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Trouble with a Japanese accent. - kris04

Posted: Dec 30, 2010

I am transcribing for a Japanese doctor and there are a few words I for the life of me cannot understand.

#1: 1.  Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related complex with moderately severe neuropathy.   2.  Pancytopenia secondary to #1.   3.  Status-post left hemispheric CVA with _____ mild right hemiparesis.

Sounds like dee-sald-in and I figured the "in" is "and". I tried to think of words that meant "not as much" since mild was also used in the sentence.

#2: The patient has a Vas-Cath placed for subsequent plasmapheresis. The patient developed significant hypertension with markedly elevated ______ parameters associated with progressive weakness.

sounds like "quoting"

Perchance these will work - Oracle

[ In Reply To ..]
1) CVA with descending mild right hemiparesis.

2) hypertension with markedly elevated clotting parameters

Thank you! - kris04

[ In Reply To ..]
2) is right on thanks so much! 1) sounds like it could work as well I'll listen some more.

Other possibilities - Just passing through

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If you really think the ending of the first one is “and” it could be any one of a number of things.  You may need to leave a blank.     


Below are common complications of CVAs.


Complications and sequelae of cerebrovascular accident from the Diseases Database include:

  • 10th cranial nerve disorder
    12th cranial nerve disorder
    Acute confusional state
    Cerebellar syndrome
    Cerebral edema
    Chronic brain failure
    Cranial nerve disorder
    Creatinine kinase levels raised (plasma or serum)
    Hypertension, systemic
    Incontinence, urine
    Involuntary muscular movements
    Muscle weakness
    Pseudobulbar palsy
    Spastic ataxia
    Upper motor neuron lesion
    Visual impairment

can you hear dysphasia? - see message

[ In Reply To ..]
...CVA with dysphsia with mild right hemiparesis.

I agree with clotting parameters.

definitely not dysphasia - kris04

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it sounds like "...CVA wis de-zal-din mild right..." almost like discertain or something.

Got it : ) - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
...with resultant mild right hemiparesis...
that fits - kris04
[ In Reply To ..]
That just might be it!

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