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verbal warnings...has anyone had this???? - need explaining

Posted: Feb 24, 2015

So I am curious if anyone else has experienced this or can explain this to me b/c I am not getting any answers...regarding verbal warnings. I recieved one not too long ago. Rightfully so. Had not met a certain criteria for months. It came in the form of a phone call with no mention of a PAP and the word was not ever used. I received a form to sign and signed it. It said I had to immediately show significant improvement or rectify it completely. My TSM said she'd call me in 2 weeks and by then I had to have this fixed. She called me a little over 2 weeks later. Said she only had 1 week of info since they are a week behind. Seven days after the phone call with the verbal warning I improved quite a bit and almost hit the mark. Fourteen days after the warning I had met it and went a bit above. I was told since they are a week behind she could not see the 2nd week where I met what they were asking and since I did not meet it they would be going ahead with the PAP, which was never mentioned on the verbal warning phone call or in what I signed. I kept asking and asking how this is possible since 14 days after the call I exceeded what they had asked for. I didn't get answers. Then finally was told they count the week prior to the call. The week I was obviously below, which is what prompted the call in the first place. I was finally told they count that as 1 week then the week later so that is the 2. I ask how this is fair or accurate and I do not get answers. I am going to take my calls further b/c I am not understanding and wondering if they do this with everyone? I was never told on the verbal warning call that I already had 1 week prior count against me. After hearing this it seems I only had 1 real week to get it up to par. I have not yet signed my PAP and am not comfortable doing so. It looks as if I have not done what they asked. I do not understand what a verbal is for then? The 3rd week after the call, which just ended a few days ago, I was even higher in what they asked and met ALL 3 criterias and was high on the grid for once. I was told it had to be consistent. Isn't that consistent? What are you given 2 weeks for if you truly are only given 1 and if that is not long enough to be consistent in their eyes?? I looked in the handbook and there is no specific explanation. How can you count a week prior to the phone call as part of their "improvement" weeks????? Am I missing something?!

verbal warning - yesnomaybe

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Sorry about all your troubles. This at-home business is nothing but a bunch of crap. If you can get out, you should; it's not worth the stress. You can do better doing something else. Too many mind games doing transcription any more ...

Not missing anything. sm - MUPpuppy.

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Sorry you are going through this. Their system is stupid. In my case, I was given the verbal warning mid week, afternoon, so 9 days to show improvement or go on PAP. I improved so was not put on PAP (yet). I don't understand why you were, as you met their criteria. I think your TSM messed up. Sorry, I do not know what to say about signing the PAP form. If you do, you admit guilt; don't and that *might* be grounds for termination. smh. Maybe sign it with a note under the signature line? Oh, I can't wait to get out of here!

I would start recording all my calls from - them, and keeping records.

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If I were in your moccasins, I would--sm - anon

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be printing copies of things, just in case. I would print the page from ADP showing where you were high on the grid. I would print the verbal warning that you signed. I would also print documentation of the quality from week to week and keep this all organized in a folder. First, it will help to have your thoughts organized when talking with your TSM but it is also back-up for you should everything end in termination.

A heads up for anybody else, a verbal warning is the beginning of the process that can lead to termination. If you get a verbal warning, the best thing to do is get everything up to snuff before a performance action plan. I have had a verbal warning, my followup call was cancelled due to good enough improvement but I am a bit worried. I had good QA 2 weeks in a row, and this week it is in the 98% range.

This place just - makes me sick

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What Nuance does to us day in and day out is just utterly disgusting. Every single report I send I worry is this the report that is going to be picked apart by QA and drop me down in percentage and lower my pay. I am tired of feeling like this. I feel bullied and harassed. My self-esteem is in the toilet. I am hoping to hear from a job I applied at. I passed their test online (non-MT, non-medical position) and it sounds like I will be brought in for an interview. This hole has made me paranoid, crabby, sleep-deprived, poor...the list goes on. I have been in the industry for 20 years and I want out, now. I would like a job where I can actually have paid holidays off and not have to use my PTO if it falls on my day to work (that is if I even get them approved). No more babysitting my computer for 16 hours a day. I can work my 8-9 hour shift and be done! Not to mention actually get paid for checking work e-mails, etc. I want my sanity back and a NORMAL life again.

No they did it to me. - CINDY

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They did it to me, I brought it up on the PAP, I said you gave me the PAP first on (just for example) 02/01/15 and the first pap was on 02/02/15. I brought that up. I said I only had one day notice and the week was over. I won that battle, they actually added on another week. But they are sneaky, they know all these little quirks and do it on purpose. I really enjoyed having 2 grown women on the other end of the phone ready to fire me because of a date in the wrong place, that is what brought my score down. Really, you 2 are making this into a big deal when it had nothing to do with medical at all, it was a date in the wrong format. Its just unbelievable.

Back in the day the doctors were so happy just to get someone that could type they hired people on the spot, then if you had medical terminology and could type you were so appreciated and so special to them. Now we are just not respected or anything.

Your not missing something I actually put my own comment on my pap and so that will be part of the permanent record. Do the same. I'm just totally done with this bull. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I am not going to type anything that is going to bring my score down anymore.

Soon to be there - nn

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Just had 2 weeks in a row below 99. Bet my turn will be coming soon. Thanks for the heads up. I will be ready to have her verify the start dates of the plan. How the heck do they expect us to work well when we are on pins and needles all the time worrying about what they are going to gig us on next?

me too - so stressful

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I had done well at the beginning of the new pay plan, thought this was going to be great! Now it's amazing how many dumb errors I am making, and the stress is really taking its toll. I don't know whether to quit before getting fired or just wait to get fired. I never believed the things everyone was saying on here would happen to me, too. Naïve, I guess. Now I double check everything and think I am going OK, although really slow, and I still get dinged for stupid things! GRRRR!

Guess what, you were probably making the - same dumb errors before

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My guess is they were told to slack off with the errors for a couple of weeks so we would feel positive about this exciting new plan, get our hopes up that we might be actually able to get a decent income again, then just when they got you complacent and positive, BOOM! That's Nuance.

I think they have now been given orders to knock off everyone from making the higher tiers and they are actively searching for errors, mark my words.

NEVER blame yourself with Nuance. They are the masters of corporate psychological manipulation. They know we blame ourselves for everything so they pile on and try to make you think it's your fault. Not true.

They are playing the game of hoping to stop us from quitting yet never giving an inch to keep us, just trying to guilt us into thinking every pay cut is our fault so we "try harder." Nuance is really the epitomy of corporate evil.
Wish there was a like button for that - sm
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So totally agree!!!

In case it helps, I think my verbal warning--sm - anon

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was mainly due to production although quality came into play as well. Quality can be all over the place sometimes just depending on what report they pull. However, I think that being under the 100 CLPH and getting MUP was the main problem for me. Granted, if I did not have to change accounts every 6 months and last time having to learn a new platform, etc, perhaps I might have had better production.

Warnings - I read their ad and had to laugh

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"Make your career goals a reality." My career goals are never to be threatened, demoralized, used and abused, pushed into a corner, not to mention the lengths they go to put us in the poor house with their thievery. This company is scum.

no verbal warning, no email warning, no phone call - but....

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got a "give yourself a raise" email showing I needed improvement in a certain metric. How bogus!

In 40 years of working this is the first employer that denies you a raise, actually reduces your pay, then expects you to chase carrots on sticks to try to make more money.

I took it as a warning anyway, and when the real warnings begin I am off this merry-go-round to save what sanity I have left.

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