A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Learned my lesson - anon

Posted: Mar 02, 2015

I will NO LONGER be working OT.  Got audited on 2 jobs that were less  than 1 minute in length on an unfamiliar account and scored 99.5%.  Do they look for short jobs?  It seems like it to me.  That way, they can fail you.  Hard to stay motivated and focused when you get dinged for such petty things.  In no way did my mistake cause the patient any harm.  Honest to pete.  Have heard rumors that the auditors are off shore.  Really?  After I look at some of the junk they have typed and am told they are not held to the same quality as us?  I give up.  What's the point to it all?  Wish the economy was better and the job market.  Remembering the good old days when you could open up the paper and there would be pages and pages of ads for jobs. 

I know for a fact - that ILPs are also auditors

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I requested a re-look at one of my audits and I was sent a screenshot of the audit. There was a column that said "ILP QA" and the next one just said "QA." Sorry about your experience. Seems to me they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. I have 15 months to go...

it boils down to the almighty dollar - kcmt

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If they give the auditing to the ILP's, they get it done cheaper. The ILP's will mark the US MT's off for stupid stuff, thus failing the audits and potentially getting rid of the US work force. That opens up jobs for more ILP personnel to get the job done cheaper.

Just my opinion....

US MTs - bubb

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Someone said awhile back that they were planning to keep a few thousand US MTs.
I doubt if they even HAVE a few thousand US - MTs anymore. They want us gone.
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I dont understand why you people let it bother you - unless you are placed in PM

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why do you care? I don't even look at my audits.

LOL can I get an I told you so... - sm

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I refuse to work OT again..Seems like that is when the audits hit..But I agree, I don't even look at that garbage anymore..AND the day they say PM, is the day I quit

So I was thinking about the whole PM quit thing - sm

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Make sure that you do not just quit. Question it in an email so you have documentation. Example, I am being put on PM because I failed an audit for having a comma in the wrong spot? Something that had nothing to do with patient care and would not have caused harm to anyone, and that is really more a matter of style? You are going to lower my wages exactly how much for that? When, in fact, I can go into docqumanage and find such and such errors (now, when you see wrong drug names, wrong equipment names, etc. save it to a word document just because). Now you have documentation of unfair business practices and can, at the very least, fight for unemployment. And in truth, if enough of us stood together, especially those that have personal knowledge of the QA of ILPs V US employees, we could do a class action lawsuit. Really getting very sick of the abuse that goes on around here. And while you are at it, save the CPs with the spelling errors in there, and the reports in the repository put there by QA that are wrong as well. Save everything remotely related to errors to your personal email.

Audits - TJ

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I surely agree. I am going to quit looking at my audits. I dread starting the day looking at the crazy things they come up with. Their constant graphs and colors drive me insane. Honestly, what are they trying to do. If they put me to PM, that is the day it is over for me too. I refuse to be demeaned in that way because of what they think is quality.

Good for you TJ! I have been with this company long enough - to know they just do this because they can

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They don't have enough of us left to fire or let us go, at least in my BOB. If and when PM comes I will gladly take my time and earn minimum wage, no problem. No sense in getting all upset about it.

Lesson learned - TJ

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I understand exactly what you are saying. I don't work OT any longer because of the very thing you are talking about. I used to put in OT every time they had it out there, but no more. I was wondering the same thing --- do they look for short jobs just so they can fail you. It certainly seems that way to me. And what is really difficult is when you are under their "quality score" to pass an audit by having a 99.4%. You get the "well that is not the standard." Give me strength to make it through such stupidity when life is much more important than this.

I keep telling you, audits have NOTHING WHATSOEVER - to do with actual quality.

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They want you on performance management simply so they can cut your salary. Period. I will not fall for that. My first day on PM is my first day of retirement. Wish you could all do the same.

Short versus long jobs - No difference

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Quality is no longer scored as a percentage of the job, despite what it appears. A job has 100 points. Each errors is a certain amount of points (feedback - 0, minor - 0.25, noncritical - 1, and critical - 3). A noncritical error on 1000-line report versus a 10-line report will give you a 99 on both reports. What used to not even be close to failing you on a super long report, can now do so easily. It's quite the stupid setup.

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