A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Thoughts on VR- - sick and tired

Posted: Jul 06, 2014

of fixing report after report.  VR was sold with fradulant representation. The way this has continued is the MT is to "fix" these reports to the facilities specs and regardless of what comes over, the end report is to be correct.  Therefore, we are made to be our own worst enemy.  I have been saving reports before/after for quite some time and keeping stats on how many incorrect VR words I have to correct, how much formatting I have to do per the specs of the facility, to prove how much more work this is and VR is not as represented by the selling vendor.  I soon plan to search for a lawyer who may be willing to accept this case this fradulant representation at the MTs expense.  Will it work, I don't know, but I am so sick and tired of being taken advantage of and being a participant in this fraud that I am going to give it my best shot.  

VR - sm

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When my company turned on VR "privileges" (yeah, right), and the first lucky group of MTs was exposed to it, there came out the most idiotic email from QA which said, in effect, "Let's be sure we're all on the same page here... your final documents need to look normal, just as if you had straight-typed them... they can't look like they've been computer generated." Well of COURSE they want documents to look handcrafted. We keep fixing things, so no WONDER the docs don't suspect they're being VR'd. It's all the same to THEM either way. Are hospitals paying less for transcription services once VR is implemented? If not, where does all the profit go? Oh...you guessed it.

VR- - my point

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exactly. Just a ploy at our expense.

Plus, hospitals and transcriptionists were told - we should be able to edit

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twice as fast as we could type. Not this garbage that comes through!! Now we have supervisors saying we should be able to edit 600 lines an hour. Nuance sold them a flawed product, and instead of the facilities going after them, they just lean harder on the transcriptionists.

If you have a mix of straight typing and VR, you can easily calculate line production rate - and expose this massive fraud

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For example, say you have a report of 100 lines and it takes you 10 minutes to complete that report, your production rate is 10 lines a minute.

I carefully track all my stats and it is very, very clear that my production drops with VR.

And don't think for one minute that these cheating and lying suits don't track your production and very well know VR is crap. They force you to use it so that they can pay you less. It is a colossal farce and anyone who stands for it gives them implicit permission for them to screw you.

I am lucky in that at my hospital, VR is paid the same as straight typing. And NUANCE your VR product is a real joke. I outperform you every time without fail. You are selling hospitals a bag of crap. I hope one day it chokes you.

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