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MDI/Transcend Pediatric Care Cert - getting irritated

Posted: Mar 24, 2010

I must have missed something.  Today I get an email telling me I have to go through some certification process to work on an account I've been working on for the last several years.  Was this mentioned prior to this?  Nothing was said on the last conference call about it that I recall.  I think this is getting a little ridiculous.  First the mandatory conference calls, now this.  What's next?

Seriously, I'm about ready to quit.  Maybe that's the idea.

it is probably HIPPA certification? - looking for work

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I have been hearing a lot of ppl are having to do this.

HITECH Act - Nick

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Maybe it is to be compliant with the HITECH Act?

I wonder if the India MTs need this certificate process ? - RLee N/M

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Doubt it. They dont even need to be able to spell..... - nm - Zircon

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certification - mt

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if it's for HIPAA/HITECH, it's no big deal. It took me just a few minutes to complete with my company.

I don't think so -- why would it say - getting irritated

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Pediatric Care cert? It's not a quick test. It's a series of tests.

what's the issue? - if you are qualified

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then it shouldn't matter.

If you aren't then well then that matters to the MTSO.

FOund this:
Pediatricians should look for certification when choosing EHR
AAP Division of Pediatric Practice

I'm not paying to view the entire article and dont have time to search right now, but EHR is going to impact EVERY SINGLE MT. So if your MTSO is willing to provide you with the cert, stop your whining and go for it.

I might be wrong - sm

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but it sounds to me like you were ready to quit before you got this email. Why not explore with your TL or higher what it is all about, what it requires, before all the disgust? I really think it is all in the attitude. Remember, the more specialization or knowledge you have, the more opportunity you would available to you. And as far as the mandatory conference calls, what is the big problem? At least you are paid for them now. Personally, so far, I am finding this transition to be working out well. They have honored their promises to me, extend the flexibility, etc. Maybe you have building stress; but why not go into pause mode and take a good look at what is being asked of you, and see if it is really that bad.

actually you're spot on - getting irritated

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I do have building stress. It started when the merge was announced and I tried to remain optimistic. We were showered with the "no changes" speech. Ever since, it has been change after change.

I'm curious, though, are you on this particular account that requires this certification process?

no, am not. - nm/op

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I see -- sm - getting irritated
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Has your account required you to have mandatory phone calls on a day or 2's notice? Has your account required you to take any type of certification testing?

I am frustrated with the situation. While your transition has been great, not everyone's is the same. Please don't judge me based on your circumstances, as mine are obviously different.
Perfect example of ... - sideline poster
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can't please everyone ! It was mentioned about the certification and it was mentioned the reasoning behind it. They are trying to win an account of a large group of pediatric hospital facilities and what a better way to "one up" the competition than to have all the employees certified in pediatric medicine. This is actually for our benefit in the future. If you have worked on this account for several years, you shouldn't have any problems passing the exam. And, yes, I am on the same account as you are !!
Wonder what would happen if new to the account... - sm
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I'm wondering what would happen to those who are new to the account as a secondary perhaps that aren't that familiar with pediatric specialty yet. If they don't pass the certification would they be removed and lose their secondary account?
if they got the email ... - sideline poster
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about the certification exam, they should have also gotten a study guide along with it with a lot of resources for answers. Some is pediatric-oriented while some is this all of us should know whether this account is your first or not. I think, while it will be comprehensive enough, it is really going to help in the end. You gotta look at things as the glass half full sometimes ...
Certified by who? - getting irritated
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First off, I never said anything about not being able to pass it. I have no concerns there.

Secondly, certified by who? Does ADHI have a pediatric specialty certification? Or is this something the suits at Transcend came up with? I hope not because they can't even spell receive correctly on their own website.
like I alluded to ... - sideline poster
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before, I believe this is an inhouse certification to be able to show prospective clients that the workers are capable of handling pediatric work as a specialty. You know, everyone gripes and gripes about no work, no work, but then when they try to put us in line to gain more clients and more work by assuring a prospective client that we are capable and professional, that doesn't please either. If you're not worried about passing, what is the big deal? It could end up being something very good.
They can already say they have MTs that specilize in pediatrics, - Right?? sm
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There are a lot of things they like us to do, upgrades, etc., which we do not get paid for our time on. I am just wondering if you all get paid for them being able to say you took a test and are now certified by them? Seems like another hoop/waste of your time unless you are getting paid for that time.
well actually... - sideline poster
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they are paying us training time for taking the exams...bad, bad company !!
I wasn't paid to get "certified" - but I still have a job.
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You always have options. I don't get the chronic grousing.

If you don't want to take the training and the certification then don't. They can't FORCE you to do it. As you said, they can make it so you can't access their work. Choice. So choose.
it took me 2 seconds - to do a google search
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and come up with an immediate hit that pediatricians are being encouraged by the AAP to have pediatric care certified personnel working on their EHR.

Your entire attitude stinks, IMO. Life doesn't stand still. It changes. SOmetimes daily. You either bitch about the changes, or you find a way to take them in stride and figure out how to make them work for you.

