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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: At one time they were the best. I worked for them.. (Views: 49)

Has anyone allowed you to test and if so how did you do on the employment test? - sm

Posted: Oct 30th, 2015 - 4:07 pm In Reply to: CCS no experience jobs? - wondering

If you test well, you should find work. There are lots of jobs right now for someone with a CCS who can pass employment tests. Were you connected with any school at all, or entirely self-study? If you had a connection with a school, they can help. Employers usually favor graduates of certain schools because they know the quality of the work their graduates can do, whether good or bad. If they've had graduates from a certain school before, they know whether they want more of them or never want to see another one. Your school's track record will help you get your first job if you had the kind of training employers are looking to see in a graduate. For example, I hire coders occasionally and I've already been burned by graduates of a couple of schools. I bypass those. I always am happy with graduates of my favorite school, so I go there with my job announcements first. Hope that helps.


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