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QA quantity linked to incentive - BZB

Posted: Apr 30, 2013

It really troubles me that the QA percentage is linked to incentive.  How can that NOT be causing MLS to just guess sometimes, rather than sending "non-crucial" blanks to QA.  Sometimes I wonder if this company's customers know about this connection (i.e, the company saving money on incentive by discouraging QA of the customers' reports).

The hospital administrators probably don't care - SM

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They just like saving money. However, the physicians do care. Unfortunately, they can complain all they want about quality and it falls on the deaf ears of the administrators who are just happy they will be keeping their jobs because they kept costs down.

It's the perfect recipe for failure and, oddly, that seems to be their goal. NM - anon

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And every now and then... - Anon

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...they toss out a HIPPA warning, reminding us that crucial mistakes fall on us and with it the legal repercussions.

HIPPA warning - uniquemonique

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Not since I started with Nuance, and I've been transcribing for 20+ years, have I ever heard so much responsibility for the accuracy of a chart put on the MT. We are NOT doctors, nurses, etc., and we sure don't get PAID for that.
I agree!!! NM - 20+ year vet too
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HIPAA, not HIPPA - Fed up
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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Ban me if you must, but people who act as if they know what they are talking about ought to be familiar with the acronym.
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I'm not surprised I can never remember the acronym. It's hard remembering bulls**t.

That's the law. For all companies, not just Nuance. - nm

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The law is that... - Anon
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...patient information be not compromised or shared. That we work in an industry where doctors dictate in a manner that suggests they don't give a damn and then pass the liability onto us is, in my opinion, bullsh**t.

It's like they want to have it both ways. Doctors are required to carry malpractice insurance in case they make mistakes. But where is our insurance? The industry wants to hold us to "professional" standards yet pay us the going rate of a retail worker.

And the sad thing is that over the years we've all allowed this to happen.

Blanks - Chavera

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I have to tell you, I would rather take the hit for a blank than chance filling in with a wrong word. The thing is, the incentive and bonus are practically unattainable any more, so I would rather "err" on the side of leaving a blank.

Know what? I thought unattainable too... - But was surprised sm

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to see that I *did* get a bonus this quarter. In fact, I was SHOCKED, as I had stopped trying because I believe like you do. Still not quite sure how I did it, but I'm not saying anything! LOL

Quarterly Bonus - LoveMT

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Here's what I find surprising... I have made the incentive bonus for every single week with the exception of 1 week, and I did not get the quarterly bonus... Wasn't told why and didn't ask. I'm pretty sure they managed to nitpick some of my reports apart until I was under their "99%" accuracy.

The only other thing I can figure is that I didn't meet their "184 lph" or whatever the heck it is. I don't understand how they figure lph because when Transcend did their little reports on how many lph we were editing, I was always in the 300 lph range. God only knows, but if they're figuring lph based on how many lines we do in 8 hours, then I probably didn't get it because of that. I managed to do somewhere around 1500-1800 lines per 8-hour shift before EbeyondTXT came along.

Now that the quarterly bonus has come and gone, I really don't care if I get it next time or not. All I'm going to concentrate on is making sure I meet my own personal goal I've set for myself and my financial needs. I'll check my reports for accuracy as much as my time allows, but I have to make a halfway decent paycheck, and if it means leaving a blank instead of spending my time (time is money) looking for it, then so be it.

It's really kind of depressing that no matter how hard you try, you just get knocked down over and over again... "Damned if you do and damned if you don't."

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