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Posted: Nov 29, 2009

manipulate MTs' work queues any way that suits them, just because they can? They know just which jobs are crap & which are at least doable or that 1 in 10 pretty good dictator, and no sooner does an MT download a job that's at least understandable/doable, these low-lives snatch up that job for themselves or 1 of their friends as soon as the MT gets it in his/her queue? Too many of these fair-haired leads are coddled by management and virtually have a free hand in manipulating work flow, have no sense of fair play, jeopardizing TAT to their own liking when work is (ideally) to flow NEXT MT GETS NEXT JOB, by priority. Just IMHO.

Couldn't agree more - Tina

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and that's why I left Transcend. The team leads and ROM seeming to have full control and do what they like with absolutely no accountability. I can't say they are all bad, but once the account I was on switched to BT and we had a new ROM and multiple team leads sharing accounts, favoritism was rampant. That's why I left. They straight out told me that I was expected to do the difficult dictators and could not change my schedule because I was so important to the account. As such, I was penalized for being a "good MT." The new MTs they brought on board after the switch had their choice of hours, days, and apparently docs. Best of luck to you in getting some kind of resolution. I sometimes wish I had complained more...not to my team leads or ROM but to upper management...instead of leaving. I just didn't think it would do any good and decided to jump off what I saw as a sinking ship before it took me down with it. Keep in mind, I was making half my normal pay due to the switch to VR. It was pretty much a cumulative effect that led me to resign.

MT leads have turned out business into a racket. - They all do it.

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When one MT makes significantly more lines than another, they should be put on a more difficult account since they are so good and even the curve. But it isn't that they are so good, it is because they are being allocated the best jobs, or the less liked MTs are being allocated the worst jobs. This happened at Spheris to us and cost of plenty of money not to mention the stress one experiences while typing at this job fully knowing that the playing field is not level - which makes for a miserable work day.

Just because a person has a college degree of some sort doesn't make them leadership quality. That they would do this, manipulate a person's jobs to determine their income, says they are not a leader at all but something in the category of "flim-flams." Morale sinks for the lower income MTs and alienates the favorite MTs so no one talks and guess? Your "Team" is no team at all, but a group battling for enough lines to keep their job.

You're so right!! - Also getting abused

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I also work in that same region and you are right on the nose with that one. This region is prone to favoritism and seems to have its own set of rules that may or may not be what transcend goes by. I have asked many times to transfer to another region or another job but I am too important to my account because I can do the nasty dictators, so I cannot get a recommendation from my ROM. This is not fair.

it affects the paycheck and your personal well-being, too. NM - mt

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Excuse me, but I love my lead - Not a special favorite

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She loves me back. Why?

Because there is one cardiologist no one will do and if they have to, there are 20+ blanks in a report. She assigns them to me because I don't have an issue and have no blanks either. Others will log out to avoid him, so if I have all of his work, everything flows better. Reverse cherry picking, but it benefits us all.

Because I will stick around to help clean up what no one else wants. Like the account with thickly accented ESLs for ALL the cardiologists, but I can do them and whip them right out.

Because there are 2 accounts on my team that no one wants to work on, but I will do them gladly.

Because when we are swamped, I will work an extra 6 hours (nothing else to do really) and whip out 2000 lines of edited text to keep us in TAT...and it is really nasty work too with a speech platform that is sub par, but I get along okay.

She helps me make a production bonus every single paycheck and I help keep her in TAT so the bosses think she is great.

Ohhh did I mention that when there is hard work versus easy work, I tell her to give me the harder stuff so that another MT can make easier money? I do that a lot. Why? Because when I need time off, those other MTs make it possible. It is called TEAM WORK.

Loves you because you're being dumped on - nm

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Lead - Another thing

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Even though a doc is difficult, if you learn that doc and have his work repetitively you can make better money that if you have many docs.

That's actually called brown-nosing... - I love how you pat yourself on the back.

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My company does not tolerate cherry picking and I have one dictator that no one else seemed to want and I do him. I don't expect a bonus in return. I only expect to keep a good working relationship.

Cherry pickers whether reversed or not should be shunned!!!!!!!!!!! There should be no cherry picking. It is not fair to anyone and benefits absolutely no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You might think you are doing yourself a favor, but it is very obvious your goal is to be a favorite or looked upon as some kind of hero!

Good for you! Not good for others who struggle!

having a work ethic is not brown-nosing - gee wiz

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a little heavy handed on that response, don't you think?
I've worked with martyr MTs before. They are snakes in the grass. - and if they miss a day...
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it is disasterous because they have eagerly taken the worst work and now it is there in the queue for the others to finally deal with. That leads to a backlog, of course. Or, as the one I worked with was good with, she saved the day by working tons of OT and making 60 grand a year at the same time as saving the rest of the MTs from having to deal with the lazy dictators. She would be there first thing and leave first thing. No one liked her really even the lead but she made herself indispensible as a martyr and after years is still at it. Morale on that team was dysfunctionally low as can be expected in those situations.

I am currently a lead and I have to say that I have sm - Kiki

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never done this and never will. I didn't start my career as a lead but as a hard-working MT just like you so I know how hard it is when you continue to get the bad dictators. I also know what it is like to be assigned more difficult dictators and have someone else take the easier ones.

I would say that not all leads pick and choose who gets what, there are some of us left with integrity and honesty. The only time I have ever assigned work is if I am called and told that a job needs to be done right away and if I am in the middle of a long report, I will assign to the MT who appears to be almost done with the report she/he is currently transcribing.

So, not all of us are "low-lives" but I do completely understand where you are coming from, and I do feel sympathy for you as well as outrage with you.

Kiki, I think we all know that - just wish there were more of you like long ago. SM - mt

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The majority in the industry now, tho, are unfortunately not like you anymore and, sadly, get away with it.

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