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Landmark - update? - BeenThereMT

Posted: Jan 26, 2011

I worked for Landmark a while ago.  Sorry for all the problems the current MTs are having.  Have the owners come up with a solution about the insurance issue? 

Just a thought, but you might try calling your local state representative's office and asking about COBRA and/or an insurance plan run by your state that covers children.  You may also have a county agency that can give you information about insurance coverage. 

Of note, the COBRA payment is usually the entire cost of a company's insurance bill.  It's just to not have a gap in coverage.  Usually Blue Cross will sell their best insurance plans to anyone, including if you have pre-existing.  Yes, the cost will be expensive. 

BeenThereMT - Irked mom

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Not only have they not come up with a solution, they have gone completely silent. No communication at all. (We were supposed to have Cobra information yesterday.) Nothing. The Cobra payment is the entire cost of the company's bill plus 2%, I think it is, for administrative costs. I read that on the Internet. The problem is, our family cannot afford the individual policy after Cobra expires. It would literally be more than our mortgage payment! I feel especially ripped off because they decreased our line rate not so long ago. Okay, fine, I understand we are in financial hard times and although I did not like that, I accepted it without complaining. But do that, accept it and go with the flow, and then THIS on top of it--with no explanation--is a little hard to swallow. If we have not heard anything by Friday, we are going to take a ride up to the State Insurance Commissioner's office and also go to the federal building and see the federal people who are in charge of Cobra. This is just not right. Is the company having some kind of problems? I am annoyed that the owners or someone on their staff does not communicate what is going on. I do not know them so I do not know their circumstances and am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this hanging by a thread is getting kind of old. All that I am asking for is some communication. May I ask why you left LM? Not trying to be personal, just trying to decide if I want to stay. I had two other offers when I chose LM (the owner said she had to hire lots of people, and that made me think they had lots of accounts), and may see if one of the others who wanted me still has openings. At least then I would know what I was dealing with. The lack of communication, more than anything else, is what concerns me. TIA.

I'm an ex-LMer...sm - MTinNY

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and I'm so sorry for what you all are dealing with. I posted below in a previous post about why I left LM, but I can tell you that the communication will not get any better. I would email and email with problems and not receive a response. I would then have to email QA (KE), ask her if she heard anything and have her ask again for me. It was very frustrating and my issue was something small (couldn't get into the paycheck website for over a month upon hire) compared to this insurance issue. Just so you are aware, the owners do read this website. I hope they realize how bad they screwed up with this and I wish you all the best.

Lawyer calling LM.... - HELP

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Communication might get better because my lawyer is calling LM-he says this situation is not acceptable and they HAVE to offer a solution or face civil lawsuit. Remember, that chick from MQ did it about something regarding pay and WON! The rest of you need to get off this board and call a lawyer. Enough of them call LM and there is be a solution.
I called my lawyer, too - Tired of it
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She said not only will there be civil penalties, but federal ones as well (fines and penalties), if they abuse the COBRA process. She said that as we now stand, we have absolutely NO guarantee that we are covered by COBRA or anything else. She wants to know why we d not have temporary cards and/or a group number or telephone liaison. She wants to know why we did not get the information via e-mail as promised. She reminds me that if you go into a hospital for surgery and are uninsured, the hospital is likely to ask for 10K deposit or so upfront! So it would be in everyone's best interest to COMMUNICATE and get this thing handled. It never should have happened in the first place.
Does this company have a phone #? An address? - If so, I"d be on their doorstep TOMORROW. nm
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An address and phone - Yeah, yeah, yeah
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They do, but the owner is really hard to reach. QA person is an absolute GEM, the kindest and smartest person I have ever met in or out of the MT world, but I hate to bother her with things that owner should address.
They have QA do all their dirty work for them...sm - MTinNY
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She was very nice, but she does everything for the owner. She is who negotiated with me, hired me, took all my email questions, locked me out of my account and called me to tell me there wasn't any other work. Not to mention that she places the ads on here. In all the time that I worked for them, I literally talked to Chris once and Ann once. I'd be filling all their email boxes to get an answer to this.
MTinNY is correct-1 person runs this show! - MTLM
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Although I agree with most of what MYinNY says, this 1 person is hard to get answers from also, albeit very nice, but seriously low key like somebody on valium, which she probably is because of stress. You can tell her something over and over and it doesn't change anything. When the owners get involved, things get screwed up just like the insurance issue.
Definitely agree with you there! sm - MTinNY
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I agree with you that it's hard to get answers from her as well! She has to be under some serious stress. Goodness knows that she's doing everything plus doing QA work and transcribing when needed as well. I don't know how she does it all!
MTLM - MT2002
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Then why don't they have a business manager who is IN the office and handling the business? One person, no matter how wonderful, cannot be expected to do every single thing.
I don't know why, but would be a good idea. - MTLM
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I have been with LM for 2 years and can't figure out how this business is run, except as things come up from what I can see. I stayed because of the benefits for only 10,000 lines for full-time, but now that is gone (plus they slashed our pay a few months ago), so they don't stand out as worth it anymore. Does anyone known another company that considers full-time 10,000 lines and offers benefits, that's all I want. Doesn't seem like much to ask, but obviously it is with LM.
MTLM - AndreaJ
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How many lines do they consider fulltime now? And how much did they slash pay? (I notice they are advertising and wonder if I should work for them?)
AndreaJ - MTLM
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They didn't change it-10,000 lines is full-time with benefits, but the benefits are in question is the problem. When they slashed pay 6-7 months ago, it was 1 or 2 cents a line from what you were making, which is a lot. It cost me about $500.00 a month. No notice, no nothing, just an email that your pay is now reduced. However, some were let go with no notice or explanation, just goodbye, so I guess those left should be happy we have a job-NOT! It isn't the point to be made though, the point is the poor management, one thing after another. I would keep looking. I am.
Seriously. I would Google the address, and make the - arrangements to get to that office -
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in person, one way or another, and I'd walk in the door with my hand out. And if I could find a local TV investigative news team that wanted to ride along with me, the more the merrier.

This unannounced appearance tactic has worked for me in the past when collecting money owed to me from deadbeat clients, so why not with employers, as well? If nothing else, it would make for an interesting day.
Oh no. Hope this isnt start of catch phrase --- - Going MT. nm
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ROTFLOL! - N/msg
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nm ...