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Tip on using para- versus peri- i.e. parapelvic or peripelvic - tadams

Posted: Mar 07, 2012

Looking for tips on using peri- versus para-  Doctor sounds like he's saying parapelvic but could also be peripelvic.  Any advice?

peri and para from BOS 3rd ed - anon

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This doesn't help that specific question, but the following is from BOS:

Speakers of American English don't always clearly distinguish the prefix para- (next to) from peri- (around) partly because they often don't know or observe the differences in meaning. An originator may unconsciously or even consciously slur the pronounciation to cover his or her own uncertainty, perhaps hoping that the medical transcriptionist will resolve the ambuiguity and transcribe the word correctly.

Word pairs such as perifollicular and parafollicular, many of which occur in the medical language, are practically homonyms and the context of the dictation often gives no help in deciding between them. Pararenal fat is anatomically distinct from perirenal fat, yet either or both may be mentioned in the operative report of a nephrectomy. Some other word pairs (paraumbilical and periumbilical) are practically synonyms.

The transcriptionist who has a thorough grasp of medical terminology should have no trouble with terms such as parasite, parathyroid, peristalsis, and peritoneum. Other phrases such as perihilar infiltrate, periorbital ecchymosis, paracolic gutter, and paranasal sinuses occur so often that we have become familiar with them.

The semantic difference between para- and peri- is not clearly marked or consistently observed. However, there are certain patterns that can help decide which prefix is correct. Abstract nouns denoting diseases or conditions, particularly those ending in -ia or -osis are more likely to begin with para- (paraplegia, parakeratosis). Terms for chemical substances begin with para- , (parachlorophenol, parathion). Nouns denoting anatomic structures, particularly those ending in -eum or -ium usually begin with peri- (pericardium, peritoneum). (Exception parametrium.)

Adjectives denoting anatomic planes or lines and those referring to incisions generally begin with para- (parasagittal, paramedian). In official anatomic terminology, adjectives referring to lymph nodes begin with para- rather than peri- (parasternal, paratracheal). (Exception: pericardial lymph nodes where the adjective means draining the pericardium rather than around the heart.)

The difference in meaning between para-articular calcifications and periarticular calcifications or between para-appendiceal abscess and periappendiceal abscess is so slight that most originators would be hard-pressed to say which adjective fits better or to find fault with the transcriptionist's choice.

BOS, Page 304-305, 2nd Edition.

para, peri - sm

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There are no tips. The best solution is to know the meaning of the prefixes and the meaning of the anatomic or medical term you are using.

Anatomically, para- means alongside of, near, by. Peri- means around, surrounding.

We would need the context to help you figure out your word. Here is a brief discussion on para-/peripelvic:

(i) parapelvic cysts: originating in the renal parenchyma extending into, and primarily expanding within, the renal sinus, and

(ii) peripelvic cysts: originating in sinus structures which presumably represent mostly lymphatic collections.


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