A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Considering MT career... should I do it? - orchid

Posted: Oct 12, 2012

Hi everyone, this is my first post.  I am a military wife, so I'm hoping to start a career where I can work from home.  For now I would only want to work part-time since I have a young child at home, but it would be nice to have the option to work full-time someday.  I've been thinking about becoming a MT for a while now, but lately I've been discouraged because it looks like the job growth has slowed considerably in recent years.  I'm looking into the Career Step Medical Transcription Editing program, but I'm worried that I'll spend thousands of dollars on MT training only to not be able to find a job after I graduate, or to find a job and then lose it soon after.

My questions for current MTs are:

1) How competitive is the job market these days, especially for a new MT with no prior experience?  Career Step claims that there are more jobs available than there are MTs to fill them, but I'm taking what they say with a grain of salt since they're obviously biased.

2) What do you think of Career Step's training programs?

3) Do you enjoy your job?  What are your most/least favorite aspects of being a MT?

4) I've heard that most MT companies require at least 2 years of on-site experience before they'll hire you to work from home.  Is that true?

5) In your personal opinion, is it "worth it" for me to try and pursue a career in MT at this point, or should I look into something else?

Thanks so much in advance for your input!

It's no longer lucrative. - -

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The going rate used to be 15 cents/line (for me, anyway). Now it's 3-4 cents/line. That's because of all the layers added to the job. It used to be that the transcriptionist turned in the finished product. Now they turn it in to a supervisor to be Q&A'd, who then turns it in to another higher up for perusal. Those layers take their cut from what used to be ours so we get less pay. I would recommend not pursuing MT as a career for that reason. Also, offices are switching to electronic medical records due to Obamacare so have no need for an MT. Most of the jobs are online. I've been doing this for 30+ years so have basically ridden the at-home MT career out to pasture.

Some answers - Old MT

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I don't want to be negative, so I'm not going to go into that part of it.

To answer your school training program question, Andrews and M-Tec are the best and companies will waive that "on-site" training and will be happy to test you. Of course, you would have to pass their test, but they do test newbies who graduated from the schools I just mentioned. And Andrews has actual instructors. I don't know enough about M-Tec to comment on that part of it, but I'm assuming they do since they turn out good grads.

I also want to address the part-time issue when you're first starting off. This isn't just train then work part-time, not if you want to get good at it. I admire you want to spend time with your baby (wish there were more people like that), but starting off just part-time will cause you to have a very long haul before you make any realy money, if there's such a thing in this anymore.

I would add that I went to M-TEC - MT2

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several years ago, and we were assigned an instructor who gave extensive feedback and answered questions. I got my first job without testing because of M-TEC's reputation. I have always done the part-time thing and I agree with Old MT that it is the hard way to do it, but for me it has worked. I have not made very much money, but it gave me the flexibility to be available to my kids, and we agreed to continue to live on my husband's income and put everything I made into savings. This made a nice little nest egg for us. However, I've only made about $10,000 per year doing it this way. I understand that that would not work for everyone.

Absolutely I would not consider it. If you have spent any - honest opinion

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time reading these boards you would see post after post from MTs who can't get a job, despite years of experience. There are probably 200 MTs competing for every job opening. I have been in this business about 25 years and I'm making barely more than I did when I started. There are many who make less than they did a few years ago.

Work is being off-shored to India mainly, but other countries as well. Work is also going to EMR or VR, so there is less work available for MTs. The quality of the work coming back from overseas is overall of poor quality. VR does not produce client ready work, so there will be a need for editors for a while yet. The pay is low because you're supposed to be able to produce twice the lines with editing, but it rarely happens and in most cases does not happen.

There are many US MTs who also produce poor quality work, because we are paid to produce lines and they keep reducing the line rate, we need to produce more and sometimes the need to pay the mortgage is greater than the desire to take pride in the quality of your work.

I still take pride in producing a quality product. I currently have a fairly good account and decent line rate, but I'm an IC with no benefits, so no work, no money. I am currently going back to school to pursue a degree. I'm not sure yet what I want to do, but I am pursuing a job in the health field that can't be sent overseas.

