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Audio booster - sm

Posted: May 14, 2015

I'm pretty sure I have seen recommendations for an audio booster on the board, but cannot find it now. I need something to increase volume for those "whisperers." Ideas? Thanks.

Help for the whisperers - Old Pro

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I used to use something called a Boostaroo. It is a wonderful device.

Thanks!!!! I will be on the lookout for one this weekend. - nm

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You can download a demo trial of - Breakaway audio enhancer

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I prefer software to hardware and this works so well I actually bought it. Link below.

Breakaway audio enhancer by Claesson Edwards.

Thanks so much for the information!! - nm

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Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Micro II - sm

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My sound card takes care of it all now, but I used to find this device helpful before.  You can find it multiple places online, like New Egg, etc.  Besides the amplification, my favorite feature was the built-in equalizer, so I could lower certain channels when there was static or other audio issues.

The "worst" review at Walmart:  Wink

"Volume level can make you go deaf even on volume 1


Customer review by BlazingHawk23k

1.0 stars by BlazingHawk23k

Do not buy this sound card as even at volume level 1 watching a video at the videos built in sound bar of the default volume the volume level 1 of your sound from sound card will blow out your ear drums, so good luck enjoying this product by turning down volume level bars built into online games and streaming movies and tv shows like say Netflix. And if your lazy and do not turn them down before they start streaming then get ready to rip your headphones off your head as the sound even at volume 1 is mega loud, yes I aint lieing this is the worst product ever created and guess what it is the only produt so far that I have that is this dangerous to makem go deaf. I have owned many brans of laptops and desktops and sounds were all good but this card is the worst on planet earth hhah^^ true though, cause Idon't wan't a hearing aid and no one else does so no thank you sound card going to research and buy a different dude soon enough."



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