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Is anyone as tired of the routine "thank you for every thing you do" that these team leads - tired of meaningless words

Posted: Dec 04, 2010

tack into their signature blocks but never mean a word of it?   What happened to the old team leads who actually cared about their teams and had them working as a team, not pitting one against another?  How long has it been since you have actually had a call from your team lead or manager just asking how you are doing?   These witches are just in it for the money but they do not care about the accounts nor those of us they consider low lifes that get the work done for them.   I hope they get a lump of coal for Christmas.

I get that too... wonder if they all do this (see message) - lka

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I don't want to say where I work on this board but I get that too... a "canned" response. It's either feast or famine too, do you notice that? They beg you to work and try to persuade you that it is Christmas, so if you want that extra money... yea, sure I do, but I need it to pay the rent and electricity, what Christmas?

So, what would you want them to do? - Seriously. sm

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Do you want them to spend all their work time writing personalized notes to each one on their team?

Pitting MTs against each other isn't productive and most managers want to keep their jobs so, I don't see how you could lump them all into the same category as a bad apple here or there.

You can certainly apply the same logic to MTs. Is anyone tired of the routine promises to show up for work, notify management when they will be late or no show, come to their manager to explain a change in production rather than wait for managers to have to approach them, actually read e-mails from the company before calling and demanding to know the information that has already been sent to you (and yes, we know you got it because we have read receipts)? When did MTs stop caring about their work? When did MTs start thinking that just because they work at home they work for themselves and do not have any responsibilities as an employee? Why don't MTs call their management to tell them they appreciate the work their managers do for them?

Gee, perhaps it could that MTs are in it just for the money but do not care about accounts nor managers who cover as long as possible for their sorry excuses or tolerate their diva attitudes or outright poor quality work and make all of their timecard changes (because MTs certainly cannot possibly be bothered or remember to clock in as you would on a REAL JOB), etc.

I hope they get a lump of coal for Christmas.

Wow! It seems that works both ways, doesn't it?

And before you go all "MT" on me, I'm not in management. I'm an MT. I'm just tired of everyone (MTs, QA and management, alike) thinking that the success of this business relies solely on one role and that all in that field are evil.

It takes all the roles working together. There are bad apples in every bushel.

If your management isn't what you'd always dreamed of, so what? Don't take it personal - it's their failure, not yours. If it causes you problems, complain up the ladder once. If it isn't fixed, get another job (hint: there are literally hundreds of jobs advertised all the time).

Remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! So, if you want them to complain about you and wish you poorly but it seems to be happening to you instead, it might that you brought it on yourself.

Gotta forgive to get forgiveness, ya know.

Just Say No to Coal!

Seriously, a pay raise acknowledging an MT's - Backwards Typist

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good quality, good production, and loyalty would be nice.

I don't disagree with you on most of your post, but those canned messages don't mean diddly squat as they are sent to everyone, whether they show the above qualities I listed or not.

I know the managers has inundated with a bunch of crap but an acknowledgement to a GOOD MT once is a while would be nice as it lets the MT know that they are appreciated.

Yes..money talks! And I wanna hear it.. - aclu

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Right!! Don't need or want empty words and canned responses. When we were paid a decent wage, you bet we were in there working with bells on. That thank you stuff is just a bunch of baloney.
Baloney - Anonymous
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What would you like to hear instead of "thank you?" Individual thanks to hundreds of people could be a time issue. Oh, I forgot, the managers don't have anything to do. I'm not a manager but I really don't get it. You guys complain when no one thanks you, then someone does and you find fault with that too. In the on-site world, we rarely get thanked either except once a year on our annual review or if the doc happens to say "thank you" at the end of a report. Employers show their thanks every time they pay you. If that's not to your liking, as someone else said, there are other choices.
They keep telling how how "great" we all are, yet - no-one wants to pay us for it. nm
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I have no idea what my manager's job description is but my experience was way different. sm - ndmt
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I have very little contact with anyone in management at my company other than if the client has an issue with a report or if we are having TAT issues. There are changes to the account specs that come out periodically and special requests from the physicians, but that is about it.

