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Yep, and she can thank her very own son! - HA!

Posted: Jan 8th, 2020 - 9:29 pm In Reply to: She knows for sure she's busted now, there is absolutely NO - logical excuse for the late payroll SM

This is what happens when you fry your brain with drugs - you don't think and any and all common sense goes right out the window! Thanks to her son publicly posting those photos of the entire family walking into the dispensary, now EVERYBODY knows the truth about where a good portion of the payroll funds are going - to support the family drug habit. Utterly disgusting and despicable. She has employees who are literally starving and who are about to lose everything all because of her, yet here she is, out buying drugs, getting high, and putting ridiculous looking purple coloring in her hair like a 16-year-old. Oh, and let's not forget about all of the NHL games, concerts, and cruises that she's going on. Those must be the treatment for her "illness." Give me a freakin' break!!!! She cannot get away with this forever. She will have to face justice one of these days, and I am sure that she will. It is only a matter of time.


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