Career Step is supposed to be a good school, but Andrews is supposedly the best. Most companies do want you to have 2 years of experience before you can work at home, but even with the experience you aren't guaranteed a job for all the reasons listed above.

I would definitely encourage you to look into something else

Don't bother looking into MT. sm - Used to love MT

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Top notch MTs with decades of experience are now working for 3.5 to 4 cents a line (speech editing). Much of the work with the national companies consists of predominantly ESL dictators. Most of the work is speech editing. Little of it is straight transcription these days. Much of the hospital work has gone to India.

1. I have no information on the school you named. In general though, there is hardly any work for people who have a lot of experience, so I don't know why any schools would be giving such an impression except to line their own pockets. Forget being a newbie. Don't waste your money. Find something else to do. These companies don't care if you have kids, are a military wife or retired or on food stamps or getting kicked out of your home. They just don't care period.

2. Again, no information school you named.

3. I used to love my job. The MTSOs (nationwide) have bled every ounce of joy out of me with their constant hiring, lack of work, ever changing rules, strict work schedules, nasty supervisors/managers, and I mean strict in that you have to clock out just to take a pee break, less you lose pennies from your tiny paycheck. Many companies actually have to pay make up pay just to bring folks up to minimum wage. That is sad. Forget about changing a diaper. Do you have any idea what it takes to listen to jibberish and foreign dictators and bad recordings for 8-10 hours a day? Keep your accuracy above 99% constantly with ever changing account rules and working on many hospitals, not just one? Maybe a clinic gig would be good if you could find one.

4. I think you are talking about hospitals??? Very few hospitals still have their own transcription staff. Most have gone offshore or with national MTSOs that send offshore and leave the crumbs for their US employees.

5. Heck no!!! Go to school and learn something other than transcription....er editing.

There are MTs that post here that they are happy and doing well. Very few will say who they work for or whether, in fact, they are even employees or actually are sole proprietors of their own business. There are some who are very lucky, but they are just a heartbeat away from seeing the whole house of cards come crashing down with all the company buyouts. It has happened to many of us. Personally, over the last few years, I went from making $25-35K a year to $10 an hour. It is horrible.

Best of luck to you and your family.

best reply - anon

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ever. Agree with everything here. I went to careerstep about 8 years ago. Back then the industry was already in decline. I would stay in it if I were even making the $10 an hour the poster is making, but I'm lucky to do half that with all the picky clients that insist their reports are just so. I was just asked this week what hours I wanted to work and when I answered the response was they were not sure they would have 8 straight hours of work after asking for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift. I have a job interview at a hospital next week. I can't wait, although I will miss working at home, I will not miss guessing when my paycheck is going to arrive, guessing if I have work, and trying to please a picky client for pennies.

Got to agree with everyone else. - "Career" implies upward mobility.

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MT (now editing) might now only be a suitable choice if you needed pocket money or you could depend on someone else to provide for you forever. A lot of marriages even with the best intentions don't end well, especially for the one watching the babies. Best to get something going for yourself that you know you can really rely on if the going gets tough for whatever reason... today's MT (now ME) is NOT that choice.

we are rapidly being replaced by technolog. - there is no future, present is bleek.NM

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All the negatives=NO!, plus medical takes a loooong time to learn. - Do non-medical editing/proofing.NM

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MT - should I do it - Leaving MT

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1. Competitive, but I went to MTEC and get ongoing support for MT jobs, although the job postings are few and far between compared to just 4-1/2 years ago when I graduated. I don't know if Career Step has that benefit or not. I would recommend Andrews, even though I went to MTEC. MTEC has been bought out a few times and I have no idea what kind of changes have taken place since I went there. Andrews and MTEC seem to have awesome name recognition among MT companies.

2. I don't know - but I do know that Andrews and MTEC have name recognition in the business and great reputations for the MT training they provide.

3. I used to enjoy my job, but now I am training to get out of the profession. My favorite aspects of MT are the constant learning and incredible brain exercise I get from MT. I like not having to fight traffic every day. I find the work interesting. My least favorite aspects are the low pay, no bennies, no respect, feeling rather worthless, and no opportunities for growth. I absolutely cannot stand that in this productivity based environment there is absolutely no incentive to take on harder dictators or more technical work because that work pays the lowest.