When I was a manager, it was our job to work closely with our team and written feedback had to be given twice a week. I didn't matter if there were 40 people or 100, it had to be done. That was over and above managing production, disciplining employees, listening to their complaints, phone conferences with clients, and yes even changing time clock punches.

Our upper management would come in occasionally and personally greet the employees coming in for the first shift at 7:30 a.m. and wish the night shift leaving at 9:00 p.m. a good night. It was a strongly hands-on experience at all levels. We even got performance reviews from our employees on how we were doing.

I guess for everyone that says the managers are too busy to deal with MTs, etc., maybe it would be helpful if someone could give their side of the story. Maybe we are assuming the management is there to benefit and mentor the employees but their job descriptions don't really include that. If they do, I know personally I could send 5 e-mails in 5 minutes making contact with anyone in my address book. It really isn't an impossible task to give personal feedback that is nice to hear.

They keep making more and more, and we keep making - LESS & LESS. -(n/m)-

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How do you know? - Anonymous
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How do you know how much they make, you are only assuming that they make more and more. Maybe you should become a manager so that you can get paid more too.
No desire to get into management. I have principles. - Most management have none; theyre sellouts.
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How dare you generalize like that? I am a manager and have principles. - Not a Sellout
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You want my job? You couldn't handle it!!! I start my day at 6:00 a.m. and end sometime around 9:00 p.m. I spend my day listening to customers complain about things that should never happen, i.e. wrong terminology in a report or words left out. I monitor TAT, check quality on at least 5 reports from at least 10 MTs and answer calls and emails. I chase down MTs that can't bother to let us know that they are not on the system or are an hour late. The excuses we hear are ridiculous, i.e. I looked at the clock in my kitchen that was never turned back in October so I thought it was only 9:00. She was supposed to start at 7:00, and she has been on that shift for 2 years.

I listen to customers complain. I listen to MTs complain; the jobs are too short, the jobs are too long, the jobs are too hard, the jobs are too easy and are boring. I try to make everyone happy or at least not so unhappy. That's my day. Want it? And don't say that we should pay people more or do this or that. Our MTs are employees, are paid well (8 to 11 cpl depending on experience and skills) and have enough work. It's just part of the job and part of human nature.
all those things explained in your "duties" - could be done in a couple hours, not 15
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Couldn't handle it??? BWAAAAHHHAAAHAAAHAAA! Gimmie a break.

You should be paid 3 cpl to check the quality on those 5 reports from those 10 MTs like the "QA girls" get!

Chase down MTs??? If you were a "real supervisor," you would get rid of these so called MTs that do not show up and hire some of the hundres of MTs that do their job properly.

If you are tired of hearing your customers complain about quality... stop sending work offshore, stop with the voice recognition, and complain to the schools who state you can be educated in 6 months and make 60,000 a year!

I have a manager who I know that I can - email at
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10 or 11 at night, and she will answer. Does she call me and tell me how good I am and email me just to let me know I have done a good job? NO. She has before but doesn't always. Do I need her to? NO. I do not need my hand held, nor do I want it held. That to me is a slap in the face to think I need that.

My company does not offshore at all. They do not use voice recognition. They will only hire at 5 years, and yes, they listen to crap all of the time. I have known one of the managers personally and know what a pain it is. I have never had a job where people stood over me and told me what a good job I was doing. When I need her, she is there. I also in turn try to be there when she needs me. They are probably not going to tell someone who whines what a good job they are doing.

At my company, we usually do have plenty of work, and when one of the MTs doesn't show up, that means someone else is having to pick up the slack.

There are plenty of medical errors in American-typed charts, and yes, the facilities will call in on you.

I've been on both sides of this argument. And I know - SM
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from past experience that managing MTs is NOT an easy job. Yes, you do have to chase down MTs and a "real supervisor" doesn't have to time to fire and rehire and retrain. Just look at the bad attitudes of all the MTs posting here. They don't get that pat on the head in just the way they want it, so they don't put out even a decent report.

Not to mention as a supervisor you are also a kindergarten teacher, trying to referee little arguments here and there. It seems everyone is always so concerned about how the next person is or isn't doing their job, they don't focus on doing their own job! Why do you care if Mary is calling in sick all the time? Just do your job and forget about Mary, she's none of your business! But as a supervisor we have to be diplomatic and tactful. So we have to thank you for the info and move on.

