He underwent an ultrasound that showed adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder, which is sometimes consistent with ______ cholecystitis. (Patient is going to have cholecystectomy and doc is describing the history before proceeding to operative part)
The blank is very smushed, almost sounds like non-onycho-cholecystitis, which makes no sense of course :) thanks! ...
The patient is being seen for a Merkle cell followup.
The doctor states, "She has s/l woody changes in the right axilla".
can't find this but has anybody heard of this?
thanks in advance
I'm typing a total hip arthroplasty and he is saying what sounds like a "woody retractor." Has anyone ever heard of this? It's pretty clear, but I can't find it anywhere. Thanks! ...
I seriously edited a report tonight that listed the following in the abdomen section of the physical examination: "woody sensation to the lower extreme of the patient's abdomen." Can someone please tell me what "woody" means ?? The doctor was palpitating the patient, it was not something the patient was describing. Also, he definitely is saying "woody." I even had my QA verify it, and she told me to leave it as is, becaue he is definitely saying it. She, ...
I have used acute-on-chronic for years, but more recently my VR prints out acute on chronic. Did I miss something? i.e. acute-on-chronic kidney disease. ...
S/s Chronic bysacalebrium from a spina bifida.
Not sure if it starts with a B. Sounds like it definitely ends with "brium". I'm having a heck of a time finding anything remotely like it or a list of things caused by spina bifida. ...
Here are some of my observances of chronic ASR errors, though sometimes it gets it right. Most are not a biggie, but one could get marked down on an audit.
1. BiPaP. Should be BiPAP.
2. Levothyroxine. ASR capitalizes the "L" for some reason. This med is a generic for the brand Levothyroid. Should be levothyroxine.
3. FIO2. Should be FiO2.
4. Hospice. In the English dictionary, this is simply hospice. If a specific organi ...
Tonsillectomy report and it says, "She also has chronic tonsillus production?" It s/l tonsillus or tonsillis?
Does anyone know what that word could be? Thanks. ...
SOAP report, under A.
Is it transcribed as "Acute on chronic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" or "Acute on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"? ...
Doc dictates "The patient has a history of chronic kidney disease (stage 4 to stage 5) ?!?! is that how it is transcribed per the BOS II ... I just moved and cannot locate my book for verification. ...
A 57-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease. In the Plan, dr (soft spoken with heavy accent) says "We will do a (s/l) P-urea or (s/l) Fe-urea.'' ?
Thanks very much for any help. ...
I just received my audit of five reports and in the diagnosis I put:
Acute and chronic low back pain.
I received a minor feedback and it was changed in the diagnosis to:
Acute on chronic low back pain.
Is this something new that I am not aware of? ...
Sounds like...Referral to a dermatologist for a chronic "DPSP" skin condition. Not sure if she is actually saying DPSP, but that's what it sounds like...TIA!!!! ...