do wish to participate in this, more power to you, I hope it works; however, you should realize that not all MTs are in your position. It is your responsibility to do something about it for yourself. Experience and hard work does pay off, and perhaps you just have not reached that level. At the same time, not all companies are the same. If you can not obtain a job that you are happy with, even though it takes a little time, perhaps you should examine the reasons why rather than placing any responsibility on the rest of the people in an industry that is working quite well for them.
The whole "I get to work in my PJs" excuse for - accepting low pay is pretty lame.
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Still, it illustrates quite clearly the mindset of many MTs, and probably says a lot about why certain types of people seem to get into the MT profession.

MTs, on the whole, seem to be a shyer bunch, who prefer the more cloistered existence of working at home. They don't have to get dressed, they don't have to deal with the public. They can make some money from home without ever having to set foot outdoors. Some are even truly agorophobic.

At some point, the Powers That Be caught on to this... an entire segment of the population was working under similar conditions and mindset that Abused Women live with, and the fear of trying to change things because the Abuser would likely become even more abusive. "Don't ask. Don't tell".

They figured out pretty quickly that they had an entire hidden workforce that could make them extremely wealthy. These workers were for the most part timid, closeted and afraid, and often so secluded from what was going on around them in the rest of the world.

The businessmen & women knew the MT profession would be an easy one to take full advantage of, because each and every worker was isolated, cut off from their co-workers. That way there would be no comparing notes, no chance of unionization, etc.

But they didn't factor in social media, and how it has changed our isolation. Now, great changes are possible through the power of social media networking, but only if people WANT things to change. Those who don't will of course remain unplugged and isolated.
I do not "accept low pay," and the words in your post are scary... - Please read
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I also am not shy, agorophobic, abused, timid, closeted, afraid, or secluded. I do not "accept low pay." Again, I know that what I make is much more than I could earn at another profession. I am good at what I do. I like my job.

My mind is very clear. I have worked MT jobs where I was not happy. I certainly was not afraid to leave. I work hard. I have very many years experience. I am capable of improving my position, and would certainly do so if I needed to.

I think a problem for many MTs is that they think they are worth more than they really are. It is proven time and time again. The others are going to have to accept the fact that this industry is no longer going to pay $60,000 or more a year for most. When I made 8 cpl, I had a good worth ethic and made that turn into $35,000 to $38,000 a year. I now earn a little more and I am grateful. You say "no excuse for accepting low pay." What is low pay to you? What is it you think you are worth? You do have to take into account an MTs experience and worth ethic, you know. One MT making 9 cpl will earn $25,000 a year, while another at the same line rate will make $45,000 a year. That MT who could only make 9 cpl realize an annual income of $25,000 does not deserve higher pay.

The same realities do not hold true for each MT no matter what they make. Their bottom line incomes will still be different.

As for the words you used above in your post, this certainly does not describe the successful MTs I know. Maybe they are an example of MTs you are familiar with. Maybe they are unwilling or enable to better their situations with any line rate. Some people are just not cut out for this business of working in their PJs and earning a good living. Not all of us.
I didn't say "all" MTs, so please don't say that I did. - But explain this to me - sm
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How does one make $45K on 9 cpl?

Especially if you are on a strict schedule and can only work 8 hours a day? Unless that person is using some scary-fast transcription platform, which I doubt, judging by what everyone on here says about their companies' software, unless they work closer to 20 hours per day, it's not possible.

Just about all of us face NJA every single day. I've had it 3 times already today, and right now I'm in a NJA wasteland. That factors into our paychecks, too. Even though my company has some "normals" for some accounts, there aren't nearly enough of them, and those that exist don't come up often enough, to be able to benefit from that, either.

No, it's just ESLs, NJA's, broken sound tracks, mumblers, woefully incomplete or nonexistent demographics, or chronic "oops-go-back-and-re-type-this" dictators. No matter how fast I type, I then have to sit through gaps of "uh, umm", paper or radiograph-rattling, or loudly cackling nurses in the background. It's not just me. We ALL do.

I think there's a reason why some people on this board insinuate that those who can't bring home $40K+ per year are somehow stupid, inept, lazy, too young, too old, too fat, too thin, too uneducated, or educated at the "wrong school", or have the "wrong kind of transcription experience", and yada yada yada.

But I think most other readers on this board know that answer to that, as well, so I won't bore anyone with my opinion.

That said, in an economy where a box of corn flakes costs $5, a gallon of gas is $4.87, auto and health insurance costs are through the roof, as well as everything else, including an MT's education, which wasn't cheap either, when you compare what we have to know in order to do our jobs well, even $45K per year is now rather low. Compared to what I make now, it seems like a fortune, of course, but when I see what other professions pay on average, this one, even at upper end of the wage spectrum, is grossly under-paid.

Still, unless things change, it won't matter. This field will disappear entirely if MTSOs still get perks for offshoring. This isn't the only profession this is happening to. I happen to have a skilled computer science friend with a Master's degree who was laid off, lost his health insurance, then was injured in an accident shortly thereafter and had to have major surgery. He lost his home, and now lives in a homeless shelter. His injury healed, so he lost his disability, but now he owes medical bills, has been out of work for more than 99 weeks, so lost his UE. Meanwhile, despite his skill, experience, degree, etc., he cannot find anyone that'll hire him because he has the ill fortune to be in his late fifties.

