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True, that picture doesn't prove. However, if the laws in Illinois are - similar to Colorado, there is not SM

Posted: Jan 9th, 2020 - 12:07 am In Reply to: While it doesn't prove s/m - Anon

any space in the dispensary for casual visitors to sit and hang out while a friend or relative actually does the buying. If you're not there buying, you're not allowed or encouraged to hang out in the front entryway. That entry and reception area is for the paying customers who have been ID checked and are waiting their turn to be escorted in many cases by armed guards back to the actual buying area thru locked doors on either the medical or recreational side.

If you aren't intending to buy, WTH would you be doing going into a dispensary or even out in the parking lot. They don't exactly encourage tour groups or field trips in there for sightseeing. You're also not encouraged to hang around doing nothing in the parking lot, either. That's why cameras up the ying-yang all over the place for inside and outside monitoring. Hang around out in the parking lot aimlessly wandering around waiting for your friend to get done buying and you're going to get checked up on pretty darn quick and asked to either go in and buy or GTFO the property. They don't play around.

It's kind of like an assembly line. Go in, show your ID, get escorted back to the sales area, buy your stuff and GTHO, thank you and next customer please.

If push ever came to shove, the Attorney General wanted to charge her with whatever, the dispensaries have camera recordings and exact names and identification recorded to prove she was in there buying.

That stuff ain't cheap when the law first goes into effect, kiddies. I been there and done that. Illinois is currently running about twice the price of other states, due to supply and demand. High growing states can sell eighth of an ounce for about $35, Illinois is running about 70.

and if I remember correctly, medical was a bit cheaper than rec, and rec was taxed a lot heavier than medical. So the rec taxes might end up being something around 30%?

So yes, if she was on the property, you can bet your bottom dollar she was going in to buy, whether medical or rec.


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