A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Straight Up.... - potentialQer

Posted: Jan 04, 2011

This board is full of so many negatives about Medquist.  Can anyone tell me anything GOOD about Medquist? TIA

1. Positive: They always pay on time. - Always

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Second that. - Unfortunately

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I can't think of anything else to add other than the fact that I have a job in this crap economy.

Positive - realistic

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I'll probably get beat up for this but 52+K last year is on a positive note. 3 weeks PTO. 401. On and on. I have a job, and a good one too. And I transcribe all day long, am not a suit.
April Fools - where did Feb. and Mar. go?
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Yeah.... RIGHT!
Not buying that pig in a poke. Sorry. - not born at night
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holy moses.. the 664 moster emerged from the swamp - did anyone get photos?
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I am calling Ripley's.
To REALISTIC - Pants on fire!
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Liar, liar. To the MTs/MEs who work here, it is impossible to make 52K per year. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
I believe it - Me too
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I made 28K part-time and can't say I really busted my hump.
Busting Hump - BHer
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So, realistically, speaking what can a full-time MQ employee expect to make? If a part-timer is making 28K, that's not so bad... can full-timing it get you to twice that I wonder? Very curious...
realistic - sm
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I'm not going to beat you up. I believe you. I did not make 52 but around 30. I would assume my line rate is lower than yours. I also got at least 3 weeks PTO time. I do not invest in the 401. I also transcribe all day and not a suit.

As said before, there are good regions and bad regions, good CCMs and bad CCMs. I certainly do not think the people that have it rough are lying, but the people that are happy with their job and doing good are also not lying. It's just the luck of the draw on what work you get. It depends on if clients in your region take their work overseas. Many hospitals refuse to have their work go overseas. It depends on how much ASR you get and the quality of it. There are many factors involved, but it is not right to call the people doing good liars.
I didn't even break 30k and I am a worker bee. - dumbdumb
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Just not possible any more, at least for me.
I just e-mailed you, realistic - for your secrets
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I want to know if you could tell me how I can make that much, too. I hope you will return my e-mail just to make sure you really aren't a suit.
I think the bulk of us could use some tips - post them
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So, lets have it. What are you doing? Speed voice, spell check and move on? Are you on a straight transcription account perhaps? CCM Pet? Won a 30,000 bonus and only earned 20,000?

Seriously! What is the BIG SECRET that you 50,000 braggers are keeping to yourself?

Gee, since you asked so nicely... - NM
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like you would have anyway - :(
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point proven
Only suggestion I have - Me too
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With ASR, read ahead whenever there is a pause in the dictation. I ALWAYS use the yellow highlight and read ahead to correct things that jump out at me, but can still go back immediately to what they're saying once they start talking again.
ex 50Ker - NJA Queen
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I used to make 50K plus, but I must make a disclaimer that I worked 50+ hours a week with OT and I took full advantage of the daily bonus working four 10-hour days.

The only secret is that the 50K don't want you to know that straight transcription account is a must, also many long Ctrl-S standards that you can pull in and just fill in the @@. I also had one account that we didn't have to fill in the ADT screen and that saved me much time too. You don't realize how much time we waste on CCs and verifying date of service and dictator.

To make 50K on straight ASR now with the current pathetic pay plan and absent bonus/differential structure you must have long standards you can pull in (either self-made or client-produced). Otherwise you are destined to chaining yourself to your chair and working OT every time it is offered and every incentive until you are so sick.

Sorry there is no magic answer. Some people have gravy accounts and others dont. Simple as that.
Agree wholeheartedly. I used to make it too. - did work OT some
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Was on familiar accounts and had my own "normals" and could save keystrokes. There is no way now. Not with all the time I spend on the ADT screen, cc's, and unfamiliar accounts.
some tips... - read me
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You know, you can't expect someone to offer assistance when you berate them with sarcasm and contempt.

I'm not the OP, and since you haven't insulted ME yet, I will offer you some of my tips:

1. Using "normals" is a timesaver of course, but in addition, I abbreviate every possible word I can. Using this method, I can produce about six lines by typing only about two.

2. Use keystrokes instead of the mouse. There is no reason to have to mouse around your document when you can use customized keystrokes to move your cursor, select text, etc.

3. Get over yourself and upgrade your skills. When you encounter someone who makes money and is successful in this industry, find out what they are doing and implement it rather than insulting them and holding them in contempt.

good luck to you
I believe you - I have done it
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I used to make pretty close to that and I only make 7.5 cpl. I was on the same account for 4 years, I had made a canned report for nearly every dictator and every worktype at that hospital. I worked nights and never ran out of work and got that incentive bonus every month. At the beginning of the year, that hospital went to India without noticed to me. I was moved to a different account full of inaudible progress notes, that incentive bonus turned into a pathetic raise that averaged the past bonus after a month or two of no work/slow work, then the night owl differential cut. I make half of that now. My point is that I don't believe you are lying, it is possible to make that much, but you have to be lucky. It's not that those making less are slower typers or have poor work ethic, maybe just the opposite; they just got the shaft when it came to accounts/ccm/India, etc. don't be suprised when you get a bad reception when you let loose how much you make. I suggest a bit more tact.
We all USED to make it - just not possible any more. - silly putty
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Unless she is just the total exception to the transcription rule.

Most of them still communicate in English. - (Brush up on your Hindi)

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I don't do Hindi - An American

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They only technically speak English. If they spoke English FTR, we would not be having such a hard time understanding them, needing to listen to them repeatedly, directly affecting OUR salaries. Perhaps their English is understandable in their country as they may be familiar with their own dialects (of which there are many BTW), they are NOW AMERICANS!! They made a choice to move HERE. It should not be our responsibility to understand them, but theirs to learn OUR system. Furthermore, I feel due to the time involved, we should be compensated fairly by MQ. I know, I know.

I have more difficulty with Mexican ESL dictators than Hindi ESL dictators. - ...

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The Mexican ESL dictators in my region dictate really fast and skip over the words they don't want to say, but I'm still supposed to type them in the report. I'm pretty good with fast dictators, as long as they actually say most of the words. I had a Mexican ESL dictator the other day who was literally intermixing Spanish and English, and it was an ASR report which turned out to be no help whatsoever. I would've F11'd it, but I'd never transcribed this dictator before and wanted to try the ASR just in case it might've helped. It's like a crapshoot with ASR and unfamiliar dictators. Oh, well.

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