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You are 100% correct - SM

Posted: Jan 9th, 2020 - 1:05 am In Reply to: True, that picture doesn't prove. However, if the laws in Illinois are - similar to Colorado, there is not SM

Everything that you said is accurate. These drug dispensaries typically do not even allow people in the door who are not making purchases. Why else would they be going to a place like this with their adult son? To spend quality time with him while he buys drugs and admire the upstanding citizen they raised??? PLEASE!!! All three of them were there for a specific reason and we all know it, and it wasn't to "window shop." They all needed their fix. A family who blazes together stays together, I suppose. As other posters have mentioned, LT's FB picture speaks for itself. These people just keep getting more and more despicable. I sincerely hope that anyone who is owed money by these stoner thieves reports it to the Illinois Attorney General ASAP.


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