And as a supervisor, where are our "good job." We listen to complaints from above and from below on a daily basis.

Well, boo hoo. Do you job and earn your paycheck. If you don't like your job or your paycheck, move on.
Your company pays up to 11 cpl? - no1joe
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And has enough work??? Where do I sign up? These days, anyone who is making a decent line rate and has petty complaints is crazy. I can understand how, after being bombarded with ridiculous requests/excuses from various unprofessional employees, someone can become a little short with those who don't necessarily deserve it. I'm not saying it's right, but a little slack needs to be given to those who deal with it all day. In some cases, we really do need to look at our fellow MTs (not that that's an easy thing to do when we work remotely) to see if their poor work performance/work ethic is dragging down our reputation as well. I've worked with bad apples on site, so I'm assuming they're still out there. However, this goes both ways too. There is really, REALLY bad management out there like the group of trolls I had the displeasure of working for at my last company whose obnoxiousness was overshadowed only by their incompetence. They were TERRIBLE (and it's funny because one of their favorite canned e-mail responses was that "Thank you for all you do" bull that the OP cited). We need to see it from both sides and let the OP vent (I can definitely relate to her side too).
As I've said before, "Those who can, DO; - those who cant, MANAGE." NM
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Complaining customers and complaining MTs are - a sign of POOR MANAGEMENT.
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NOT good management. If you don't value MTs (and you obviously don't), why should any of them value YOURS?
Not a Sellout - Suebee
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Since your are a manager - are you hiring MTs to work at home? I have principles, integrity, and I am able to start immediately. :)


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From another non-management MT, I think your post is wonderful!

You must enjoy working harder & harder for less - & less. Mgmt. takes MTs for granted.

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Sweeping generalizations - LMJ
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Most team leads make less than a full time working MT unless they are overseeing hundreds of MTs. They're paid a piece of the overall pie and yes, their income is dependent upon MTs.

If you've never been middle management, I invite you to become middle management. It's the worst job in the world and there's no amount of money that could put me in that position. You catch the crap from the top and you deal with crap from the bottom. Both expect you to be Suzy Sweetness and Light while keeping them both happy. NOT an easy job and well worth more than the $30-35k that is the pay for most of them.

If you're in a cruddy MT position, why are you there? Why do you stay? Why do you keep yourself unhappy?

NO ONE in management is there as your personal happiness creator. That's YOUR job. Sounds to me like you're not doing your job very well and perhaps THAT should be the point of one of these threads, MTs who just wanna kvetch and whine and yet don't deliver for themselves.
That's ridiculous. Most team leads make MORE. - They dont do it as a hobby.
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Thank you for your post. My motto is you get what you give. - NKC

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If you want more from your supervisor, then do a good job, care about the end product, work your scheduled hours or communicate clearly and in advance when you cannot.

And even if you don't get the accolades you feel you deserve from your supervisor, still do your job. If you feel you deserve a raise, ask for it in a professional way. If you don't get the raise you feel you deservce, find another job. But in every situation DO YOUR JOB. At the very least show that you honor your committments even while you're looking for another job, even while your unhappy or dissatisfied.

That's how we elevate the MT profession and the status of the American MT.

And that's why I'm giving back so little in return.... - the very least I can get away with.

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I'm chucking that coal right back at 'em.
You're a disgrace - longtimeMT
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I wish there was a way to make MTs like you exit the profession. Or perhaps this is a case of you get what you DESERVE.

Totally disgusting.
So is the entire medical transcription industry. - I learned my disgustingness from them.
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I have to laugh at this. - sm
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Usually I am fairly sympathetic to those who are upset.

However, the MTs on this board that are so deeply embittered, full of nothing but disdain and hate for everything about the profession (management, companies, QA, other MTs, probably the patients, too), that I just have to laugh at you.

You must truly be miserable! Wishing others to be miserable is just nothing but a sign of utter failure.

Fail away! LOL

I agree with that. I did give my all and still do - Backwards Typist

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without being acknowledged except in a canned email. I work my shift every day as scheduled. I put quality over quantity. I work extra when needed. I flex when work was low. I never complained.

