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Mandatory Schedule Changes? - chillywinter

Posted: Oct 23, 2014

Are they now going to be changing our schedules without our knowledge to conform to the POD model? (whatever that is).    Email seems to indicate that...current schedules have been wiped out.

I haven't gotten any email, but ... - anon

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It wouldn't surprise me a BIT if they didn't start REQUIRING one weekend day for everyone. MModal is the only company out there that doesn't require EVERY employee to work at least one of the two weekend days.

That is not true. - I used to work for M*Modal

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EVERY other company makes EVERY employee work one or two weekend days? Unless you've worked for every single company in the history of MT, you can't say that. It almost sounds like perhaps you work weekends, and others don't have to and you're upset.

I've worked for 4 companies in 30 years, including MM, and have always worked M-F because of responsibilities I have outside of work. If I was 'forced' to work every weekend, I simply couldn't accept that job. I don't know what happened, but it seems like newbie MTs who came into the field in the last 10-15 years are much more accepting of the ridiculous demands (no life outside of MT).

I worked for a hospital 13 years before being outsourced and - doing company work and *EVERY* see msg

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single one of us in the dept either worked Tues-Saturday or Sun-Thursday. It's a part of healthcare for crying out loud. Who do you think will type the ER notes, H&Ps, radiology, Stat reports etc. if no transcriptionists are working??? Give me a break! Yes, there are transcription jobs out there (usually clinic accounts) that are Mon-Fri, but logically speaking it's extremely common that as an MT you WILL work at least one weekend day especially if you're an acute care MT. I would think that goes without saying.

Agree. When the field got saturated with newbies, we really took - sm

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a hit on pay and schedules... so many of them coming out of mail-order schools agreeing to do anything just to get their first job. This used to be an awesome job. I've never worked weekends either. I have enough experience in every area that I'll find a Mon-Fri job elsewhere if they try to shove that on me. I've taken pay cuts, horrible accounts, horrible audio, nutty supers, etc., but I won't give up weekends with my family. There are plenty of people who either need extra part-time work or their husband works weekends, etc., who don't mind doing it, so why force it on those who absolutely don't want it. It's completely unnecessary.
It's completely unecessary to work weekends?!?!! - ARE YOU SERIOUS...SM
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So goodness forbid you get into a car accident on a Friday night, get rushed to the ER, undergo numerous radiology tests at which point, they find you need to be rushed into emergency surgery, admitted to the hospital and several specialists are called to consult on your case over the course of 24-hours, but YET NOBODY IS AVAILABLE to type NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOUR REPORTS till Monday because they don't feel they should have to work on weekends - Regardless how many sick people are out there or how many tragic accidents, strokes, heart attacks and so on. How do you think that would affect your overall care? I think it would be crucial to have all the necessary clinical documentation available and on your chart to aid in your care.

I have been doing this for more than 15 years and I wouldn't call that a "newbie." But honestly, I once a "newbie" myself and so were you. So quit blaming everything on "newbies." What makes you all think you're any better than them?

Good luck finding that Monday through Friday schedule. You can tell these companies you wont work weekends if you want to, but I can almost guarantee they will bypass your resume without even batting an eye. Sorry your highness, but those schedules are few and far between and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why, but I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with any newbies.
So you didn't even bother reading the post. There are - sm
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plenty of people who want to work weekends for whatever reason. No need to force EVERYONE to do it. Jeez.
Apparently there are not plenty of people willing to work - weekends if most places are making it a requirment
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This is pretty much industry wide now for reasons that were already pointed out. Unless you work clinic accounts, the chances of not having to work at least one weekend day are slim to none.
Totally agreed - anon
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Historically every MTSO out there will tell you the hardest shifts to cover are nights and weekends ... everyone on earth would LOVE to have the "cushy" M-F 9-5 job so if you have 90% of your work force working those hours, who covers the not-so-appealing 2nd/3rd shifts, or Saturdays and Sundays? As stated, M-F 9-5 jobs are almost unheard of anymore. If you are one of the privileged few who don't work at LEAST one night a week or one weekend day, you can consider yourself extremely fortunate to have flown under the radar for so long. 99.9% of all MTSOs require EVERY employee (REGARDLESS of "how long you've been an MT")to do their fair share just like everyone by working a couple of crappy shifts a week.

I always get such a huge kick out of those who feel they have "waaaaay too much experience" to work a night or weekend. The sense of entitlement absolutely KILLS me. I've been at this for 16 years so trust me, I'm no newbie - and the day that I think I'm "too good" or "too experienced" or "too far up the imaginary ladder" to work a night or weekend, I'm done. Not only from a career standpoint but from a moral one.
You can have them! I'll keep saying no thanks. - nm
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16 years, yep that's about the time we were being flooded with - sm
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all the new MTs taking mail order courses & begging to work for nearly free. Before that period of time when that happened, all those stupid commercials on TV about MT, we actually really had a good thing going. It's been going downhill ever since. Just because you're used to low pay, working every weekend, every holiday, not getting paid for headers and footers, etc., doesn't mean it was always that way.

Totally not true. Plenty still let PTers work the weekends. I would be outta - here if they do that. NM

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Mandatory Schedule Changes...sm - mmmt

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Don't know what you are talking about schedules being wiped out - mine is through the end of the month, as it normally would be at this time.

What email? What do you mean current schedules have been *wiped out*? - Not following

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A few more details would be helpful.

Hours and days gone - Chillywinter

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When you log into Teamwork the green bar that marks your start time and end time for hours to be worked is gone. Days to work gone also.

Odd ... mine are still there, just like always - anon

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Not sure what's up but everything is the same as always, in my Teamwork account. I can only HOPE they change my schedule, I'm *beyond* sick of working both weekend days. It was supposed to be temporary ... years ago ... but I've been working it ever since. I honestly wouldn't know what it's like to have a weekend day off.
An omen? - chillywinter
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Maybe this is an omen of things to come (for me!).
Not likely, unless you're a TSM :) - anon
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I could be wrong but I honestly think it's the TSMs that should be worried this time - it could be that your manager (either old or new) was being proactive and is planning on a few schedule changes.
Schedule - Mountainwoman
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I've had that happen to me before. My TSM skipped over my name when entering the schedules for the week/month - can't remember which one. I assumed it just carried over week to week or month to month, but apparently it doesn't. I was able to punch in and out normally, even though the hours weren't "scheduled."
I learned a long time ago, never fall for their - sm
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"Oh, it's just temporary." I got screwed by that before, trusting that they would keep their word. Then, when I said it's been way longer than you said & I'd like to switch back now, they acted like they had no idea what I was even talking about & I was just out of luck. Now I stick to my guns and just refuse. I'm experienced, reliable, can do any reports they throw at me, never take off, have great audits, and don't bug them. If that's not enough, there are other jobs out there.
Right On! - Gap
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I agree, No one has a gun to your head

That sure sounds ominous.... - nm - Coaster

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You mentioned there was an email? From whom? - NM

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Email? - Elephant in the Room

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When did you get an email? I had a phone call, and it was all explained about the "POD" simple.

Please tell us what you were told. I have heard - sm

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nothing at all from my TSM about what's going on. What were told about what a POD is? Thanks for any info.

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