Is stage capitalized or not as a general rule? What about as it pertains to renal? And do we now use arabic or roman numerals? - perplexed! Thanks for your help!! ...
I am a transcriptionist thinking about learning Billing/Coding. Looking into online programs. UMA has approached me and I was wondering if anyone has learned from them or has any input about them? I have not found out how much they charge for the program, but I'm betting it isn't cheap. Still leaning towards Andrews, but this UMA looks pretty good too. Any information would be greatly appreciated! ...
This is my end. I have received back to back ESL horrible doctors that slowing down only obliterate more. They absolutely know NOTHING in how to pronounce the simplest drug names, and have butchered it beyond control. All from the same hospital from the south. Now oncology notes and are whizzing past the difficult chemo meds so fast it is virtually impossible for ANYONE even Indians to decipher this garbage. This on top of a major error MQ has made concerning ...
Today the doctor was listing the Impressions. When he came to about the third one, he suddenly gave a loud sneeze - "A-choo!" - and VR printed, "Possible passed stone." There was no similarity of sound at all. But it gave me a chuckle. Yesterday, a dictator said clearly, "This is a history and physical," and VR put "This is a discharge summary." At least we're needed for something. ...
Does anyone know how to create a keyboard stroke to "go to" a * in Word 2007? For example: Physical Exam: Respirations *, Weight *, etc. When you have a template or macro for the PE and you need to just go to the * and fill in............
Thanks so much!
Nana ...
This one is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't stare at it any longer. The patient is described as having "stroke-like symptoms with s/l 'cooping' of the left side of her face and eyes and slurred speech." ...
I'm transcribing a report and it s/l sicklean/sickleanian stroke. The patient has hemoglobin SC disease with possible OSA so I was thinking maybe he is saying sickle anemia stroke but it doesn't quite match what I am hearing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! ...
Deposition of a neurologist on a stroke case. Here's the Question and Answer:
Q. But you're looking for symptoms, you're looking for condition of other vessels to see if you can find out where this is coming from, correct?
A. Well, I think that if you get an MRI scan and you see the basilar and proximal vertebral arteries, you're happy in your own mind that there is no disease in those vessels. And that's where most of the sub ...
Patient was admitted for s/l "playing of her words" and left-sided weakness...
I'm not familiar with the term, but fairly certain that's what he saying - help! ...
and doc clearly says he suffers from PCOS. Is this an abbreviation for something other than polycystic ovary syndrome that I don't know about??? Thanks so much if you can help me here! ...
The other day the doc dictated "stage IV, baseline 3.5". Since BOS states to use roman numerals with stages, how would you transcribe the 3.5? The above is exactly what I transcribed but don't know if it is correct. ...
QA corrected my kidney disease stage 3, to III. on a more recent report, they corrected my stage III to 3. what the heck? i have on my notes that grade is 1,2,3, and stage I, II, III. anyone in the know? what is up with QA?????
wish they would get it together and at least try to be consistent. ...