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Foot rest - MTMT

Posted: Jun 10, 2011

A while back I saw a post on here where an MT was advertising a foot rest that her husband was making that enabled transcriptionists to elevate their legs while still using the foot pedal.  I believe it was taken down before I got the info.  Does anybody know where I can get in touch with her?  Thanks.

Search the archives for her post and email her. - nm

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That's really helpful. not. - anon

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Foot rest - MTMT

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I already tried a search of the archives and Google and got nothing, but thanks for the suggestion.

useless - anon

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Archive searches are normally useless. I usually don't bother anymore because it's more trouble than it's worth.

I believe OP initially said it was removed. NM - usually anon but not today -- anonmt123

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This might be what you're looking for. - sweetgirlsmom

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I typed this in my browser - foot rest mtstars

Classifieds Board - June 23, 2010 Rest for foot pedal? - Old MT. She asked if anyone had plans for one that her husband could make.

This was the only answer.
Safco 5" High Economy Footrest - RLee. She loves it.

I looked at it online and there is also an 8". There are pictures of both. This might be helpful for some MTs.

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