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I would be outraged s/m - Anon

Posted: Jan 8th, 2020 - 8:23 am In Reply to: The kid has a picture of it on his page from yesterday. - Go look. LT in all her purple haired glory. nm

seeing pics of her going to buy pot instead of paying what she owes. I'm glad I left, but I'm pretty angry for you guys right now. Save as many pics as you can. They looked pretty happy to be going there. It's pretty hard to keep from commenting "did your mom pay her employees yet or is she going to wait another month?"

There would be an immediate full stop of work from me, even if I had to work 2 jobs to make up for it. It seems to me she is willfully not paying her employees, except for management. In my opinion that breaks any contract, agreement, whatever you want to call it.

Someone needs to contact a lawyer ASAP.


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