A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

My dilemma w/ this board - CatLady

Posted: Feb 19, 2012

I've done this job for 12-plus yrs now, and I definitely agree w/ those who say we should have the grammar, spelling, research skills, etc., before we're even hired.  That said, occasionally I have a brain freeze when I have a PA or some such who can't pronounce a drug and refuses to give me a hint how to spell it.  I still refuse to tear someone down on here who has the stones to ask a question.  If the terminology is beginner-type stuff and it makes me suspect it is a test/school question, then I simply keep my mouth shut.  I don't get why so many on here have to be bullies.  If you think it's a test question, then just don't reply.  Pretty darned simple.  Love, peace, and save the whales.

Could not agree more - sm

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the old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" can go a long way to save undue drama - rule demeaning remarks are just sparks for drama!

Amen, sister - sunshine

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Thank you someone jumped down someones throat the other day totally uncalled for. - jh

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Sometimes you get such a bad dictator you could forget your own name out of frustration

Totes agree - sigher

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Doesn't anyone remember when they were first starting out?? One of my earliest dictations had what sounded like "Ontce with breast cancer." What the heck was an "ontce"???? I worked inhouse and my coworker laughingly told me it was "Aunts", the doc just said it old fashionedly with an emphasis on the U instead of 'ants'.

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