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Question regarding IT and Cerner/RDE radiology (black screen) - Holy cow

Posted: Jun 17, 2010

There are probably only a few people who have used this system.  Hopefully, they come onto this board and have used IT with Cerner/RDE (black screen).

When I maximize my RDE screen (black), the font is perfect.  However, when I attach my word expander (Instant Text) to it, the screen minimizes and the font goes from perfect to just barely visible. 

Anyone out there using Cerner RDE and IT together who can help me?

Thank you, comrades :)

Instant Text and Cerner - Marianne

[ In Reply To ..]
Instant Text works with the Cerner platforms like Cerner Millennium and Radnet.

The best would be to contact tech support at 781-272-3200 ext 2


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