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ridiculous feedback - pamt

Posted: Apr 13, 2014

This is soooooo ridiculous, my blood is boiling.  The doctor dictated: "Continue vancomycin and will obtain a vanco trough and further dosing recommendations."  I get it back as a minor error.  She changed it to:  "Continue vancomycin and we will obtain a vanco trough  . .  .   She's acting like he put a contraction in there such as we'll.  That's purely a judgment call.  No wonder we're getting emails complaining about our high rates of minor errors.  Anyone can play THAT game!  I'm sure the editors are being told to find as many ways as possible to make it look like we are doing something wrong so they can fire us all as soon as possible.  We're on to you, M-Modal, we're not as stupid as you'd like to think we are!

Any time I put "we will" - it gets changed to "will"

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and I get accused of padding my lines. Go figure.

There have always been QA people who are anal - like that

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MModal in FACT tells the MME NOT to be hyper-corrective, at least my lead tell us that. We all know QA people who make corrections just so they can bask in the glory of their own superiority.

MModal as a whole would be idiotic to encourage that kind of behavior. It skews their QA numbers down and they end up looking bad or having to give discounts.

As an editor, I can swear and promise that is not true. - Bsides, MM does not need a reason SM

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to fire anybody. They just can. They dont even have to make a good pretend excuse why they fired your. At will employer can fire anyone with NO reason. Just like you can quit for no reason. You dont have to give reason or excuse to MM if you want to leave.

But I agree, some qa are crazy. I have had them say to me, my initials are on that report and I want it to be perfect. My thought on that is then you are the only one that does. All MM wants is a report that is accepted and signed off of by the facility.

This is exactly why failed audits are so unfair. They - are based on the whim of the

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particular auditor and there are no concrete rules (outside of a glaring critical error). Audits are so subjective that to fire someone over what one auditor considers a failed report is entirely unfair.

You do realize that auditors are NOT MMEs. Auditors is - a group unto themselves. nm

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On a Slightly Different Note - Victoria

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I just ran into a standard that had 4 paragraphs and underneath it there were the identical 4 paragraphs (in the same standard). Doesn't anybody proof read the standards? I also ran into a long standard that had weird symbols in it, that unfortunately I didn't catch the first time around and spell check didn't pick them up. My question is what do the QA lead people do? I was blessed with some great QA team leaders in my time, but I can't say that is the case now. Its discouraging to say the least.

...and regarding the will and we will -- they better be darn sure when they are changing it because they can change the intended meaning, even if it is an ever so slight change.

How many doctors would send that back asking that "we" be added??? - Rose

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Exactly!! - anon

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This over-editing with needless corrections by over-zealous QA and MMEs is exactly why M*Modal's Fluency was the worst VR program I have ever worked on.

Does her first name start with M? - She

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sounds like the nitpicker who changed "kids" to "children" in my report even though the doctor dictated "kids" and it is a verbatim account. Maybe she is the one always correcting our grammar on MTStars, ha, ha!

How do you even know the names of the qa ppl? - nm

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You can see them on DQM - by putting in the IJN

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of the QA'd report.

ridiculous feedback - sandy

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I agree. Just fire us and get it over with. Why play games with us. I have never seen anything so stupid in the 11 years I have worked for these people.

Here's one for you - anon

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Recent feedback from QA. I did NOT divide the paragraph into separate paragraphs thereby having a "run on" paragrahph. In the past told not to. HMMMM?

A run-on paragraph? I've never even heard of such a thing! I hate MModal! - Daisy

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That's why I quit last week. I can't believe how low they are stooping. Total harassment. I'm so sorry for those of you who are going through the mud. You are NOT stupid. You ARE worth your weight in GOLD! You are skilled in your craft. Don't think otherwise. You should be respected and treated with dignity. You deserve so much better.

And I bet they are actually saying we'll. nm - L&L

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Must have had the same one! - TrampledUnderfoot

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I had 3 instances in the same report where they changed "will" to "we will" and another time at the end where I typed "we will", they changed to "will"!

There's just no winning!

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