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s/l kaleratto foot braces - hb
Posted: Jan 02, 2011
This is in a podiatry report. The patient just complains of pain in bilateral feet. The doc says, "The patient has been wearing his s/l Cala + ratto braces.
maybe Colorado brace - Raine59
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Not 100% certain but I think I've heard of this.
That is what i was thinking of very first - hb
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That is what it sounded like very first, but i couldn't find anything online to be 100% certain.
Colorado braces, sometimes called Arizona braces - orthogirl
I can hear some type of tracker brace but cannot understand clearly what is being said before that. Have googled tracker braces but wondered if someone had a good site that they use often.
TIA ...
I am taking a test for a company and have gotten as far as taking the transcription portion. I downloaded their file (pedalplugin-win) but whenever I lift my foot off play, the tape rewinds to beginning. I cannot rewind or FF and autoplay to 0 isn't registering.
Can anyone suggest what I could do to?
Thanks!!!! I have 4 hours to complete test. ...
Operation of debridement for necrotic tissue. "The patient's s/l bocastera/bocasterile foot dressing was applied." I'm bad on brand names (if this is one). Any operative expert MTs know what this might be? Thanks. ...
Just wondered if anyone here had ever heard of a foot pedal that could be activated some other way than by pressing with your foot. I have a handicapped friend who was hoping there was one that could be activated any other way.
Thanks ...
Is there a difference between a USB foot pedal and an Infinity foot pedal? I have a part-time job that lists equipment needed as an infinity foot pedal, I have an USB one that worked fine to take the test, if there is a difference then I need to order one fast.
Thanks. ...
This is a pt with OA/DDD/DJD and the dr is giving the results of the x-rays. "Right foot - s/l (accessory ossal cool with hypertrophic) changes. Left foot - OA." She runs the whole thing together so I'm not sure where the words separate and I have no idea what to look up. Does anyone have any ideas? ...
After 13 years of being an MT, I am beginning to see a way out. I've always had an interest in being a writer, and dabbled a little, but it's hard to make a living that way. But then again, so is transcription. I figure the world of writing and publishing can't possibly be any more stressful, and its a lot more fun (and I can listen to music while I do it ).
After a year of moonlighting, I just had a book of true short stories published (I was an editor and a co ...
Hello. I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on the best footpedal to buy. I am just getting back into transcription after being away from it for several years and I am not very technologically bright :-) I don't have any clients yet but I would like to have a wave pedal or foot pedal ready for whenever I do find a client. What would be the kind that would be the most versatile and go with most platforms/systems? I have Windows Vista. Any advice ...
Does anyone else have issues with the DVI-INF foot pedals using the USB adapter? I can push the pedal and nothing happens. The file will not play. It often will to the 1 second step-back, but does not play after that. So, I'm here pressing the pedal 4-5 times getting it stepped back 4-5 seconds before it'll finally play. It's driving me crazy! I'd like to know if this is a common problem with this pedal/system or if it's just me having ...
I'm over testing for the Q on their test site and thought I had installed my foot pedal but it's not working.
Does anyone know how to use your foot pedal on the test rather than that silly F1 function key to start and stop the audio? I'm afraid I'll be here all night getting 5-6 words at a time with the "hand" method as opposed to the "foot" method, LOL!
Any suggestions greatly appreciated...Grazi! ...
I've got a USB-2 foot pedal here, brand new from Martel Direct, as part of an all-in-1 kit. Some job listings specify a USB-1 foot pedal; others just say USB foot pedal.
Is there a huge difference between the 1 and the 2 versions? ...
I was just wondering, reading the job ads, if it would be considered offensive to the experienced MT for ads for employment to state:
No senior or experienced MT's over 5 years need apply!
Ok, sure it is hypothetically a stupid question but, even though no experienced MT will answer it honestly, still makes a point.
No matter what, if every job you looked at AUTOMATICALLY knocked you out of the water because the company preferred newer, younger, fresher, more trainable, less set in their ...
A while back I saw a post on here where an MT was advertising a foot rest that her husband was making that enabled transcriptionists to elevate their legs while still using the foot pedal. I believe it was taken down before I got the info. Does anybody know where I can get in touch with her? Thanks. ...
