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Newbie Acute Care/Instant Text/glossary creation question - Serious MT

Posted: May 21, 2010

Hi there -

Well, I've just begun on a great acute care account and I'm pretty excited about it.  Here is my newbie question concerning the use of Instant Text and creating glossaries...

Previously, when I had worked on a general clinic account, I had created glossaries for the 5 individual docs I worked with based on a few days' worth of each of their dictations.  It really helped pick up on their individual idiosyncracies in the way they dictated their patient visits.

Now that I'm working for a hospital though, I probably will be exposed to many, many more doctors.  The system I'm using is more of a pool where I log in and select a dictation to work on.  I wanted some advice on how some of you created glossaries for this type of account!  Any and all feedback would be MOST appreciated!!!!


Instant Text - Judy J

[ In Reply To ..]
You can use the IT glossary merge. I work for a hospital with many dictators and use one glossary for all of them. The best thing I found is to have your basic glossary with the most common phrases, save that (you probably are already using one that you tweaked)and then merge with other glossaries you saved and rename your new one.

It's pretty simple to do just following the instructions in IT. You can also check the Instant Text help board too for more info.

Thanks, Judy! - Serious MT

[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks, Judy! That does seem like the most logical way to handle it. I'm already using my "general" glossary for the doctors which is working fairly well. As soon as I have a good-sized bunch of completed dictations, I'll have to compile them and add them to my current glossary.

Newbie acute care - new as well

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I'm a newbie to acute care as well and got hired to work on a hospital account - I wonder if it's the same place since not too many companies hire new people into acute care. Congrats!!

New Acute Care Account - Serious MT

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If you want, send me an e-mail and we can discuss! Does the hospital name start with W?

new acute care - new as well

[ In Reply To ..]
Yes it does! I sent you an e-mail.

Managing IT glossaries - Marianne K

[ In Reply To ..]
There are many ways to manage IT glossaries. All depends in which environment you work.

For your new situation I would recommend to use the Medstart as your base glossary. Until you get around to compile a glossary from your own transcription you can include the Emergency.glo to your base glossary.

Once you compile a glossary from your own work for acute care, I would again include the newly compiled glossary in your base glossary.

In the Edit Includes window you can move up the compiled glossary in front of the Emergency.glo so the words and phrases of your compiled glossary will come up first.

The Includes feature allows you to easily manage your glossaries. If you have any questions you can always contact us at 781-272-3200 ext 2

Marianne Kleen
Textware Solutions

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