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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: What I Did.. (Views: 33)

Her kid - SM

Posted: Jan 8th, 2020 - 5:15 pm In Reply to: That looks like - the dab concentrate. sm

I heard a rumor a few years ago that her son had been kicked out of college in Miami for dealing heroin selling fake IDs. I don't have any firsthand knowledge of this, but it came from a very reliable source who I fully trust and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was true. If you look on his FB page, just yesterday he posted a receipt from a "triangle kush" and a "Medihaze" purchase from "Green House Group" and it was almost $200. Lee and Jeff were with him. There you have it, KS employees. This is where your paychecks are going. This family is clearly nothing but a bunch of low-life stoners. Real nice that they can all go out and get high all the time, but can't be bothered to pay their employees. This enrages me. They ALL belong in prison. No...UNDER a prison.


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