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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 52)

Of course, I am. That's why we don't use it. But the poster - seemed to have, sm

Posted: Jun 1st, 2022 - 7:06 am In Reply to: Have you not done this in a while? Have you not - researched any of the VR systems?

some knowledge about it that I am not aware. We have not found any VR that is used in the legal field that can combat the issues of multiple speakers, background noise, and any other restrictions VR may have to capture the voice of multiple people. We use video recording with multiple depositions, but it still has to be transcribed. Some depositions have just the reporter and audio and some have both video and audio. It's never just video. There is always a reporter to take down the record. I was interested in knowing what the statement "This type of VR is used extensively in the legal programs" was, as we haven't found any VR program that would actually do the job. Your post seems very, very odd also, especially since the question of wanting to know the VR program was never answered. I belong to the NCRA and you seem to be more educated on court reporting and what's going on in it than they are. I believe the comprehension accuracy of VR is in the 80 something percentile and less depending on the system; hence my inquiry about the VR engines being spoken about in the post. There are lots of concerns over AI and it's production of error-ridden transcripts, so I'm inquiring about the VR system being referred to. You haven't answered my inquiry. You've simply questioned me about my credentials, while never telling me the information you have on the VR that is strictly used in legal.


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