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I agree. I hope MTs s/m - Anon

Posted: Jan 8th, 2020 - 9:33 pm In Reply to: She knows for sure she's busted now, there is absolutely NO - logical excuse for the late payroll SM

get every penny due them. It's despicable. The MTs did their job and the owner refuses to pay them, but can pay family. Then, has the nerve to give lame excuses.

I know you're reading the boards, that's obvious. How dare you go on vacation, out to dinner, anything while your MTs have not been paid, many behind on their bills with a dismal Christmas on top of it. I bet YOU had a GREAT Christmas, huh? Got some nice, pretty gifts, yet you did not pay people who did their job.

You're a disgusting human being who ought to just crawl under a rock and never come out. I would be truly embarrassed to be in your shoes right now. Please, do your MTs and clients (what few you probably have left) a favor and just turn the contracts over to a companty that actually pays the MTs and gets the work done.

You have obviously lost your way.


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