So if you don't want to be certified, then quit. Go somewhere that doesn't care if you are or not. But even there, it's likely to change eventually.

To the poster indicating being new or secondary-- if you can't pass the test, you shouldn't be on the account. These tests are not usually overly difficult.
I'm not on the account as primary OR secondary. - Poster indicating secondary
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I was simply asking because I have a couple secondary acute care accounts that have NICU and pediatric involved and was wondering if this would have any bearing on them as well in the future. I don't have pediatric as a specialty, but am gradually building up my experience on these pediatric acute care reports.

I never said I couldn't pass and in fact never even said I was on the account. I'm more or less curious as to the involvement of the certification and if it applies to any acute care account that has pediatric acute care reports, but I surely don't understand the hostility and why I shouldn't be on the accounts with pediatrics if I'm not specialized in them. I've never once heard of any MTSO requiring experience with all 4 basic reports AND specialized fields when applying for acute care positions.
Yet.... - mt too long
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You said: I've never once heard of any MTSO requiring experience with all 4 basic reports AND specialized fields when applying for acute care positions.

Who knows maybe that will be next. Maybe all that wishing we did of bypassing ADHI will happen and hospitals and doctors will begin requiring verifiable certification in their specialties. I think that would be WONDERFUL.
I totally agree. sm - Poster indicating secondary
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I'm all for it myself. I think the more documentation from different employers as to skills, the better. I think it would be wonderful for us to show some sort of specialized certification.

I just didn't understand where the hostility was coming from regarding not being on an account. I've been doing the acute care account with some pediatrics involved for over 4 years, but I'm not specialized in pediatrics. That doesn't mean I'm not qualified for the account. Like you stated about events down the road, I was wondering how in depth the certification would be for those working on pediatrics, but not specializing in them.
Certification - Soon to be ex-Transcend Employee
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The main question I would have would be does this certification translate into more money for the MT or just for Transcend? If I am going to get certified in a speciality I expect to be compensated for being certified with a raise in my salary but that doesn't seem to be the way Transcend does things.
Sad reality - Competition is stiff
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It may not actually be MORE money for Transcend. It might mean a new account to make up for some they may have lost.

Think about it, if the AAP (American Association of Pediatricians) has been advocating for ONLY having certified pediatric care MTs on their work for 3 years now (I found it first in 2006), then that means it's finally likely starting to catch on. So I see this as Transcend keeping themselves viable. If you have to compete against EHR, isn't it better to have as much ducks as you can in a row so you are ABLE to compete?

And payment for MT is NOT going to rise.... EVER again. It saw it's peak. Now we can hope for status quo (how sad is THAT) or equip ourselves with whatever certifications we can to keep open as many doors as we can.
Soon to be ex-Transcender - Bulldog
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Don't worry, Transcend will not give its MTs a thing. It seems that they are trying to follow MQs playbook. That is why I quit.

To getting irritated - RLee

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Get used to the stress, as it will just get worse - coming from a voice of experience. I was told no changes when Deventure merged and that was a crock of BS. Like I stated when MDI first merged with Transcend - it will not take long for you to see a different side of what they told you. I do hope things work out for you, as far as the stress.
RLee - Mississippi Queen
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Believe it or not, Transcend is not responsible for global warming, the fact that I spilled my coffee this morning, or that I owe money to the IRS. I am no fan of Transcend and I did quit, but really and truly, if you would spend as much time looking for productive work as you do on here whining, your world would brighten up. Just sayin.
Mississippi Queen - don't read my comments - RLee
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SIMPLE AS THAT !!!!! I am not whining - I am voicing my OPINION and have every right to as do you ... just saying ya'll.
Don't understand what the problem is. - rms (NOT RLEE)
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Wouldn't it be much easier to just pass over RLEE's posts if they irritate you so much? It's almost as if people are stalking RLEE to whine about her whining.
Whining - Mississippi Queen
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No one is STALKING anyone. However, people feel that is not healthy to get stick in this attitude of I AM A VICTIM. You can only be a victim if you give your permission. For every minute people give to what has happened and is in the past, they lose a chance to move forward in the present, that is all. I wish RLee all the best, but as they used to sing in the Forties, "I've heard that song before....." My wish for her is that she finds a really good gig she loves and can be happy. I really do. She won't find it spending her days focusing on how they done her wrong.
Oh, for goodness sake! She is on the - board just like you s/m
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are. When she sees a topic regarding Transcend, she replies. Just don't read her posts if it bothers you so much.
RLee - Soon to be ex-Transcend employee
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I have to agree RLee. At first I was on your side as I know what an awful company Transcend has become but now it is just getting old. Move on with your life. I haven't seen you mention Angel lately so I imagine that job did not materialize so go out and find something else. Me, I'm getting out of this field completely. I'm back in school and loving it. Only a couple more days and Transcend will be a distant memory. Please move on...there is life after Transcend.
Oh my gosh - get on with life! LOL - this is so old....
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Like I tell my kids, find resolutions. If we keep stating the problem it will never get resolved.

