An incision was made through the anterior-inferior quadrant, fluid aspirated from behind the tympanic membrane, and a _____ -type collar button tube was placed with Floxin drops pushed through the tube.
It sounds like "maurette-type collar button tube" or Morette or something like that. Has anyone heard of this??? Maybe he is saying some kind of shape or function and not an actual brand name. I am not able to come up with anything on searches. It definitely is not gromme ...
I'm thinking tidled (as in tides in an ocean, which kind of makes sense, but I can find neither to verify which is correct. The sentence is:
Once the tube was in and hooked up to water seal suction, it delivered a lot of air for a few minutes and then it _____ nicely. ...
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: _____ (Casting?) of the chest was done with _____ (Vegas?) protocol. Planning of the bronchoscopy was done with computerized software. That same planning was used to navigate the bronchoscope.
Afterwards _____ (DAL?) was done of the area. There were no complications from the procedure.
Thanks for any help. This is brand new dictator with a bit of an accent.
What type of report is this? Doctor doesn't dictate cleary what it is.
(Type of report? MRI SPINE??)
CLINICAL BRIEF: Low back pain, status post surgery ___. The lumbar vertebrae are normal in number and configuration. No recent bony injury is identified. Hypertrophic degenerative changes are noted throughout the entire lumbar spine. There is minimal disc space narrowing at L3-L4 and moderate disc space narrowing at L4-L5 and L5-S1. There is calcification in the wall of the di ...
I have always typed my initials with the doctor then me as ABC/def. That is the way I was taught when I got my MA degree and have always seen it as that until I started working for this office. They type it ABC:def or ABC;def. Nothing is consistent and seems like everyone does whatever they feel like. Also, when typing a note for a PA and CRNP I always put their initials and then the initials of the doctor and then mine such as ABC/DEF/ghi and I have not seen one report t ...
I'm doing an operative report for plaque insertion for ciliochoroidal melanoma. I can't find the type of plaque the dr. is referring to. It sounds like a domi or a dormi plaque? See below. thanks!
...shadow of the ciliochorodial melanoma was identified and marked with Methylene blue pen. A _____________plaque was inserted to ensure complete coverage of the marked area
Report being dictated by nurse with heavy Southern accent. "Prior to permanent pacemaker insertion patient was given a s/l hepaquin shower." I found EpiQuin but can't find it used specifically with a heart catheterization. Is EpiQuin right? ...
If a dictator says "dash" do you put a dash? For example, Worsening cough—as per HPI. Is this the correct format or should I be replacing the dash with something else? Verbatim account. Thanks for your help. ...
transcribing a colonoscopy. He says this right after he lists the instrument name, and it sounds like "accepted insertion cecum".
Thank you for any help! ...
that is less than 30 lines; dictator who repeats every sentence with 1 subtle change; DEAD AIR, etc. It is stressful enough that I'm losing money today but to be stressed out about line count and being perfect...I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!! ...
She was admitted for complaints of nausea and ("DTs") to gastrostomy tube (G-tube) intake for 5 days.
What does dt's (deetees) stand for? could they be saying something else?
PT Hx doesn't say anything about alcohol abuse.