I'm just one paycheck away from his same fate, except that I'm 5 years older than he is. My retirement fund would only pay for about 2 years of retirement. So, with my family's longevity gene, with many living past 100, I don't dare start using that retirement money until I'm about 99 years old.

I'm just stating my situation as a "fer instance". Just about everyone in this country is either in similar dire circumstances, or knows someone who is. I don't believe that being complacent workers, who say "yes, sir - thank you, sir" to every paycut we get, every NJA on our screen, every VBC account we get stuck typing, and being "glad to have a job", like they tell us we should be, at ever-lowering pay, is going to change things for the better. And people in other fields are facing similar issues. I've reached a point where there is little left to lose, and I don't intend to go quietly to the homeless shelter without at least putting up a good fight.
It's just not that difficult at 9 cpl and it doesn't take - incredible speed.
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What it DOES take is consistency on the MT's part and showing up for work, actually working the entire shift, etc.

BTW, 2000 lines in an 8-hour day is more a norm. Even more with editing.

You sound like you've not been a good solid producer which is probably why you feel the way you do.

I think I'd hang it up if I couldn't make at least $50K a year on 9 cpl.

See what I mean? You insinuate that because - I dont get the same results as you,
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even though my experiences are different, my software is different, my accounts are different, and my employer is different that yours, that I'm somehow a slacker. That's rather narrow-minded, don't you think?

Still, it sounds like you've been lucky enough to have snagged a pretty cushy job. That's really lucky - I hope it lasts for you. But nothing in life is forever, and the direction not just the MT industry is taking, but the entire country is taking, doesn't bode well for any of us.

So, I could quit MT, or change companies, or even die, and since I don't work for your company, I'm sorry to say that it's not going to translate into even one extra job for YOU. More likely, it will translate into more work for an INDIAN.
There are lots of people who make far more than - we do who are going to forfeit - sm
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a day's pay to protest the rape of America by banks and Big Business.

Yes, there may be a few MTs left (not many) who are happy with their jobs and their current pay. But just being happy with what you have now doesn't mean it can't be snatched from you in an instant tomorrow.

The ulterior motive these MTSOs have is to eventually weed out ALL American MTs. You know that, don't you? Even if you like what you have now, you need to fight to keep it, or it could be taken away from you tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month.

I was very happy at my former company, and then it got swallowed by one of the horrible big nationals that has 20 Indian MTs for every 1 American MT. The writing is on the wall.

Selfish? - How so?

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How is making the most of it selfish? If someone doesn't want to work Saturday and "protest" and I don't, why does that make me selfish? I'd rather provide for my family--to not do so would be selfish. And if there is more work available for me to do, then I should do it... what would you suggest, that I save jobs for "protesters" for when they come back? HA!
How so? - S/M
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Just a few examples I've read here in the past:

"You're quitting? Oh boy! More work for ME!"

"You hate your job? Why don't you quit, so I can have all your work?"

"You got fired? Hallelujah! Now maybe there will be more work... for ME!"

"You can't make it on 7 cpl? Well, why don't you quit? Then there will be more work for ME, ME, ME!"

"Your company just lost that big account you were working on? And now you're worried about losing your job? Well I hope you lose it! More work for ME!"


Hmm, Don't work on Saturday might mean get fired on Saturday. - see message

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Also, I am confused - what does refusing to edit VR have to do with offshoring?

That's a serious question.

My company doesn't seem to have the guts to fire me. - But still, I keep on trying!

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I'm taking tomorrow off (without pay, of course) to exercise my right to free speech. (And to get out of the house! I've been chained to this PC for 2 weeks straight, and have only gone outdoors to get the mail. If my skin gets any less tan, it will be transparent.) I need some sunshine vitamin D, and I also need to surround myself with people who actually still hold out some hope for the future of our country. People who can actually see beyond their own noses.

If they want to fire me, well then so be it. I really don't care anymore.

This is ridiculous. All it would do is push more work offshore. - no message

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What too many people don't seem to understand - is that if we dont do something -

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it WILL all go offshore. Even if the hemorrhage of jobs to India could be slowed from a gush to more of a trickle, it would make a huge difference in all of our lives.

If that can't be accomplished, then maybe it can at least be discussed. A lot of this movement is about DISCUSSION.

At the very least, no one will ever be able to say I didn't TRY to do something. All the jobs may end up in India anyway, but the only thing that could make it worse would be knowing we did nothing to try to prevent it.

Unionizing - MT2000

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Until we get a majority of democrats in congress, unionization will never happen. Not working for one day out of the week wouldn't even get anyone's attention. I used to work in Michigan for a company with a union. The CEO there just went on like there wasn't even a union there. And in fact, the employees were singled out and harassed by management. I went to my union steward and there really was nothing that could be done. The union wasn't willing to spend money for an attorney to get it stopped, which was the only way it would have been stopped. The company has bottomless pockets, and the union wanted to keep our union dues for their own agendas than to help out its members.

I used to agree with unions, but until the tide turns and we have more democrats in congress, the republicans are going to stomp all over unions and the employees will suffer. On the flip side, the unions must challenge each and every instance of harassment of its members, in court if that is what it takes. Unfortunately, the unions have their own agendas and know when it's a losing battle.

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