RLee, you are actually so visible on this Transcend subject that I highly doubt any company that frequents this board would hire you as you just drone on and on regarding any Transcend post and keep beating that dead horse. You are starting to look like a real nuisance. Get on with it already ; we get it. They fired you; you didn't do anything wrong, blah blah blah... yeah right!
RLEE - amusing
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What ever became of your job with Angel's Transcription? Hopefully this ranting on the board won't hurt your chances with her or any other position.
Criticism - Rlee
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Some of you have chosen to turn my 2 comments, which happens to be my opinion, to this ORIGINAL post, into a bashing session personally against me - hope you got enjoyment out of it. With that said, I will chime in when there is a post about Transcend or any other topic and I feel my opinion is appropriate without DIVERTING the topic into another topic and being sarcastic to anyone - like you and many others are doing. It seems that no matter what I say on this board I am a sitting duck, but I will continue to post my OPINIONS.

On the other hand, as far as Angel's, she offered me audios of lectures and speeches, etc, which I would prefer to do medical/clnical, although I did do some work for her. It is my choice of what I what to do as far as work at this point, as some may consider fortunate or unfortunate, but in my case with unemployment I feel I am fortunate for the moment and can make whatever choices I feel is appropriate for me and if need be they will pay me to take any brush up courses, retraining, etc. Transcend put me in this position, so I guess I will take advantage of it. I will still support Angel's in her beliefs about this industry, as she has been in our shoes before. She has also had her own personal experiences with Transcend and I will leave it at that, as it is up to her to divulge that information. She has READ my posts and can relate to what I say about this particular company. I have also received numerous emails via this board from other Transcenders that have experienced the same experiences as myself, some of which are still living the nightmare and some that have either been fired or left on their own.

So in the meantime, I am getting a lot of spring cleaning done, etc, and am on the computer - when I need a break - instead of watching soap operas - and I am frequenting this board and looking at local job boards and other MT boards.

My advice to you is that if you are sick of RLee's comments/opinions - oh well - just pass on by - don't read them because I am not going anywhere and my posts/opinions will always be under the nickname RLee, although some may think otherwise.
Take advantage of it??? - nm
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I didn't realize that the unemployment program was instituted for people to get paid to clean their houses and be on the computer 24/7. Sign me up!!!
Take advantage... - RLee
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The unemployment office encourages people to look for jobs ONLINE and I have been to several of their workshops as a requirement. So, therefore, I am on the computer about 4 hours a day checking/browsing the local job ads and MT boards, etc on a daily basis and obviously can take advantage of spare time by keeping busy spring cleaning, etc instead of sitting on my ass being a slug. Anything is better than looking at a blank screen all day I guess. I have no choice but to do otherwise, as I am actively seeking work. Hopefully you will never be pushed in this corner as it is not where I planned to be at the age of 52!!!!! I am trying to make the best out of a bad situation and have had many moments of shedding tears for months, as I could see the handwriting on the wall with Transcend. I am fortunate to have a supportive husband who god bless him has lived this nightmare side by side with me. So at this point I am thankful for unemployment. I am not bragging about collecting unemployment by any means, as I have only collected unemployment prior to this situation for 3 weeks in my entire career. I have been working since I was 18 years olds (1 week after graduation). So your sarcastic remarks are not really appreciated !!!
RLee, you don't have to defend yourself to these vultures. - nm
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Unemployment program - Me, too!
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You mean I have been transcribing for 10 hours today when I could have been getting paid to clean my house and surf the Net? Wow! Sign me up, too!
Be careful of what you wish for !!!! - RLee n/m
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I have building stress as well, especially - after realizing s/m

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that all the so-called "nothing will change" talk on the first 2 or 3 conference calls was not the truth. I won't list the issues as those who went through it know what the issues are.

Have to disagree with one thing you said, and that is honoring promises. - Transcender

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They are not honoring any of the promises they made to long term MLS now. PTO was cut, pay was cut, nothing is staying the same. Transcend is no longer an honorable company.

Transcender - Quilter

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I was with MDI and when the merger took place, something told me to leave, that I would not be able to support my household. I found a job elsewhere; guess I was right to follow my hunch. What I find really disappointing is to contrast what is happening to all of you with the "old MDI." What on earth happened to those people? The OLD MDI was so kind, so humane, and suddenly everything changed. I wish all of you good luck.

HIPAA/HITECH - get used to it

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Every MT will have to be "certified" (which means you take a test after reading/watching some material).

If you're an IC, you not only have to be certified in this by your client (MTSO) but you need to also have your own policies and procedures for your privacy rules and how you handle a breach.

Yes, I suppose the odds are low that you will have someone ever come and check to see if you have the policies/procedures, but your MTSO must show proof the MTs working on their accounts are up to date.

As we move forward with electronic medical record, every single patient record will have a verifiable footprint and it is in your best interest to stay abreast of that.

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