Where is the appreciation for all that? A canned email to every MT thanking everyone for all the hard work sent during MT week. Nothing else. An email was sent that basically stated "No raises. We can't give any."

Am I still there? Nope. Did they care I was leaving? Nope. Not a word. Not even "I'm sorry to see you go."

Have you people - satisfied MT
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never worked "real" jobs? I mean seriously I don't know of anyone who stands around patting their employers on the head saying good job.

It's your J - O - B

Thanks is that you have it and are paid for it. If you aren't happy with that "gratitude" then, as you said you did above poster, leave it.

Have you people - earlymusicus
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I have worked "real" jobs all my life. The workplaces where the management did nothing but kick the workers in the backside (when nothing was wrong; it was just the managers' way of feeling big and important) and where no acknowledgement was given to the workers when they did great work, had the lowest morale and workers who just did the very least to keep their jobs. Why bother doing a good job if there is no acknowledgement of it? Positive reinforcement works best. I then worked at a place where our boss was constantly giving us recognition, who paid us well, and gave us great benefits - and people worked their behinds off and had great attitudes and we loved our work, and it showed in the high quality of our work. We did it because we felt we were appreciated. So yes - it makes a difference. People need to know that their good work is appreciated. This management style of never acknowledging or rewarding workers is crappy mangement, in my opinion, and it turns good workers into workers who no longer care about their work.
I've had both kinds of jobs. Regardless of pay level, - (sm) - Nocturnal MT
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the employers who let workers know their efforts were appreciated had the smoothest-running, most productive offices.

I once had a part-time job as a secretary for 2 men who ran a small schoolbook company. They had had some real "winners" when it came to prior secretaries. Those who could not spell, compose a simple business letter, or file.

The secretary that preceded me would actually file something like "The Blue Ocean Company" under "C", for "Company". She had her own, strange little filing system, and whenever she wasn't there (which was half the day, because it was part-time), the poor guys couldn't find ANYTHING.

If I did something simple, like type a correspondence with no typos in it, or more importantly, made their filing system simple, so they could find things in it on their own, they oooo'ed and aahh'ed as if I had just discovered the cure for cancer, or life on Mars. The pay was pretty low, but working for them was a total JOY.
Did you consider that they might not have been sorry to see you go? - Attitudes Count
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It's just possible that they didn't send you an e-mail telling you they were sorry to see you go because they weren't. They might have been tolerating you rather than celebrating the fact that they had you there. They may have all said, "YESSSS!!!" when they got the note saying you were quitting.

In order to be one of the ones employers want to keep, you have to offer more and do it with a good attitude. Otherwise you are seen as part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Lousy pay, AND no thanks either? Here's a hint: - GOOD PAY = GOOD ATTITUDES.
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If I couldn't have a good attitude on my job, I'd findi another job - Attitude comes from Within
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I don't let any one job define me. I have a good attitude. I've had bad jobs before, and I left them. It never would have occurred to me to stay in one and complain about it.
Don't think for 1 minute that the MTs who are - unhappy with the dishonesty and - sm
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chintziness of the medical transcription business are NOT actively seeking something better. We all WILL eventually leave these lousy jobs. Unfortunately, it won't happen as quickly as most of us would like.
Goodbye and good riddance. There are plenty of us who still love this profession. - ProfessionalMT
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I love what I do, and I make a good living. I am not management and do not want to be because I do not want their hours. I don't need to be have someone pat me on the head and say good job. They thank me be giving me a nice account and leaving me alone for the most part.

Transcription has changed, but I still love what I do. I can't believe how many bitter, ugly, hateful, miserable people come to this board. Grow up and either fix your situation or move on. Please. Soon. Do us all a favor.
I could never love ANY profession enough to do it - for free, and MT is almost to that point.
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Sheesh! - Sedona Red

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Quote: "These witches are just in it for the money..."

And the rest of us are in it for... ?

Fluffy kittens...
Brownie points...