I had to get a 9-pin foot pedal for a new job. I configured it but now my USB foot pedal will not work on Express Scribe. How do I get both of them to work?
Thanks, ...
I am switching computers and cannot get my foot pedal to work. I believe I need to download a driver, but am not exactly sure which one I need. It is a serial to USB connection if that makes any difference. Cannot find any model number, etc, on my pedal. I work with the I Know Med system. Can anyone out there help this frustrated MT??? ...
May have to switch jobs soon and get some more equipment (bugger). What is the difference between a WAV pedal and something like Infinity? Are they interchangeable, one better than the other, etc? Is there anything universal (I'm thinking probably not).
Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...
Hi guys: I have an Infinity (IN-USB-1) foot pedal. I was searching for a job for a company that ad says ( DVI Voice Wave foot pedal – must say IN-USB-DVI). Would the IN-USB-1 that I have work or would I need an adapter/new foot pedal)? Thanks in advance. ...
I have been working as an MT for only 2 months and I noticed I have a lot of heel pain and have to switch feet with the foot pedal sometimes. I also noticed that I get some pain in the back of my thighs and my calves. Just today I have started experiencing some tingling in my big toe of my right foot. Also, some numbness up to my ankle but not as noticable. Has anyone else experienced this? ...
I have landed a part time job (going full time soon) at a Pain Clinic - doing transcription - starting pay $17. My 35 years experience with radiology helped me get this position. So much better than the measly 11 I get from here. This clinic had outsourced and the reports were horrible so they have hired back for inhouse. There are just 2 of us. I can get my self esteem back that this place has sucked out of me. There is hope.... ...
My particular little swallowed-up branch of Nuance is provided replacement foot pedals, specificially Infinity USB ones. I see some new employees need to have their own foot pedals. Amazing to me that Nuance provides anything, considering what they've taken away from us, but as per usual it comes with a catch.
My problem is usually these things last me at least a year or so, lately they have been breaking within months, and every single time I need to contact tech and go through this ridic ...
Hello - I have a question - im trying to pick out an MT school and I have just talked to one of them that said they do not offer a footpedal because they believe the footpedal will be obsolete in a few years. Now I have never ever heard of this before but thought I would check with you all to see if anyone has ever heard this and what software programs actually allow you to work without a footpedal. TIA ...
This is a surgery for a Lisfranc injury of the foot. The doc says, "The EPB muscle belly was reflected laterally." Doesn't EPB stand for extensor pollicis brevis, and isn't that in the hand?? Is there another expansion of EPB that could pertain to the foot? ...
I am starting my new job as an IC today, and the foot pedal given to me today has a phone line connection. I have a new Dell and no phone line connection possible on my PC. I do have a USB foot pedal. I am still installing software necessary for the program, so I have not been able to give it a test spin. Will my USB foot pedal work, or will I have to wait a week for the adapter to come in? ...
does most testing not work with your foot pedal? I have only taken 2 tests in the last 2 months that my foot pedal worked. All the rest, I had to struggle with F1 and such. It really slowed me down and I am sure affected my testing. Any help or advice out there? I did download the pedable program and checked to make sure my pedal was in working order.
Puzzled.... ...
I was curious whether anyone on this board has had experience doing transcription without a foot pedal and using their mouse to control the transcription player. I recently tested at Wedmedx for QA and Rad jobs and they wouldn't let me use a foot pedal, I also couldn't slow it down. I missed passing the QA test by 2 points and the rad test by 6 points. A couple of the docs were ESL and the sound quality was not that great. I have years and years of transcription experience bu ...
I have looked everywhere and am stumped. Anyone ever heard of Shogarts joint? The sentence is -
His foot is nontender through Shogart's joint.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Ty ...
I'm new to MT and am just looking to find any advice on which foot pedal you think is the best to buy and 1 or 2 reasons why you like it better over any other brands.I'm guessing not all foot pedals are compatible with all transcription software?I really have no clue on this stuff, just starting out.
Any info would be great, thanks all. ...