A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Don't be afraid to stand up for yourselves... - anon

Posted: Dec 30, 2009

What has happened to us as an MT community.  Whenever someone speaks up with anything negative (but factual) about this so-called profession, there is always someone there to belittle the person, or give the old (my personal favorite) just shut up, take it, and LOVE it attitude. 

We have absolutely NO  POWER left whatsoever? Is this true? Can this be  -  in our great country - are we just lying down and accepting all that is happening. We are allowing ourselves to go back in time and become abused and treated like less than human beings, before all the labor laws came into place?

Where are the Norma Rae's and Thomas Paine's.  Even Jesus was a revolutionary against Rome.  He fought (nonviolently) for equality and social justice.  Geeze we are all becoming a bunch of sissys.  I am including myself as well because many times I have had to hold my tongue because working 'virtually' makes you completely invisible and a nonperson, and completely vulnerable to abuse. 

We need a hero.  Someone who can stand up for what is right, not people who would just have us shut up and accept every lousy thing that has happened to this profession, and then dare you to speak up. 

An interesting quote - anon

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"These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."

Thomas Paine, The Crisis

I agree. It also seems that these companies have forgotten that our time - is money, but we keep waiting

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Power - NorCalMT

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Well, YOU just said it all. Standing up for *what is right* and *daring to speak up* and be a hero maybe can start with using real names and not anonymous. I stand up when it's required, and I don't feel that working virtual makes me invisible and a nonperson, just a virtual worker.

YOU dont feel virtual makes you invisible but - its the MTSOs eye that is the problem (no msge)

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good for you. my post was for those of us who feel - anon

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differently. I stood up before and dared to speak up for myself at webmedx and I got completely shut out. when I left there I ended up with 200 dollars less every 2 weeks in my pay and no one would talk to me, period. emails not answered, phone calls not returned. I had been speaking up about all the changes they were making as the first year it was the best job I ever had. I spoke up, I got squeezed out.

I have often wondered if my speaking up would have made any positive changes over the past 2 years but things sound pretty much the same there.

I am also not stupid and I need to support myself.

there is strength in numbers and grassroots is the only way to get people to gain power.

that is good that you speak up when its required and don't feel... your are a nonperson. others of us do and cannot speak up because it is too easy for MTSOs to shut people right down whenever they want.

PS - I never said I am a hero - .)

And the reason for you having - L

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$200 less every 2 weeks was for what?

I am another who gets shut down when I speak up - at Wmx

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I spoke up about a lot of things - cherrypicking for example, though there was plenty more. My paycheck is now half of what it was just 6 months ago. Suddenly I find myself typing a lot of lousy accounts where I'm lose money. Coincidence? Probably not. Round here the squeaky wheel gets tossed in a corner to rust.
that is exactly what happened to me... - anon
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no matter how hard I tried I could not make money... and as I mentioned before could not get any responses from anyone about that, either, when I was asking for help.

I was tossed for speaking up - MT2

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I was tossed for refusing to strictly adhere to a shift with no work, i.e., no pay for me, but they wanted it covered just to keep the possible 1-2 jobs that might appear in TAT. This is after years of being "wonderful" blah, blah, blah... I was surprised, but suddenly they turned on me when I said I was not willing to do that any longer.

Anyway, I expected to have a hard time finding decent paying work, but I'm finding I'm getting offers better than the 6-8 cent norm. I get the feeling employers are being more careful with what they offer because a lot of the low offers are probably being rejected. So I say keep it up, keep standing up for yourselves because I think it is having some effect, from what I perceive anyway.

Great post! - nm

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There are heroes fighting for us under their own names, - MissIndigo

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as Norma Rae, Thomas Paine, and Jesus did, but their statements are in dense technical prose and presentations at professional conferences instead of anonymous puffs of whiny carpy hot air.

what is your point? - anon

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MissIndigo - whiny carpy hot air, what is that about fishes?

you are proving my point exactly.

sounds like you are only trying to intimidate people into not speaking up.

same old.

My point is that helpless complaints here should be - MissIndigo

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replaced with genuine self-help.

We're all being buffeted around without being consulted during this transition. Infuriating. We're all making less money, even those still doing well. Upsetting at the very least. None of us knows for sure if we'll have a job next year. Scary.

BUT -- All of us will have to work at SOMETHING next year, and that is the key to THE way we can each get powerful again. By improving and broadening our skills so we have the power to say no and walk if we want. Walk to good-paying skilled jobs in other areas or industries. OR be ready to step into the new positions this industry is trying to create right now while we sit and fuss and worry. Nothing else will work.