I do try to follow the Golden Rule, and I do think you have... - ndmt

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very valid points. However, I also agree with the whole "canned praise" statement. I had a manager state to me once that no news was good news, and for the most part, each and every manager I have had since has adopted the same attitude. I had one even tell me she was supposed to call her employees and check in on a regular basis but ONE employee felt it was an interruption in her day, so the manager quit with everyone. I took from those experiences that the only feedback I was ever going to get was when I did something wrong. (BTW - you will not find that philosophy in Management 101)

Here is my take. Management is defined as "in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively." Managers should be hired with those specific skills and those specific desires. If management can only stop whatever else they have going on to give negative feedback, then they will have a negative team. There is no one who takes the "thanks for all you do" seriously when the only personalized feedback they ever get are corrections for something done wrong.

Because you have a great manager and were a great manager yourself, perhaps you cannot really understand the frustration of the original poster. However childish and angry the post may seem to you, I totally understand where the OP is coming from.

Leads with ANY company NEVER run out of work; that is why the MT's do, because leads pick and c - bonuses

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I will gladly forward you my emails from one of the leads with our company -- cartoons -- she is busy searching the internet for a new 3 or 4-times daily silly cartoon. No thank you. A HUGE smile would come on my face if you sent me an email telling me how much my $$$ raise in line count pay! $$$$ is what speaks to show me how appreciated I am! Those childish cartoons only make me NOT want to work, as my lead is not even doing her job, because she has to take time to find/insert cartoons in her emails! Thanks, but no thanks!

Also, if you will notice when the *easy* work begins to disappear, leads are jumping in and picking out the better dictators so that they can work toward that quarterly BONUS! Very irritating -- when the MT's are editing for 1/2 their line rate for ALL jobs -- we are not able to pick and choose -- just take the leftovers for 1/2 pay.

Do you suppose any of the in-office employees, such as tech, QA, HR, account managers, and upper management NEVER get raises and have forsaken half of their pay, as the MT's were forced to do, or leave the job. ??? I really doubt it. Also, the in-office employees get to work from home on Holidays for FULL PAY and or take the Holiday OFF for FULL PAY -- while the MT's are given the Holiday for NO PAY. Management always makes sure there is no work so they won't have to pay the scheduled MT's extra for working the holiday.

Management, please send us out a Holiday list for 2011 that makes a Holiday a Holiday -- PAID HOLIDAYS for the MT's, too. Thank you for caring about us! $$$$$$$$$$$ talk and really give a boost in morale to keep keeping on with this half-pay job! THANK YOU !

I take exception to this... - justme

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I am a Team Lead for a smaller company, and your blanket statement that "...*easy* work begins to disappear, leads are jumping in and picking out the better dictators so that they can work toward that quarterly BONUS" is out of line and certainly does NOT fit my situation.

If anything, I do the harder, more difficult dictators and specialities, usually the ones people on my team avoid because they're waiting for "someone else" to pick up the files before they log in. Of course, not all on my team do this...the majority of MTs on my team are dedicated, professional, and absolutely wonderful. I tell them I appreciate them because I know exactly how hard they work, but maybe I should do more of that just because.

I don't have a bonus, quarterly or otherwise. I simply type where help is needed and type the more difficult dictators to lighten the load for my team (yes..read I help them!), all the while still having to do my usual editing/QA duties. Most days I work much harder as a Team Lead than I ever did as an MT....and I worked darn hard when I was an IC MT. And yes, I HAVE run out of work when the work is slow, and I HAVE taken it in the shorts on my paycheck because of it.

One blanket statement certainly does not fit all Team Leaders.
If you're taking on the extra responsibility without - being WELL-compensated for it, -sm
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then you're part of the problem.

If you honestly made less as a team lead because you spent less time transcribing, then why on EARTH would you do it?

Not part of the problem - justme
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I am not part of the problem. I merely took exception to the post with the blanket statement that all team leads were taking the best dictators out of the pool to pad their own pay. I never said I wasn't well compensated for what I do, just that I didn't receive a bonus, which is what the above post implied about team leads.
I was actually surprised to hear that team leads even - still transcribe. Most of the ones - s/msg
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I know don't transcribe anymore. Instead, they spend the day hunting for clip-art for the weekly newsletters that no one ever reads, or coming up with the rigged "contests" that no one ever wins.

