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Answer to Part 1 - see msg

Posted: Oct 1st, 2016 - 3:47 pm In Reply to: shift work for at-home transcription - karen

The answer to part one is 2-fold: First, in particular if you're doing acute care, there are some fast turn-around times on certain report types. Second (and not least) is that since so much work is off-shored to India, they need US MTs to pick up the slack. Figure it this way. When it's, say, 3 p.m. here, it's 11 p.m. in certain parts of India. Time for beddie bye for the Indians. Ditto for their evening meal.

Can't help you on how to work around the kids. As far as I'm concerned, MT is a job, and you can't raise your own kids if you're working. You'd end up needing a babysitter/daycare anyway, so...


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