A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

What is happening at M*Modal - slm

Posted: Oct 09, 2012

What is happening at M*Modal. Any information would be very helpful?

A complete rukus? - wanna join?

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Get some chest armour and bring a sword!

already a member - slm

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Already joined and not sure I want to continue.

Phone Interview - co

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Can you elaborate? I am supposed to have a phone interview with them.

You'll be fine. I started with them in May. - sm

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The entire process went down without a hitch. No, I'm not making a million dollars yet but it sure beats IC work at set schedules and even lower rates. So, yeah..... I'm loving it.

Do you think the grass is greener on the other side? - Take a look around the boards.

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So they are doing a little bit of restructuring...big deal. Maybe they feel like they have too many chiefs and not enough indians.

No, we absolutely have enought Indians. - thats for darn sure

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And too many chiefs.

The grass is NOT greener ... - WisdomMT

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I speak from direct experience -- Word of Wisdom -- and I have worked for many years in this industry as MT. I have worked in many different arenas, including MTSO as well as working in-house at major hospitals and "prestigious" teaching hospitals. And (by my choice) I continue to work here at the Q. My choice and I realize the grass is NOT greener elsewhere. At this MTSO, I am at the top of the pay scale (frankly, at a higher rate than anywhere else).

So, instead of thinking the grass is greener on the other side, I have now realized all I had to do was water the grass on THIS side of the fence !

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