A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I was just asked the question to top all questions I can think of - concerning a medical record on myself

Posted: Jan 19, 2010

There was a discussion going on below about the cost of transcribing and a person asked me if I would like my own medical record to be transcribed if a person only making 4 cents a line transcribing my own medical records.

I cannot believe that question. I do both VR and regular typing on my account. I do both equally well. i read every word in VR. I listen and type every word in regular. For anyone to even suggest because a person is paid to do this type of work for less than you would do straight, I really have no words to describe what I think. When are people going to wake up and find out doing VR does not mean you just go helter skelter through a report without trying to do your best. My company would have my head if that were the case. I am held to a high standard with VR just like with straight.

Don't hurt yourself climbing off that high horse of yours - Debbie

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I suspect that you are the exception to the rule. Do you REALLY want someone making a McDonald's wage typing your medical records on which life-and-death decisions are made? REALLY????

Why that comment? I do not make McDonald - wages and since when does the

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salary determine how accurate your report is? I guess this was my chuckle for the day.

why assume somebody making a lower wage.. - sm

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is going to do a crappy job? It really depends most on whether that person wants and/or needs their job.

Somebody who needs their job, will make sure not to screw up and get fired.

On the other hand, somebody who hates their job could really care less about job performance.

I'll take the lower paid, job needing MT over the higher paid disgruntled MT any day of the week! Thank you much:D

Let's talk about REALITY here... - Debbie

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Sure someone making McDonald's wages working at MCDONALD'S could be doing a great job. Hey, my nephew worked there! He was a good employee, got to work on time, saved his money and bought a car. But he was 17 years old and I wouldn't want him typing my medical records.

It's a little thing called INCENTIVE, along with that old bugaboo, REALITY. Working at McDonald's does not in all actuality require a lot of skill. Put the hamburger on the bun, measure out a certain amount of fries, remember the secret sauce, etc. Now, tell me, what exactly is the incentive for someone being paid 3-4 CPL to, for example, look up the name of a doctor, a drug, a nursing home, all of the other multiple things we are asked to do as MTs, not to mention the incredible skills we need to decipher ESLs, be up on the latest medication, operative equipment, etc. Are you seriously going to tell me that someone struggling to get their line count, being paid 3-4 CPL, is maybe not going to exactly care whether this stuff is correct or not? Oh, yes, you of course up there on your high horse will insist that YOU would look these things up for whatever you are paid, do everything asked of you for the crap wages paid for VR. You get a gold star! I suspect you, again, are the exception. And exactly what kind of MTs will the MTSOs be able to recruit for the 3-4 CPL? Those who didn't want to work at McDonald's.

So, careful climbing off that high horse of yours. It is a long way down to reality for some people.
Actually, I was the one who found the MTSO, not other - concerning a medical record
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way around. My inhouse outsourced and I worked for the first MTSO that got the work, they lost the acct and I had no idea where it went. I just stopped working for awhile. I then asked on this board if anyone knew who had the acct and someone did. I contacted the MTSO and told them I had worked X number of years on this acct and was hired on immediately, without testing. You see when you assume you could always be wrong. I was not recruited, I did the recruiting. I have done this acct so many years. Look up doctor's, facility names? Never. If we have 1 we are not familiar with and not on the list of contacts we do a nonname and type what it sounds like. It is up to the place of origin for them to look up and make sure goes to right place. Sorry you have such a hard time in your job but all places are not like that, just quit assuming. Oh, another thing about assuming. I never struggle to get a decent line count. The majority of our ESLs are all on VR, talk about a bowl of cherries.
I honestly don't know what you are on about... - Debbie
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Really, you haven't responded to any of the points I have made and just keep repeating this fairly nutty sounding story of an incident in your life. It's obviously an issue you need to seriously work through.

And, for whatever amount of money you are making, I truly, truly hope YOU are not typing MY medical records! I must say, judging from your posts, here is one time I would rather have a McDonald's worker typing them.
the real problem here is - sm
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a lot of transcriptionists seem to feel they are "owed" a high wage because of the work they do.

I've been in this field for almost 25 years now and never had any schooling whatsoever for it. It was %100 on-the-job training for me. It's not that difficult a job to learn to do.

To say that somebody just starting out, with or without official training, will automatically do a poor job because of their starting wage is really ignorant thinking.

A reality check for you would be to see your job for what it is. You are a typist, transcriptionist or what used to be known as a STENO POOL worker.

Yes, there are basic things we need to know to do our jobs. However, very few MTSOs differentiate between a newbie and an experienced MT when considering an advertised wage.

If you think a job ad posts too low of a wage, then simply don't apply for it. Many people, though, would rather have that 4 cpl that no job at all.

I suggest you are the one who needs to get off that mythical high horse and see reality for how it is today.
Your post is disturbing on so many levels... - Debbie
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However, once again you have not responded to any of the points I have made. I, however, will respond to the main point you seem to be making:

Do you really, REALLY only consider yourself, and these are YOUR WORDS, just a 'typist, transcriptionist or what used to be known as a STENO POOL worker.' Do you HONESTLY think, 'It's not that difficult a job to learn to do.' Wow, that is so, so sad. You see, and yes, I am ASSuming here, you are an actual MT and not a suit because this is exactly the sort of thing a suit would say. So, assuming you are an actual MT, my comment would be that it is so incredibly sad that in your '25 years' in this business, they have beaten you down to accepting that logic. I suspect that most, if not all, MTs would definitely not agree with you in your evalution of yourself and your job. Such low self-esteem. I believe it is sometimes referred to as 'Stockholm syndrome.' I'd suggest getting some help and soon. And, yes, please DO NOT type MY medical records!!

Debbie, news flashâ€Â¦ this is someone entirely - different that is blogging, not me
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You see, not everyone feels like you do and there are others here, not just me. This is funny because you once again assume I wrote this. Hehehe.
Once again, I must question your sanity... - Debbie
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Sorry but I really am not sure what you are on about. I have laid out an argument why MTs typing medical records on which life and death decisions are made should not be paid McDonald's wages and you or one of your multiple personalities keeps responding with nonsensical answers. Or perhaps this is VR responding and that is why these answers are just GARBAGE! LOL.

Please try and have at least one of your personalities speak coherently. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Real problem, do not let the response get you down - and leave you scratching your head
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There is a person on here that thinks you and I are the same person, that is the reason why she is putting you through the third degree, like we owe her answers in the first place. Glad you put your 2 cents in.
Maybe you should spend your time elsewhere - Happy MT
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I don't understand why you have to be so negative. Are you that dissatisfied with your job, life, or what? I happen to be a new MT, I'm not making high wages yet, but I DO research. I would rather be correct, than have to be corrected. My speed will increase with time, but for now, I am willing to work more hours to make the money I need to make, and do my work correctly. And that IS my REALITY!

It takes nearly the same amount of time, so it shouldn't pay half. - The Bottom Line.

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??? I think the question was about a medical record - and how it was typed

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She is talking about how long she spends making - sm

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the record perfect for the 4 cpl & doesn't fly through it, etc....

Yep, hit the nail on the head there, my dear - Debbie

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We are paid for our skills in producing a quality document on which patient care will be based, not on how fast we can edit some crap that VR turned out.

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