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Imedx Leads Do Not "Cherry Pick" - Tablesaw

Posted: Feb 12, 2015

Cherry pickin could be found out with a simple run of the software, so leads do not do this. We want to do this, but we dont. There are times we'd sure like to give the snails a bunch of ickies based on their never ending complaints and irregularity.

Snails? - Circular Blade

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Snails are working for free, searching the database for correct spelling of doctor's names, making sure their mispronunciation isn't a new drug, searching previous records. Then there are the deliberate mumblemouths dictators, who purposefully do not form words found in the English dictionary, while the snail follows orders to review tons of previous reports to see if you can figure out what words he should be uttering. I would produce literally twice the volume if I were not required to do unpaid research! I'd produce close to 4 times the lines if providers knew how to dictate.

You're lying. Mine did and when they were working - sm

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all the good dictators were gone and only crap for me. When the supervisors were off picking up the kids or having a day off, voila! great dictators for me. Then once they returned - nothing for me. I think 3 months of this pattern was enough proof for me and not just coincidence. I had one new-ish supervisor ask me who the "good" dictators were so she could route some more to me. I made a list for her (stupid me) and that is when I got absolutely none of them when she was on board. So, yes, they do cherry pick. And who runs the software? The supervisors! The higher ups couldn't care less as long as the work is getting done.

"Tricks of the trade Tablesaw"...no benefit anymore for horrible dictation. - Reality

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Cherry picking has been going on since day one. George might have chopped down the tree, but the pick'n still continued...even to this day. Bottom line $$

You're very naive. I'm a 30 plus year MT and I know it goes on. - I know it.

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Not only know it...seen it at every job over 40 years. - anon

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It is called "assign"...assign to yourself because you have access to the "manager." Worked with a girl who would block off everything because she wanted it ALL. You also set up 'pools.' Pool all the good stuff so you can type and then say it is easy and achievable. Meanwhile, all the difficult dictation goes unassigned...then the lies begin. "Oh, no...first in first out." That's a line overused.

You certainly are not making any friends here. - We all know what goes on.

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I have been an MT, a supervisor, a QA lead... and yes, cherry-picking goes on. Of course it could be discovered by running the software, but because MOST of the supervisors who also have to type have done it - no one is going to say anything. I know the ins and outs of lots of software programs, having held jobs that managed those platforms, including eMon/eScription, and I know exactly how they do it too. I never did it as a supervisor or QA lead, but I wasn't required to type in those positions either, but yes, it does happen on a regular basis.

Stop lying to everyone and man up. And for chrissakes, stop trying to make iMedX out to be anything more than it is - a dishonest and greedy company that is putting thousands of Americans out of work - for the almighty buck. I hate this business and even though I don't know who your lying azz is, I don't like you either.

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