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Synernet numbers - one of how many?

Posted: Jan 03, 2015

Maybe an odd question but do any of my fellow Synernet MTs know, even approximately, how many of us there are? Seems they are always hiring yet we're always still in MOT. I've been here a while and names on IM are always changing. I guess I don't really NEED to know but it's one of those things that seems to be some big secret, we're supposed to be a "team" but on what team do the players not even know how many are on the team much less not know anyone else on the so-called team?

My guess - Syn MT99

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That's an interesting question. Many they are all listed on the instant message system? You would think, with all the hires, that MOT would be eliminated. I was also surprised that we were all required to get set up to work on that new account--you know, the one that they were supposedly hiring a multiple of new MT JUST to work on that account? My guess is there are many leaving as many are hired. I'm wondering if they hire more and then get rid of the ones they don't like. I've concluded that they don't share all their plans with us and I no longer believe what they say, either by email or by phone call.

Synernet numbers - mts

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How is hiring 3 MTs going to eliminate MOT. If we have 50 HIM MTS (of course i believe there are more) doing 6 hours a week MOT thats 300 extra hours. So figure we have more than 50....do the math. 3 newbies 120 hours. Im tired and can't keep this up.

I was wondering when someone would - MT

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start doing the numbers at Synernet. I think they have a hiring problem now. There are supposed to be (I saw this quite a while ago though) over 100 MTs there at any given time. Take that number times 6 hours a week of MOT. Why are we not keeping up? Now they are taking on new work when they can't even keep up with what they have at MOT. I don't think they will ever get rid of the MOT. I think it's their new staffing model so they don't have to hire more MTs. People quit all the time because the people on messaging are always changing. Their quality has dropped considerably also. I see the reports when searching for old ones. They want us to know every account so they can just use who they have with MOT. I keep getting accounts in my que that I don't know and don't have time to look up on production time. They are just sending work to anybody now. So people are still on vacation? Isn't that their forever excuse for MOT? I agree; I don't believe anything they say anymore. It just doesn't add up.
Synernet - merina
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I don't think they had the number of people quitting until they brought in VR. Ever since then it's been constant ads and hiring more and more. When I interviewed with them they said they evaluated you every pay period on your lines per hour and your quality. That's a lot to ask for the cheap pay that comes with VR, and I imagine the inflexibility of the company, plus the demands and low pay combine to just make people realize they need to look around. Most of these companies are about all the same anymore, but sometimes you can find a better one with less VR, but for pretty much all of them, the pay just is not good anymore.
Not to mention their VR program is the worst on the planet, sm - JMO
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communication is awful, and you have to answer to a bunch of mean girl/bully types -- all for the big pay of 7/4. No thanks. They do have a great benefit package, but it does not make up for having to go to work every day feeling like there is an anvil over your head, ready to drop.
Numbers and MOT - sm
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For some reason, I've always believed there were approximately 100 MTs, although I don't think anyone has said so specifically. Not too small, not too big.

As far as MOT, here's my take: I'm going to do X lines per day, reliably and responsibly, day in and day out. This is a substantial number, BTW, and I absolutely will not waver until I reach my goal -- no matter what. I'm already giving the job 100%, and I don't have anything more to give. Once I hit that number, I simply can't do more, no matter how much pressure they exert. To continue to type beyond my limits (except in very rare instances) results in poor quality, an inability to focus, insomnia, broken commitments, a bad attitude, and physical pain. Not only that, but overworking on one day invariably produces fatigue that spills over into the next day, and the next, and the next, so it's a no-win situation. Once I hit my goal, I just stay on the system and goof off for an hour. This has resulted in a drop in my benefit rate to about half what it used to be. Oh well.

Edit: In re-reading my post, it occurred to me that some (most?) people will argue that my attitude is hurting everyone else; in other words, if I would just DO the MOT and quit griping, the burden would be lessened for everyone. Some might even say that my work ethic is lacking. I can see that this is problematic, especially since I believe I'm ethical, but I'm not the cause of this scheduling problem, and I surely can't fix it.
You say you get x lines per day every day - MT
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so the weeks when work is low, (or days work is low) when and how do you get the same X number of lines. I would like to know. Because I think it is wrong to clock in outside of scheduled time and take work away from other people. Just saying. I am curious... do you do that? And if you do not, then how do you get X lines every time when there is no work.
Oh...sorry - sm
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Of course I can't hit my goal if the work simply isn't there. I show up for my shift on time, and I don't work beyond my scheduled hours. My point is that MOT doesn't increase my output at all; I'm still going to do the same amount of work whether it's 8 hours, or 9 or 10 hours with MOT -- believe me, I'm not taking work from anyone else; in fact, just the opposite. I wasn't very clear here; I apologize for that. I've run out of work often and follow protocol like everyone else. No favorites here.

Thanks, I was just curious - MT
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Because as problematic the MOT is, it is also difficult when we run out of work, like in October and those times. It is hard to make ends meet, and I often think about getting a 2nd job, but then wham MOT again, so that cannot be done. Thanks for clarify. Did not mean to insinuate anything, I was just curious how people operate during times like that. Thanks again.
You're right.. - Feast or famine
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...and either situation can affect MTs adversely. Most times when MOT is announced, I don't commit to hours/times right away but instead wait, hoping that those who jump right in will get the backlog done, making further MOT unnecessary. This happens a lot. Whew.

My problem is that I just DON'T want to work MOT! If I've demonstrated that I'm a reliable, self-disciplined employee with consistently high-quality output, isn't that enough? Allowing us to opt in or opt out may be easier; at least we'd feel empowered to make the decision

When they sent out the team list... - I counted

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Roughly 150, but when I started a while back it was around the same, so I am thinking people keep leaving, hence the reason it seems to be always around 150. Maybe one day, they will realize if they are more fair by paying one and half the line rate during overtime and holidays, and maybe raises once in a while they could keep their people. It's always going to be this way unless they make changes.

Looks like they have 140 from their ad today. - MT

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So, 140 times 6 hours MOT a week equals 840 hours OVER their normal work load they have staffed those 140 people for. Seriously? Something is not adding up here. Then they are adding more accounts? What is going on with that place?

140 MTs - Synernet MT

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Bear in mind that the 140 must include per diems and rad MTs, I don't know the figures but based on my experience that could easily be 20-30, cutting down the 140 by a lot. And these new accounts go slower with everyone slogging through new account specs and dictators and there are a lot of ESLs. Also, for me at least, by the time I get to that 9th hour every day my production is way down. I know this doesn't account for all the extra hours and still being behind but I don't think it's anything "shady"but just mismanagement.

Working for a 'team!' sm - Good Vibrations

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I work for a company with exactly the same dilemma. I've been with this company for several years. Same thing. It seems like we are a great team but who are 'WE!'

I don't know, sometimes maybe it's best just to not know who's on your team - just gotta have faith that whoever is in charge knows how to put a good team together.

I worked for a company once (Freedom) that had an on-line board for questions and introductions. That was kind of fun but probably in hindsight really just took me away from my focus.

We know who is on our team; we have team A and B for holiday purposes - Sick of Syn

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They sent out the team list to let us know which holidays we are supposed to work and it lists all of the MTs, so it seems if the names are on there, these are how many MTs there are. Of course, that will change here since they are hiring more people. But this is incredibly ridiculous to have this many MTs and still not keep the work load under control. This company seems more and more shady to me by the day.

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