And when they're not doing that, they're getting well compensated and fully reimbursed for airfare, meals, hotel, etc., plus perks, to attend meetings at corporate, or AHDI pow-wows.
Not all TLs transcribe. Some are there to - sm
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manage the work flow. You are so paranoid about someone taking your work, your good dictators, the gravy jobs...are you not up to a challenge during the day? What a bunch of whiny babies there are in this profession lately, needing to be told what a good job they are doing! Do you think major corporations tell their employees on a regular basis what a great job they do? It figures the majority of MTs are women...men could give a crap about being coddled and would just do the job to the best of their ability.
Oh, how DARE we... - sm
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or how dare anyone want to be told thank you or that they're doing a good job! What nerve!! This is NOT coddling, by the way, this is treating people like HUMAN BEINGS!!! It's always been my experience that if you treat people like poo, that is exactly what you will get in return.
Where is it written that employers have to praise people who work for them? - Work is Work - Not A Football Game
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I've worked since I was 14 years old and never once expected or demanded that an employer praise me. I like to do a good job. When I do, I feel good inside. I don't need someone else to praise me. I do like to be recognized by promotions or raises. Anything else is extra. I might enjoy someone telling me I did a good job, but it isn't necessary. The paycheck is enough. If it wasn't, I would go elsewhere.
"The paycheck is enough"? In what economy? - That of Bangalore, perhaps?
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Oh, please! Men are the worst when it comes to needing their egos stroked. - ndmt
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And yes, major corporations spend thousands on employee motivation - you just have to be up the ladder to see it.
If MT were a *man's job*, it would probably pay - 4-5 times more than it does now. n/m
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just be real, not phoney. by the way... - anon

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I do the job for me; it's a job, it supports us, I like it. If I'm there extra or doing favors...thank me. Otherwise, schmoooooze the other direction.

Insanity - LMJ

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Are you 7? Someone who has those words on their signature block or who spouts them on a daily basis should not be getting blasted by some MT who can't get out of her own way.

And if you think about it, all of us "witches" are in it for the money. And what kind of projection is it that you call MTs low-lifes?

I think you might want to seriously take a step back and look, as the other poster stated so eloquently, at the machine that is transcription. It takes more than just a (diva) MT banging out the product.

I have a wonderful acct mgr. She surely doesn't have the time to make a phone call and see how I'm doing (she oversees 100s of MTs) but she always minds her manners (as you seem to think is crucial) and she is receptive and responsive, as are MANY acct managers.

Your ungrateful post is sad, sad that someone so miserable feels they have no choice but to stay that way.

Is there no pleasing some people? - sm

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Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Here's a novel idea, try just doing your job to the best of your ability and quit expecting so much. Waah, my employer doesn't thank me. Waah, my employer thanks me but not personally. Waah, my employer doesn't single me out for praise. Are you a child that needs to be coddled every waking moment? You are an adult (I assume) so act like one.

no pleasing some people - typer

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Hurray for you SM - I work for a transcription company filled with MT's who "don't want to learn anything new, don't have time to understand ESL docs, and when given the opportunity for 8 hours a day work, opt to go shopping and then complain that their pay is very meager". I learned MT in 1970 - we taught ourselves and hopefully had a supervisor who was willing to be patient. We learned to spend a few hours a week catching up on new terminology and RX's.
Those days seem to be long gone, along with the idea of "professional" MT's. I do my work, don't complain, get raises, get thanks occasionally. I'm happy, my boss is happy. You're so right - MT is a job, it's not kindergarten.

Ditto - nm

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Another BRAVA!!!! - LMJ

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Another 70's MT who sees it as MY job to get the job done, who's paid well to do it, and appreciated.

This thread reflects the attitude that is killing the profession for MTs in the US.

MT isnt even close to a job anymore; its nothing - more than just a well-hidden sweatshop.

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No pleasing MTSOs, that's for sure. I don't want kudos, - I want more MONEY, so I can live.

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Rather angry.... - latebloomer

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Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!! A MLS specific email is nice now and then over global emails. I get them and know they can and do make a difference, especially when they come at a time when work has been slow or especially heavy, you've started a difficult or new account, etc. Just a note to say, I've been noticing your production has been great lately or improving. Even an email noting a decline and asking if you need some assistance is nice. I've been places where all you get is notes on corrections needed or policy issues with nothing to let you or anyone else know you're doing a good job. Who doesn't like to be appreciated!!!

