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That looks like - the dab concentrate. sm

Posted: Jan 8th, 2020 - 11:15 am In Reply to: The kid has a picture of it on his page from yesterday. - Go look. LT in all her purple haired glory. nm

I guess Mommy is paying for it. This kid doesn't really seem to post about having a job. His posts are riddled with foul language and all his fun times at shows.

The dab concentrates are very highly potent. It can also lead to psychosis in many people with psychiatric issues. I would definitely be worried about the usage of that, as it's very strong.

There's just a lot of stuff wrong about his posts. Does he not realize his mother is in the limelight and is a business woman. I can't believe he can figure out anything IT wise, but he is considered the hippy kid on that other website. Wow, she is over the top.

I would definitely get away from that company. She has no care in the world about paying her employees if she has time to run her little drug errands. Wow, just wow.


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