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iMedX the new Nuance? I'm afraid so - mtblues

Posted: Aug 29, 2014

After 20+ years in the industry, I've seen a lot of changes, but these big companies take the cake. They all want to be the big dog and think that eating up smaller companies, dropping everybody's wages, and sending the work to India and generally becoming a company that MTs ran from should be a goal or something to be proud of. Sure, boast that your company made 50+ million dollars last year and then tell your MTs in the same breath that they are not worth paying. As if one Nuance weren't enough, now we see another one trying their best to be a big dog -- iMedX. If you were employed with a smaller company who "merged", more like a takeover, with iMedX then you know what I'm talking about. If you worked for a company that valued customer service and valued their employees and now you work for iMedX then just be aware that you no longer hold any value to anyone in iMedX. It is so sad to work so hard for a company for so many years and then to be thrown into a group where hard work is not rewarded, hard work is not appreciated nor even recognized. What is even worse is to have your job duties double with a REDUCTION in pay. We all know the sad story they spin, hospitals cut reimbursement so we have to cut your wages. But the problem is that iMedX wants more for less. We as MTs take the hits for lower reimbursement, but then as a company don't ask me to be on-call and not pay me for it. Don't ask me to be available for stats 24/7 and not pay me for it. Don't tell me I have to be available 8 hours per day and then not have the work for me. Don't tell me that I have to take on more work because you cannot afford to hire the necessary personnel. I am disgusted over how quickly iMedX became Nuance. I would have thought that with all of the geniuses that iMedX boasts started this company to be different than Nuance and are the reason it is a baby big dog in the industry, that they would have learned some lessons from Nuance's mistakes. Pretty soon iMedX will be a younger sibling to Nuance and will be hated just as much -- then they will have to send all the work to India....99% quality, I don't think so!

To MT Blues - from another blue MT

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I feel as if I was reading something I wrote. I, too, have been in this industry for 20+ years. I worked IC most of that time, but when the work dried up, I had to move on and find another gig. I felt like I had finally found a great MTSO that I felt I would retire from. Within a week of signing on, the "merger" was announced with the new big bad dog on the block, and all my hopes of a brighter future for myself were quickly dashed. As an IC all those years, I had not had a paid day off in all that time, and had done nothing but work like an idiot. So, after the "merger," I had resolved to try to get out of MT. I took a minimum wage job, decided it wasn't working out, but ended up catching something, got a terrible ear infection that ruptured my TM with a 30% perforation and 50% loss of hearing. So, I just went back to my MT work and figured that I'll look for something else when things get a little worse (that was back at the end of May). I figure now that we are 6 months out from the "merger" that this is when the worse part starts, and should actually peak by March 1st next year.

I have made plans to move across country in a couple months and then will try to embark on something else as a real fresh start. It wasn't what I had planned on, but this is the way it is and I cannot make myself feel better by pining for days past for something that will likely never return. I'm not sure if I want to work in healthcare at all after this. I'd like to return to legal work, can't seem to even get a chance because my legal skills are no longer current, but who knows. Maybe real estate, maybe insurance, maybe pharmacy tech. I really don't know, and to tell the truth, I just don't care anymore. I just would like a job that doesn't make me miserable that I can stand to do for a while longer. My son makes a lot more than I do just waiting tables. I just don't want to have to put up with a lot of crap anymore.

Look at the bright side, for most of us in MT, any job would be an improvement. It's like we all stayed too long at the party, hoping that the party would get better. I had been told more than 4 years ago that days like today were on their way. I think we all kind of hoped somebody would be wrong about this.

Try to look at this as an unsolicited opportunity to choose to go in another direction. If you could have done something different, what would you have chosen? For myself, I think I would have liked to have been a personal chef.

So when Imdex finally does take over completely, they will drop wages? - Just waiting for the hit

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Imdex "merged" with TT. Not knowing what to expect. I think changes will take place in September now. So what TT is paying us now, Imedx will likely decrease? This is important to know to plan for. Any information on what to expect is helpful!