I would suggest to all who need thanks and more money - Idea

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Get another job. Get another profession. Stop whining. You claim to be so unhappy, your company is mismanaged, and you do not make enough. Why are you still there? Why are you not in some other line of work?

You want to stay in the MT field? If you were an experienced, skillful, and reliable MT who is a pleasure to work with, there are many jobs out there just waiting for you! There are job offers on different boards all the time. There are a good many MTs who are happy (even without the pat on the back you seem to need). We have pleasant working conditions and good pay in turn for being knowledgeable and reliable. I have not had a raise in quite a while, but I take the 9 cpl I earn and turn it into $45,000 or more a year. I may be able to go somewhere and get a nice pat on the back often, but I guarantee you I will not make that much money. The expectations from our companies are not unreasonable.

I think perhaps you may have more problems than needing a thanks. More money? You can't find that anywhere? Your posts speak volumes about your real issues.
To answer some of your questions... - sm
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"Why are you still there?" I don't know when you looked for a job last, but the jobs are not as easy to come by as they used to be. Many emailed resumes and applications go unanswered, but I will always continue to follow up and take the time that is necessary to find something better.

Why am I still in this profession? Even though I started out as an in-house MT years ago, I have come home to work because childcare costs are outrageous. There aren't many fields that I have found that will allow someone to work from home.

Would you please tell us where it is that you work? Maybe the company would be flooded with resumes, but they may also be flooded with potential new clients as well. So why wouldn't they want you to tell people who they are and how great they are, if they are so great?

So I guess I'll keep plugging away with my search until someone finally tells us who these good companies are.

I don't need hand holding. I never did. That being said, a, "Thanks, team" email to a team does not take much time, and these things really go a long way with people...I repeat...people, not numbers, which seems to be something that is forgotten all too often.

Sorry, you would not like my company. No pats on the back there. - They are small and very serious-minded.
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I hardly ever hear from my TL, and I like it that way. Of course, she does contact us with account changes, or if there is a problem with our work. I certainly do not take offense to it, and I appreciate it. There are not any thank-you's or pats on the back at all. Accuracy is of the utmost importance, they do not fool around with that. It's their way or the highway! I have plenty of work and make good pay, and that's enough for me because yes, I have been without a job and it does take a while to find the right fit but they are out there. Perhaps you have not worked at home long enough to find the right fit for you. I hope you do, but "thank you" should not be on your list of criteria.
EXCUSE ME!!!! - sm
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In my 17 years in this field, I have worked from home, hospitals, outpatient centers, you name it, for years at a time.

DO NOT make assumptions that because people want to be treated like humans, that they are not serious minded or that accuracy is not of the utmost importance to them!! HOW DARE YOU!!! I take my job very, very seriously, as I'm sure many others do. I repeat..I don't need hand-holding or anyone looking over my shoulder, but a simple thank you will go a long way!!

Not being treated like a number will ALWAYS be on my list of criteria, however, and I will continue searching as long as it takes until my list of criteria is met in full.

Herein lies the problem - How dare you??? Tee hee
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You have been at this for 17 years, huh? Still can't find a job that suits you? Still can't find that one company that fits your criteria? Honey, with your attitude, I doubt you ever will. Oh, and BTW, how dare I? I just love it when someone spouts that off. It is hilarious. I did not assume that you do not take your job seriously. It is obvious that you do. What I meant was, the company I work for only has accuracy and reliability in mind. No thank you. No pat on the back. Numbers matter very much, even if you are one. The numbers that matter to me is what is on my paycheck, not that someone wrote an e mail thanking me out of a false courtesy.

