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Did you take a job here despite warnings not to? - SM

Posted: May 04, 2013


Did you take a job at Nuance despite warnings from people on this board not to?  Show of hands, please.

If you have been with Nuance for 3 months or more and took the job despite warnings not to and are content and even happy with your job, LIKE.  

If you have taken a job at Naunce and worked there for more than 3 months (despite warnings not to take the job) and are not happy with your job, DISLIKE. 

Could also add, if you were *bought out* and had no choice - in the matter, like & dislike here:

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If you were bought out and enjoy the results, "like" here. If bought out and not happy, "dislike" here.

(I never would have sought employment at Nuance voluntarily, knowing what I knew back when, even. R.I.P. Encompass. First bought-out "dislike" coming up.)

Interesting, about a 50:50 ratio of voluntary vs. involuntary Nuance employees answered so far. - That would have been my guess.

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21 voluntarily applied vs. 19 bought out at this point. I wonder if that's about the company ratio too, or just of those who participate on this board.

I wasn't bought but Im not really voluntary - MTgirl

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I stay because Im pregnant and need the benefits. That and when I look around the grass doesn't seem greener with only 2 years experience.

bought out - workhorse

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I also would never have chosen to work for Nuance. Just as I did not choose to work for MedQuist and even turned down an offer from them years before they became the Pac-Man and ate up the good companies, only to have YOG bought out. Yes, Encompass is deeply missed.

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