4. Not all the time. I was hired to work from home right after graduating from MTEC. I have never worked on-site.

5. No, I do not think it is worth it for you to pursue MT as a career. If you want to sink your money into training for something that will provide you with pin money or a little extra cash to get your hair done, then by all means, but not as a career. This is not a "career" that you will be able to support yourself on nor is it a career with any growth potential.

Good luck! Thank you and your husband for your service to our country (I believe military spouses sacrifice a lot, too). God bless you both.

Only do it if you are wanting that 2nd income. But support a family? - Not an option. nm

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Here's an old post that might offer some helpful information... - Des

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You should note that MT is paid by the line, not hourly, so income is not guaranteed. If you're on a tough report/account and you have to stop to look up city names, nursing home names, doctor names, medications and dosages, medical terms/phrases, client specifications, employer specifications, whatever, that's UNPAID WORK. However, if you don't research and verify, and what you transcribe is incorrect, you get penalized and your pay could get docked. We used to be paid for this work with a decent line rate, but not anymore.

Also, be prepared to run out of work. This, too, is unpaid. You're only paid if you're typing, and you can't type if there's no work. So, if you're hired part-time for 25 hours per week, expect to be sitting at your computer about 40 hours a week just to get that 25 hours of pay.

You should also be prepared to buy your own supplies and equipment. Some larger MTSOs might provide you with a computer/monitor, keyboard/mouse, headphones, and pedal, but I've seen on this board that that's being phased out. If the MTSO supplies you with a computer, etc., what are you going to do if, say, the monitor goes out, or your pedal goes out? The MTSO will probably send you a replacement, but how long with that take, a day or two? In the meantime, you're not working and you're not getting paid, unless, of course, you chose to buy your own backups: pedals, headphones, keyboards, mice, monitors, computer, which can get expensive.

Skilled, experienced, educated MTs make this job look easy. We can decipher the garbage dictation because we've been doing it for so long that we can get inside dictators' heads and actually understand the context of what they're dictating. We can make sense of the ADD dictators, dyslexic dictators, lazy dictators, misspeaking dictators, yawning dictators, slurring dictators, low-talker dictators, speed-talker dictators, the dictators who think it's okay to bring a beeping beeper right up to the microphone while they're still dictating, and the social butterfly dictators who can't stop flirting with the nurses long enough to finish a sentence, and I haven't even gotten to the ESL dictators who have thick accents and mispronounce words and also form awkward sentences that have to be interpreted by the MT and recast.

Speech (VR/SR) is only an excuse to pay us less. It doesn't do half the work, but still we're getting half the pay. VR/SR types what it hears, but we're still responsible for knowing what's right and what's wrong, and sometimes that's not so easy.

I'd recommend finding something else, but if you're seriously interested in being an MT, when you're checking out schools, see if they offer a internship-like program, in which you can hear real dictations by real dictators like the ones I mentioned above. In fact, I'd suggest doing this before you spend any money, just to see if it's something you're going to like doing for 8 to 10 solid hours a day.

You'll also need a quiet, distraction-free work area. You won't be able to do this work while the TV is on, while family and friends are over, kids, etc. It takes a lot of concentration and studying, especially in the beginning.



Hanging on by my toes.... - Been there done that....

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I have been doing this for 25+ years now and I have less than 5 years until I take early retirement and I am right now in the midst of my second total cilent overhaul in as many years, losing two very nice, well-paying jobs to VR/EMR, and was given almost zero notice of what was coming.  I spent the last few weeks frantically scrambling to see if I could replace them, spending down what little savings I had....and with all my experience, sending resumes with NO reply, not even a canned one, was insulting to me.  I have been doing this way too long to switch careers at this point and am fighting the need to have to go to Walmart Cry or the local grocery store to find a job.  It's nuts. 

My advice to ANYONE who is still young enough to switch careers is to start now. My advice to ANYONE thinking this is a great career?  I have a bridge I'd like to talk to you about.....

