I have recently type several reports for a doctor who uses "nare" as the singular form of nares. I only find "naris" in my research, no "nare". What is the correct singular form?
mscallan ...
Surgical reprot:
I did not place a drain as I felt it best not to have an area for blood to evacuate so that it would hopefully clot and "s/l tam-pi-nod", which is a well-known principle.
Not well known to me. Any suggestions? ...
Could not stop patient's bleeding. Patient on Coumadin. Dr. dictates "Patient given Vitamin K and s/l FSP or SSP to reverse INR. Dr. mumbles this line. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. ...
Got offer to "test" with 3 companies lately from jobs posted on this site. Transcribed 5 fairly long reports each time. One answered that I did a "great job," but job has been placed "on hold" until a later time...that was 2-3 months ago. Listing was company, "CH." They had another post lately, last week I think, different field/area of practice though, from the ones I typed. Wasted about 1 1/2 hours, including multiple choice, foot pedal didn't work so did reports by hand.
Second time, ...
My TSM is fired up today cuz lots and lots of no shows for shifts and nearly every account is out of TAT. Why does this surprise her with the news that we received last week? It was hard enough, and then they make it even harder to make a near poverty living. ...
Same patient as below who needed the sternal rubbing. He has massive GI bleeding and in the ER the doc says: "Protonix and s/l senospirin drip will be initiated." Any ideas what "s/l senospirin" could be? Could also be "fenospirin" or maybe "sporin" instead of "spirin"on the end. Lord lord lord. What *IS* this?? ...
Doing a report for a counseling and recovery center. Dr. says....
AIIMS exam showed mild involuntary movement of upper extremities and t____ assessment.
Is it AIMS exam or Ames exam. I am also unsure of the blank, it sounds like it starts with the letter T. Thank you Thank you in advance! ...
compression fracture and marked ?"Gibbles" deformity.
Patient is several years status post MVA with paraplegia, multiple surgeries, and complications.
Thank you so much for helping! ...
We've always known it, but now the medical research is bearing out the same truth: MTs are more accurate than speech recognition. I try to keep track of studies like this; they're good ammunition!
evidence of acute infarct or significant abnormal intracranial enhancement. There are a few scattered s/l *pho-ki* of T2 and flare hyperintense signal which are nonspecific. ...