A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Not a week goes by that Transcend - does not have a job listed

Posted: Aug 14, 2010

Usually they post on MTStars Job Seeker's Board, but today I noticed they have a job ad on another MT related job site and not this board. Maybe they are not getting enough bites on this board and are now seeking other avenues. They ought to keep the MTs they have now BUSY!!!! I would be curious to know how many of their MTs get their guota in their scheduled 8-hour shift and are not chasing jobs on a daily and consistent basis. The other 2 big companires are not hiring on a weekly basis and you do not hear as many grips, although they are still there with other companies, of MTs with NJA on a daily basis as compared to Transcend MTs.

It is also interesting - hmmm

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that they cannot fill their beloved Team Lead jobs in house and have to advertise for them outside, too! Most of their MLS have already figured out how bad a deal that Team Lead job is and obviously are not interested.

Team Leads - RLee

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The TLs are no doubt feeling an impact of what is expected of them. Who would want to put out the fires all day that upper management and ROMs have created and then try to make your line count as well. I should say put out fires if you are fortunate to receive any correspondence to any of your issues or concerns in the first place. The TLs have to answer to the ROM and are limited in what decisions they can make on their own. Either way by having to advertise outside for a TL postion makes a statment in itself and pretty much sums up on the working environment that has been created by the "fat cats."

I agree. I was a team leader twice before (not at Transcend) and it is a nasty, - thankless job. I would never do it on production a

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Who would want to sell their soul to the devil. I could not lie enough to - Curious

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be a team lead. I listen to what they have to say and then just assume the opposite is going to happen. Not one of them can tell the truth or even cares about the MLS. They are as lousy as the ROMs.

You are so wrong, or at least MY team lead is not that.nm - anon

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OK guys and gals - our work is cut out for us

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Those of us who know, should swarm over to the other board and post our experiences! I have nothing against Transcend personally, my TL is very nice, the pay is okay, I love my account. The problem is that they overhire. They have to promise bonuses and "$900 guaranteed per pay period for full time," but there is never enough work to actually BECOME full time. I'm not sure if I should say "never," but that is my experience, and the experience of others I have read about. Oblivious me, I went into the job determined to prove that with a good attitude, I could make a go of it with Transcend. Unfortunately, I am no better than anyone else at "making a go" of 8-hour stretches of NJA. My worst day was 2 jobs and $4.50 in 16 hours of watching and waiting. Two requests for "another account" got me nothing. ("Be patient, it should pick up soon.") So, distressed and humbled and having learned my lesson, I have had to cut my Transcend-loyalty off at the roots, and go elsewhere. If I didn't have a small inheritance to fall back on, I would not have survived the first and last 8 weeks with them. (And I would have stayed maybe 7 days, not 8 weeks!)

Glad I left... - Ex Transcend/MDIer

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Best move I ever made was leaving in June....now working for 2 small companies as an IC and have a life, no schedule (just a line count to meet whatever time(s) of day I choose) and no bombardment with silly emails or CB updates on what's in the system - what was the point of those emails anyway, when you can see what's on the system when you are working anyway so you know what is there and what needs worked on....justification of a position, must be.

Glad I left, too - Metalhead

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It turned out that Transcend/MDI was no better than MQ, which they were trying to emulate. They succeeded. They shafted a lot of good MTs, who are now else. I went with a nice smaller company that actually treats me like a human.
Correction - Metalhead
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Meant to say "who are now elseWHERE." For me, anywhere but Transcend/MDI is good. I hope the folks who sold us out are enjoying their millions and their yachts. And yes, RLee, you were right after all.

VERY well said - unhappy MT

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I also wonder about the sometimes HUGE volume of emails I receive daily, most of which are just rehash of info that is readily available by looking at the work pool. I am an MT at Transcend who has plenty of work, secondary accounts available, benefits, and everything else, but I have to tell you all, for some reason, I'm STILL not happy with Transcend - LOL!!

I can only speak for myself here, okay? But for some reason, this company is just not a very nice place to work. There is a feeling that they are always on your back about something, checking every detail of your lines, your hours, your schedule, the hairs on the back of your neck, whatever. And my team lead is okay, I guess, but not really someone I care to work for or with.

In the 6 years I was with MDI, before the merger, we NEVER had serious scheduling problems on our accounts or any "personality" issues at all. Ever. My team lead was fantastic and the company people were pretty good too. That has all disappeared now.

I have nothing tangible to complain about, and I admit that up front, so all you happy Transcenders please don't swarm around like bees and attack me for this, okay? It's just that after over 20 years of doing this work, I will state up front that Transcend is the worst job I have ever had in terms of oranization AND morale. They just aren't a very well-run company and they REALLY don't have much going for them in terms of MT morale.

So.........As soon as I can find ANYWHERE else to work, I'm jumping ship. I'm just simply not happy with these people.

