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s/l p-line type fracture - but issue is finger, not ankle - orthohelp

Posted: Dec 01, 2012

Doctor sounds like he is saying pilon fracture, but the patient has a finger issue, not an ankle fracture.

Context - "Three views of the right hand reveal a healing s/l p-line type fracture with an intra-articular portion with narrowed joint space.

I thought about pilon fracture, but again this doesn't involve the ankle, so I don't believe that's it.


pilon fracture of PIP joint (see link) - Oasis

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Wow! Did not know that. Thank you so much - for the link!

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Learn something new every day in this field. I love it. Thank you so much!

pilon versus p-line - ldhkah

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I just had the same thing happen to me, and it's in the finger, not the ankle. Googled it and came up empty handed.

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