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Dilemma - sick and tired

Posted: Aug 02, 2010

After my worst day ever Friday and making next to nothing for the day, I had contemplated all weekend giving my notice this morning.  I have crunched numbers, talked with the husband and child, cried, and prayed.   My first two jobs this morning were for a dictator I could not even understand his name, doing cardio, in letter form to God-knows-who.  I (think) I sent the first one to QA.  The second one I am pretty sure I put all the troubles in the QA marker and then forgot to check the box. 

But still I am vacillating about giving the notice -- is MQ putting subliminal messages in the dictation to keep us from leaving?  What in the world will it take to make me finally say "Uncle?"

I am with you, sick and tired - cant say uncle

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first report from unfamiliar account, horrible, absolutley the worst Indian dictator imaginable, left 10 blanks, forgot to check box and poof, it was gone.

Next hour at work, have been in 2 other accounts that I rarely have typed for, and sent a report through with stuff typed different than what the client profile says... yes my fault, I did not keep jumping back and forth from typing to CP and missed some things, which I am precisely sure will be a report in my audit... of course.

I have no clue why there is a gazillion e-mails for this account, and the CP is half a page long, but every doctor wants something different and I do not get paid hourly to sit and sift through the gazillion e-mails searching for a specific doctor and what he/she wants.

Why can't I say uncle either? Only the good Lord knows.

I guess we are just not quitters? - sick and tired

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Or we are cowards? Now I wonder how many prisoners of war could have escaped and were afraid that what was out there was worse than what they were already in and STAYED IN.

How ironic - mom2huskies

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I know how you feel. The other day I got a quality alert e-mail because I made a mistake. However, this e-mail I received had 2 or 3 errors in just one sentence. How ironic is that?

My CCM couldn't compose a coherent sentence - (when I used to hear

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from her). Hard to respect someone in this business with poor grammar and punctuation. If these are our "leaders," heaven help us.

Same dilemma. Like your posts. - Petunia

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I have never been a quitter. Do not run away even when the going gets bad. Always start something and finish it to the end. Then I get abused and stepped on, treated like crap. THAT IS MY PROBLEM!

Hey, maybe I should use this during an interview question, "Name something positive/negative about yourself." Hahaha.

Anyway, I am tired this morning. I have a couple of jobs, but I bet in about half an hour I will be out of work. It is a ritual on a daily basis lately.

Like your posts and you will be sadly missed. MQ does not deserve you. You can do better whether it is parking cars, cleaning homes, or doing lawnwork. How about a plant shop? Or taking care of the elderly. Some need help going shopping like getting B-day gifts or groceries. Shoot, some even need to go see a movie. Could start your own business?

Wish you very well. I honestly do not know why I am still here working for this stupid company. What ticks me off more than anything? I have been here for 22 years, SAME STUPID COMPANY, and I get 3-5 days of paid vacation A YEAR?! Now because of NO JOBS AVAILABLE, I HAVE NOTHING! NO VACATION. Shoot, I cannot even afford a vacation, but would like time off to maybe go to a wedding or a funeral in the future and I CANNOT EVEN DO THAT?!

Best-sounding job so far has been - sick and tired

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a "personal assistant." Some office work and some running of errands. Don't have a clue what it pays, but I think getting OUT OF MY HOUSE and picking up dry cleaning or taking somebody's dog to the vet and getting paid hourly sounds better than this. :)

I find that sad - mom2huskies

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I worked for one company for over 20 years, and after 10 years I was getting 4 weeks paid vacation each years. Those were the days.

I cannot believe that they do not give time off for a funeral. I always thought that by law they had to give 3 days off paid leave. I know when I worked for Spheris that they gave me 3 days bereavement leave when my husband passed away, plus I was able to take extra time under FMLA to be with him while he was in the hospital. I will say that even though Spheris had their problems, and I did not always agree with everything they did that my supe was very accomodating and they did really work with me during that difficult time. So there were some good things about Spheris. However,I cannot say that the same is true about Medquist.

What is wrong with this company?

oh they do give bereavement pay just not to me - still fuming

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It is MQ policy to give 3 days bereavement pay, but apparently I asked during a PTO blackout period around a holiday and didn't get it.

What is wrong - Spherite

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What is wrong? The company is owned by India, that's what. It's not just sending some of the work global. They OWN us now.

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