Thanks for listening, you guys.
I would stay at Transcend - just my 2 cents. sm
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I am leaving there, but it is for major reasons, like 3500 lines on an average week (yes, asked for another account, yes, checked for work 16 hours a day). If you find anyplace where you have enough work to do (and I believe Transcend's pay scale is not bad), then I think that is reason to stay.
Yes, you're probably right, I admit........... - unhappy MT
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And I know for a fact that it really is "slim pickins" out there right now for decently paid work. This is the reason I am still with Transcend. You can bet I won't be splitting until I am certain I have something else reasonable to go to.

But that doesn't change the fact that I don't find Transcend to be a very nice place to work. If I end up having to finish up my career there, then I suppose worse things could happen. I guess I just needed to vent a little. I have been doing this job for over 20 years and can remember when it seemed like the best thing in the world, and I felt very lucky to be doing it. I have never been unhappy at my job in all those years. Not until now.

But you're absolutely right in what you say. I'm listening, believe me.
Full-time quota/contests - Thoughts? - transgal
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I agree with the line rate, but when you're running production contests, have no work, and have ABSOLUTELY no work on two holiday weekends within that contest, good luck not getting knocked down to part-time status since both holiday weekends were within the "rolling 3-month production averages." Thoughts?????
I agree. But remember, we must be friendly neighbors and make sure the Indians have - transcender
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plenty of work. We could get a lot more lines if they would fix that editor so it was not skipping 50% of the words and getting the other 25% wrong.

Trans-mart, or Wal-scend - -

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Had mandatory conference call with HR recently. Heard they are a growing company. Don't doubt it. Hospitals must love the instant TAT and low cost of Transcend. It means heck for us.

Same as Walmart-- you appreciate low prices and availability, don't realize that the companies have to supply goods to Walmart at rock-bottom prices just to survive. Walmart is Transcend, Walmart shoppers are the hospitals looking for a good deal, the brand-name companies are us-- forced to supply at low, low cost, just so Walmart can offer us low, low price. I read that Mt. Olive Pickles almost went bankrupt, because of Walmart's $1 gallon of Mt. Olive pickles. It was such a good deal, that nobody bought any other line of Mt. Olive pickles, at any other store. And Mt. Olive sure was not making any profit on providing $1 gallons of pickles. That was Walmart's pickle-policy though. It was the first time that I realized the connection-- my demand for a good deal, means that the suppliers suffer. I had thought it was all about Walmart.

THEN, to survive and cut costs, the suppliers have to go to China to find cheap labor, to produce the goods cheaply, so that they can supply the goods cheaply to Walmart, so that Walmart can provide the goods cheaply for us. My goodness! There is yet another link in the vicious cycle! Then, we lose our factory jobs at Electrolux, and Tupperware, and Dell PC assembly. Which leaves us even more cash-strapped, so we have to go to Walmart to stretch our unemployment checks. Meanwhile, what Arkansas family is the wealthiest in the nation? And what transcription company (with a capital T) is moving up the ladder into second place nationally, by putting small MTSOs out of business-- like Walmart did with its mom-and-pop "competition." Oh, what have we done to our own country, by innocently looking for better deals! Why did Sam Walton make a good thing into such an evil thing! I am going to the local grocery store right now to look for the most expensive jar of pickles I can find! Not sure if hospitals will look for the MTSO charging the highest cpl though...

I think what will happen is that hospitals - Thinking of Going In House again

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will start thinking that they need to bring all those jobs back in house. Heck all they see with outsourcing to companies like Transcend is constant turnover as to who is actually working on their documents, poor quality, concerns about privacy of information for which they (the hospitals) are ultimately held responsible. Soon the swing back to in house transcriptionists will be off and running, and I hope many of you will agree that this will be a GOOD thing. Then we will have jobs with benefits we can count on, a steady shift (and a life outside our work time) and the chance of being involved in social situations we probably need to stay sane.

I hope that is true, but...sm - tj

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I think most transcriptionist try to maintain that 98% error free rate, so I figure they are already getting the quality in the reports they get back, but I have wondered with production being the main goal if maybe some aren't slipping up for production sake.

This is a very intesting parallel you've come up with... - perplexed MT

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It has been my contention for some time now that the issue of scheduling on the accounts at Transcend is being caused by the company's willingness to cave in to hospital demands for shorter and shorter turn-around times. I have been told that certain hospital accounts are now actually charging FINES for reports that come in after turn-around time. This should NEVER have been allowed in ANY contract.

IMO, this problem was actually created by MTSOs allowing themselves to be frightened into undue competitive practices. These MTSOs do have yearly conferences, as far as I know, and the company heads do actually meet each other over drinks now and then, believe it or not. Has it ever occurred to any of them, I wonder, to agree together that they should REFUSE to cave into unreasonable hospital demands? If all (or at least most of the bigger) MTSOs agreed together about this issue for the sake of their businesses and employees, then the hospitals could, in essence, go pound sand with their unreasonable demands for shorter and shorter turn-around times and the imposition of fines, etc.

After all, if the hospitals REALLY need their freaking charts in 30 seconds, then they should have maintained their in-house transcription staff and paid the price for that. The MTSOs are allowing the hospital administrators to bully them and we, the MTs, are paying for this in terms of our jobs, pay scale, and sanity.

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