You keep on looking for that company with that on your criteria list. Oh, and after 17 years, and good luck with that. Ha Ha.
You are very childish - - why waste my time?
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My dear, I would point out that you are the one throwing the tantrum and looking - for the pat on the head like a child. NM
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I am not your "dear" - - once again, why waste my time?
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"My dear" is a management term, as is the ever- - popular, "You people". "Subordinates".
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Corporate condescension at its best.
What?! My dear is also a SOUTHERN term of - endearment.
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Some of you are so overly sensitive it is shocking.
Oh c'mon! You weren't addressing her as a long-lost - friend, you were being condescending.
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All of us know people who are unhappy no matter where they go to work - nm
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Hate to break it to you, but this is a numbers business. We are all numbers and - numbers is what we are looking for. NM
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Don't tell me what kind of business this is. - sm
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I have had employers that did not treat employees like numbers. Just because it may be that way where you and/or I are does not mean it is that way everywhere.
That may be true, but you have been at this for 17 years and are still here, unhappy. - To each his own.
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Many MTs are happy and many do not seem to have the problem that you do, or that criteria list that requires a thank you. If you are such a serious-minded employee, you are reliable, you get your work done, you are accurate, and you make $45,000 - $50,000 a year, why do you still feel like you have the right to complain and you MUST find a company that adheres to this requirement? Childish????
WHAT? - sm
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When did I say how much I make? I don't believe I ever did. 45,000 to 50,000 a year? Where did you get those numbers?

And it is not that I've been in this for 17 years and I'm still not happy, I have never said that.
Gawd, that's egotistical. I'm so glad I don't consider - this miserable "career" to be my identity.
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So if you can't do better, do the best you can with what you have - and stop complaining about the job you have
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I think what many of us are trying to say is, appreciate what you have. If you can't, then get out and get out now! Let someone have that job who will appreciate it.

If you can do something better, do it.
If you can't, come to the realization that you are one of the people with a job, something many would be very thankful for in the times we live in. Just going on and on about how unthankful you are is tiresome.
In order to be thankful for something, first I have to have... - SOMETHING. An MT job is NOTHING.
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But yet you keep doing it - Makes no sense to me
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If it's nothing, why do you still do it? Wait, don't tell me. You can't find anything else and have to do it. But remember, it's nothing, so you are doing nothing and expecting nothing. It doesn't make sense.
Bottom line: There are NO "good" MT companies. - Theyre all just money-hungry middlemen.
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Dont even waste your time applying to an MT company; instead, look for direct, full-time employee positions at hospitals or medical clinics. Slowly but surely, those inhouse jobs are starting to come back, likely in large part because many hospitals are starting realize the MTSOs are screwing them just as much as they are their employees.
Disagree with you - nm
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If UR making $45K a yr. on 9cpl, U must have one - heckuva lot of template H&Ps!
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Or else a 24/7 "shift".
$45K on 9 cpl is only 2000 lines a day. Who can't - do that? Easy money, that is.
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Maybe if you do templated, 'normal' doctors office exams, - but not on a workload of tier IV accounts.
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If a skilled MT/ME can NOT do it, she/he's underpaid. Time to - stop complaining and start job searching. NM
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The word "team" is a loosely applied word for what is going on. - 2 cents

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A team usually denotes some form of comradery with others sharing a common goal. The only common goal anyone working for these companies has is to get a decent pay check. How do they call something a "team" when you do not even know the names of people working on an account with you? How do you call it a "team" when you do not even get company communications regarding changes, openings, easier ways to do things? How do you call it a "team" when the not-so-wonderful "leader" is taking all the easy work? This is reflecting extremely poor management from the top down. If the owners/CEO/COO/managers even cared a little bit about the people who are working for them, they would look into this and make fixes. I love the e-mails that say we are going to start this or that program, but then it never happens or never works. How about the same wonderful learning tools that have not changed for the last 5 years and nothing has been added, it is just a repeat of supper 3 nights ago. Do they just have to learn how to do 2 or 3 things and then call themselves an expert at teaching or training? How about a HR department that does not answer e-mails, telephone calls or anything else. Does this help build your "teams" to accomplish a common goal or is it just your way of telling us that we do not need you, we will send all the work to an offshore company to do and create more unemployment in the US. Even your contests seem to be a foregone conclusion as to who will get the rewards since the data used to pick the winners is hidden.

All the complaining in the world will not change anything. But it would be interesting to present some of the management and operations of these companies to a university business department for analysis so they could have a terrific laugh about what is really the prime example of how not to manage a business but still succeed.

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