My questions to everyone who opens this are--what classes have you taken this year? Which ones have you decided to take in 2010?
MissIndigo: Now I am really confused. Weren't you the one...sm - does not matter
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advocating and diffending VR as being so marvellous and everyone should embrace this new technology, and always emphasizing how much money you are making with VR?

What made you a complainer?
I would love to know what classes you mean-I am being sincere, - anon
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because I am at a loss. there is a lot of misinformation out there as, in my opinion, the (former) AAMT is advocating and representing overseas MTs and basically are "going where the money and opportunity is" where they can sell their 'product.' they are offering again in my opinion nothing substantial for me, other than taking money, and I have no idea what the benefits are (and I mean in reality, not what they would have me believe) or what it has to do with my job, other than offering me some self-esteem by completing some courses and adding a title to the end of my name? the fees are not even in keeping with what an average MT earns in this country right now. it almost appears they have a cash-cow from overseas...so why do they need to bother so much with the US MTs.

that being said, this is exactly what I was hoping for, some insight from others as to what they are doing and how to go about it. I am secluded and isolated at my job. more and more I come to this board hoping to find some good news and from what I see the outlook looks bleak.

so you mention classes, what pray tell do you mean. what direction do you see MT going. what about those who cannot afford college because I heard you may have to get an RT now. that is not an option for me so the less fortunate of us who do not have money will be pushed out? and again that brings me to my point. are we to become a society who just ignores and wishes away anyone who is not young, rich, and healthy?
She's talking M-Tec/ADHI stuff sponsored by W - affiliated with Webmedx
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HIPAA compliance and CMT/RMT review - both are beating the dead horse, since she admits this industry is kaput. Although since Webmedx conveniently bought M-Tec prior to planning their global VR conversion, I bet they have other classes they'll be happy to sell the MTs they're putting out of work.
Ohhhh, got it - thank you (no message) - anon
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WE NEED TO BE OUR OWN HEROES and - quit waiting for a savior. sm

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The rules have changed. Maybe we all need to do a small part to get some very big attention. At the very least, we each need to check with the labor department in our state to check what our rights are in regards to production pay and start filing some complaints if we need to.

With no regulation or whatever the reason, believe it or not - anon

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I have looked into that and from everything I read and am told, we as employees have no power, no voice, no advocacy, no protection, and these companies, or any for that reason, can basically do anything they want because they can afford lawyers who cover all the bases.

pretty much there is no accountability.

I do appreciate your post though, that you thoughtfully had something to add.

Women have the "Shut up, take it, and love it" - mantra hammered into them from birth. sm

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It's the reason why pay for traditionally "women's" jobs (and even men's come to think of it) is still a fraction of a man's dollar.

It's why women had to fight for the right to vote, and for their own reproductive rights, the latter of which we're still fighting and risk losing.

It's why MTSOs are such huge cash cows for their owners and the suits that work for them.

DAIRY-COWS. That's about as much esteem they have for their workers. Herd us around, bring us in twice a day for suctioning at the milk-machines, feed us as little as possible, then send us off to the meat-packers when we can't "produce" on what they pay.

I doubt that any one individual will ever stand up and go to bat for us, especially since we continue to refuse to stand up for ourselves. The "shut up" part of the mantra we all adhere to so loyally makes us all but invisible.

WE NEED TO BE OUR OWN HEROES, and like you said in your title line, we need to start standing up for ourselves.

So very true... sad but true - anon

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well, at least I was trying to get people thinking. this was a lot to lose for me. this job was everything to me and gave me self-esteem because I never got to go to college, was pretty 'poor', had started in a hospital as a clerk, and after getting laid off and because of good work ethics was able to get rehired as an MT after taking a 6-month course, and then being trained by a CMT who really took her title seriously. She instilled pride in those of us she taught as well, and over the years I have perfected my craft - only now to lose everything because of the rest of the 'herd' and those sadistic types who don't want other women to succeed and who think we all have to 'suffer together,' or whatever the reason they inflict pain and suffering on other MTs. At least that is what I have seen a LOT of in this business.

..you are so right which is why I could not stand up for 'us' because I did that before, many times actually, with the same results. First time, too funny, I went marching into the director of Medical Record's office to address some difficult workplace issues, had everyone behind me lined up, and by the time I got into the office I turned around and NOT ONE person was with me. They all scattered like the wind.

I just thought perhaps people can start thinking again, and fighting. maybe there is a voice out there or will be someday, someone who is stronger than I was. perhaps, if there is such an entity, the next generation of MTs can be smarter and play more like the guys!

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