Fortunately, I have found a very nice company to work with and I'm looking forward to maintaining my income (which has still taken a bit hit since I started)....but, VR is the monster in the closet and it will rear its ugly head again....

My toes are really getting tired of this .....

just my advice - leaving2

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First off, IF you decide to, I would choose Andrews School. I graduated from there and was hired within a few weeks, and have not had problems finding an MT job, but that was 10 years ago. It has changed so much since then.

If you are only intereseted in part-time, MT may provide a little extra income while allowing you to work at home. However, I would advise you to consider what working at home as an MT entails with a young child, especially since you will be new at it. This job does require a lot of concentration. I honestly do not know how other MTs with young children get any work done. Companies want your fingers moving on the keyboard during the hours you are supposed to work. If you have a child that needs supervision, if you need to be up and down to tend to a young child, starting out as an MT may be tough. Other MTs may have done this easily, but I know I could not. You get paid per line you type working at home, so when the phone rings, someone knocks on the door, the baby cries and needs something, that all takes away from you working. That's just my 2 cents on working at home. Please don't anyone jump my case for pointing this out.

As for the MT industry itself, regardless of what the happy, satisfied MTs say, this business is not going to last much longer. A quality MT school is not cheap, and my opinion is that if you want to spend money on any school or training, you would probably best be served by choosing a career field that has more longevity, a future past the next few years, which MT does not have anymore. I am currently in school to leave MT. It is almost impossible to keep benefits because there is not steady work. I cannot budget because my paychecks vary so much and are about half what I was making a year ago. The stress has frazzled my nerves, and I never know when my company will make changes on their end, not need me anymore, and I could lose my job any day. That's just the truth of this business. If a lot of advice you receive sounds like gloom and doom, it is reality. In all honesty, find something else. The glory days of mothers working at home as MTs is not what it used to be, unfortunately that ship has sailed.

and also... - leaving2

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I want to add what being an MT is like. Even if you go to the "best" school, you are only learning a foundation. Nothing compares to actual learning on the job. I would say in my experience, it took me 2 years of working full time before I could say I was "good" at being an MT. You have to learn how to edit as you type, balance speed with accuracy. You have to learn accents. You have to learn problem solving. You have to know numerous medical specialties well enough to pick up on errors or discrepancies in reports, including medications, dosages, operative procedures. Working as an MT is not simply listening and typing word for word what you hear. That would be simple. MT is complex and is anything but simple. It is a skill that you will not have right out of school. This job has so much more to it than I ever imagined when I went to school for it. It was a very challenging field, which I enjoyed. The part I do not like about it now is that I have developed this skill and am good at it. I rarely get less than 100% accuracy on reviews, and I work very hard to achieve that. But after spending so many years to reach this level, I'm giving it up. The pay is terrible, and I would rather give up this skill for a profession that is much more steady than languish here making not much more than minimum wage. For someone who is considering entering this field, you should consider if you want to put the time, money and dedication into something that is being phased out by computers and sending this profession overseas. You might want to put your efforts towards something else.

Thank you! - orchid

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Thank you all very much for your honest, detailed replies! I truly appreciate it. I have read each and every one, and they have all been VERY helpful in my decision to not go forward with pursuing an MT career. I had emailed my "academic advisor" from Career Step last week asking him about his thoughts on the future of MT and expressing my concerns about my future job prospects, but he never responded. That right there is a red flag to me.

I am truly sorry to hear about the hardships you all are going through as MTs... it sounds horrible. How stressful and depressing it must be to witness your once-beloved profession going downhill so rapidly. I wish you all the best and hope that someday you will find a profession where you will be respected, appreciated, and compensated fairly! The way you all are being treated now is unacceptable...

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My Company/career Has
Oct 18, 2012

Work types are being sent to India, which lessens our work load.  Accounts with good dictators are being sent to India.  They outsource to other companies, too.  Also, all of my accounts are overflow.  I am finding myself having to start later and later in the day when work is available. I have been doing this for over 15 years and have seen firsthand the direction this job is going.  Pay cuts, increased insurance rates.  It doesn't balance itself out in any w ...