To waiting MT - another blue MT

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Though it is not written in stone, based on their track record with previous companies acquired and whose MTs have posted on these boards in the archives, I think it is a safe bet to say that changes are imminent. I expect at some point soon the line rate compensation will be reduced, all incentive and bonus will go away. The benefits have already been reduced. They did away with the internet reimbursement the day the "merger" was announced. The insurance plans have changed and are all 70/30 with very large deductibles (looks like the same plans that are on the government insurance exchanges, looks like they are not paying any part of the premiums as an employee benefit). My advice is to plan for a future with someone else at some point. Like you, I am just waiting for it.

Future - no clue

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I'm also waiting to see what happens. A lot of comments suggest to expect major changes within 6 months of merger. That time has come. I wonder if labor day will be the day a lot of us lose our jobs or if that will come later. The ax hanging over all our heads is depressing. If that's not what's in the company plan and they read this board, surely somebody would've had the ability to send word that what we've read on here is not going to be repeated. Since there has been no such communication, I can only imagine we're all feeling the same stress. I can't afford job loss or pay cut. I'm limited on options, but whatever happens, life moves on & something else will become the new job. I'm about ready for whatever will hit to just do it already & end the "wait".

Nuance - Jean

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Medical Center in Sonora, CA, made a deal, and in doing so, the hospital laid off their MTs. I could go on, just disgusted.

IMX... may be the - Final

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Borg-ization of MT. Even the name sounds vaguely sinister.

I'm with them now through signing on with TT. I don't know if they will drop pay much more, but I constantly run out of work and we are told to "flex" -- (check in every few hours apparently day and night) to try to maintain "required" lines. Not exactly sure what this means (free-for-all work schedule?). Required lines so they can justify not having to pay min wage to employees who produce nothing? or if this is even legal in USA (not long ago informed that email would be through IMX India), so don't know if American laws will apply to them). Working for lines or working for hours, who knows any more?

Yet I see they have joined the revolving door help-wanted advertising which doesn't seem like a good sign. TT almost never advertised for help, as I recall, now have seemingly permanent ad for an oncology account and still calling themselves TT (what's up with that?) Best in Klas 10 years ago! whatever that means.

Not sure yet what pay will be... paid only twice a month. Haven't even bothered to open the information on "benefits"... not sure if I can afford them. Have never felt so pessimistic about this (or any other) job... ever.

This is my final transmission from the dead deep space of what was formerly the happy, prosperous world of MT. So tired now.

Resistance is futile.

Wondering if they will change our status to IC then? - Lines vs Hours

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That is usually IC terminology....maintaining lines and not hours. Wonder if we do not have benefits with them if we will be IC then instead of employee? So many unanswered questions. What does ImedX usually pay their MTs for editing?

iMedX pay - anon

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I work for iMedX now. I earn 4 cpl for editing voice rec work and 8 cpl for regular transcription. I hardly ever have any regular transcription work. I've never been told that I had to maintain a certain line count.

Yes, Imedx is taking over it seems - sm - Going down the rabbit hole

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They have taken over so many of late. I have heard thru my contacts (where I am at) that once in the VR system Falcon, and when any accts you are on switch to total VR (supposed to transition regular transcription to all VR) that pay will drop to 0.035. While they are still regular transcription though the pay will be whatever it is now for you. So you may be on 2 pay scales depending on what work you end up doing. The powers that be in India have only sent memo's saying pay will change, but not what it will change to, that was to come later...guess they did not want everyone quitting en mass so they are holding off telling everyone. I had one of my managers tell me not to believe a thing he/she tells me as they are just telling everyone what they were told to say. So any email I get I take with a huge grain of salt and try to read between the lines. So far everything I thought would happen is happening and it just plain sucks. Many have quit, I am probably going too soon as well (work as IC so nothing to lose), just in limbo between jobs on the outside coming to fruitation, one starts next week and the other once I go thru the process should start in another month or so, once I pass my background check. I am not leaving MT completely as I have another IC job that I enjoy a lot and pays better, and is part-time, so will keep my hands in it for a while longer!


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When IMEDX reared their ugly head a number of years ago and took over Medware (a great company I might add), within months we were all slowly kicked to the curb.  I'm not surprised about what I'm reading but I wouldn't wait around to see what happens. Take it from somebody who was there.

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