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I am transcribing for a Japanese doctor and there are a few words I for the life of me cannot understand.
#1: 1. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related complex with moderately severe neuropathy. 2. Pancytopenia secondary to #1. 3. Status-post left hemispheric CVA with _____ mild right hemiparesis.
Sounds like dee-sald-in and I figured the "in" is "and". I tried to think of words that meant "not as much" since mild was also used in the sentence.
#2: The patient has a Vas-Cath placed for subsequent plasmapheresis. The patient developed significant hypertension with markedly elevated ______ parameters associated with progressive weakness.
sounds like "quoting"
If you really think the ending of the first one is “and” it could be any one of a number of things. You may need to leave a blank.
Below are common complications of CVAs.
Complications and sequelae of cerebrovascular accident from the Diseases Database include: